
Chapter 2256 Celestial Vision

Date: Unspecified

Time: Unspecified

Location: Lil Red Storm Planet, Unspecified

'Because... you are like me. Though different, you're very much like me. You're clearly not a celestial, but you possess celestial force of your own. You can even use something similar-no, stronger than the celestial vision. I don't understand why you haven't yet unlocked celestial voice.

I've been here, alone, for so long it feels like eternity. In that time, many beings have come, but none were like me. Meeting you, someone like me, for the first time-I was happy and wanted to get to know you. But I felt overwhelmed, and as I was wondering how to approach, you started making plans to leave. In my haste to stop you, I acted rashly.

Please forgive my actions. I mean you no harm. I just want to get to know you. So, please stop attacking me. It hurts a lot, the Core spirit explained, revealing why it didn't want Wyatt to leave.

Loneliness and a desperate desire for kinship-that was the obvious takeaway from its words. But what interested Wyatt were the subtleties hidden between the lines. It seemed the spirit had never met its creator, had come into contact with other celestial who rejected it because its messy origin, and, moreover, that many beings had made it past the celestial array formation's masking ability to reach this realm. These points were significant.

Knowing the spirit hadn't met its creator could explain why it did not know how to fully use the celestial array formation, as well as why it so desperately sought kinship. If it had met its creator, the spirit would likely have a stronger sense of purpose, a sense of self, and more experience than it currently possessed. It wouldn't be so mentally fragile. Celestial beings had rule sources to guide them, helping them learn and grow, but the core spirit seemed to lack this option and also with absence of it creator to act as its mentor to replace the absence of rule source, had stunted its growth and development.

The reason Wyatt found this information especially useful was that it solved one of his major concerns: that the creator of the celestial array formation might pursue him for trespassing and stealing from their property. Based on Wyatt's observations, he saw three possible reasons why the creator had never come to check on the formation:

i) The creator was no longer in the myriad realm. By the time the celestial array formation spirit was born, the creator might have entered the river of reincarnation or achieved transcendence. Given the entity's ability to craft such an array, Wyatt. didn't think transcendence was out of the question.

ii) The creator was unable to come. The entity could be preoccupied with other pursuits, practicing to achieve transcendence, dealing with enemies, or even trapped somewhere. Any of these situations or more were possible.

3) The creator had abandoned the Celestial array formation. They might have lost interest, forgotten its existence, or simply considered the array a failed project. Based on the core spirit's performance so far, Wyatt leaned toward the latter.

Regardless of why the entity hadn't met its creation after its birth, Wyatt felt relieved that he didn't need to rush, worrying that the creator might appear to avenge their creation.

Its desperate search for kinship might also stem from the fact that the celestial beings it had come into contact with had rejected it and considered it not one of them considering its ghoulish origin. Therefore, in this vast myriad realms, it considered itself alone. Understandably, it was overwhelmed by joy when it came across a being it believed to be similar to itself. It felt close to Wyatt and thought of him as a brethren. However, things spiralled out of its control, leading to current stand off.

Then there was the matter of other beings managing to reach the realm making past its stealth. One thing was certain: none of them were devil merchants, or Wyatt would have had the opportunity to claim the realm by the laws of the Devil Merchant Code. More importantly, the fact that many entities could travel through the myriad realms without assistance from the Devil Merchant Code became evident.

This reminded Wyatt of the dimension travelers organization Hendricks had once mentioned. Notably, these entities seemed to lack the strength or knowledge of figures like the Divant Devil or Elder Anesthesia Dragon. Had they been as powerful as them, they wouldn't have left such a treasure trove of a realm untouched. The likes of the Divant Devil or even Elder Anesthesia Dragon would have easily subdued the celestial core spirit, as they were powerful enough to not only sense the blood rule source but enter it and cause ruckus within it.

Apart from these observations, Wyatt was intrigued that the core spirit mistook his primordial soul pupils for a higher form of celestial vision and even pitied him for his supposed inability to use celestial voice.

He'd read about celestial vision in the Infinity Library while researching celestial beings, yet none of the information indicated a similarity between celestial vision and his soul pupils. He was curious as to why the core spirit had made such an assumption -were the books he read inaccurate or incomplete?

In any case, he found it amusing that the celestial core spirit pitied him for not being able to use celestial voice, considering him an 'incomplete' celestial similar to itself. Wyatt knew that once his synchronization rate reached a certain percentage, he too would gain celestial vision and celestial voice, allowing him to grow as a celestial.

To increase his synchronization rate and develop as a celestial, all he had to do was ingest more pixie dust. However, he'd feared that consuming too much pixie dust at once at his realm at that time might either overwhelm him with excessive energy causing him to explode or lead to a shaky foundation. So, he had postponed ingesting more pixie dust until he'd fully absorbed the progress he'd made so far as a celestial. Now that he'd made headway in his realm and had grown significantly stronger, Wyatt felt it might be time to make progress in his celestial journey as well.