
Chapter 2266 Super-Regeneration Debate

Date: 21 April 2321

Time: 22:16

Location: Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Blood Rock Dungeon Seal, Seed World

'Should I have used more pixie dust?" Wyatt muttered to himself, wondering if adding more pixie dust might have allowed Clown Mask to regrow her Tao Eye. He pondered this despite the obvious limitation of the physique: that it could only be wielded by one card apprentice at a time. Iis thoughts were held merit, after all, she was the original bearer of the physique, and currently, there were none with the Tao Eyes.

'Master, I don't think that's possible unless I kill Karl to take back what he stole from me, Clown Mask replied, overhearing Wyatt's thoughts.

"Why so? Karl doesn't have a Tao Eye physique, so why would you have to kill him to regrow yours?" Wyatt asked, feeling that if the answer were so simple, Karl would have already killed Clown Mask to gain the Tao Eye physique himself instead of keeping her around.

'I don't know. That was just the first thing that came to me when I heard you pondering out loud," Clown Mask admitted. She wasn't sure why she felt that way, but her gut instinct kept echoing that feeling, turning it into a scream urging her to kill Karl and reclaim what he had taken from her. After seeing the end of her alternate self in her final future vision, Clown Mask harbored a desire for vengeance against the Supreme Leader for ruining her life, but she had never considered retrieving the physique he had stolen from her-she hadn't thought it was possible.

'I see, Wyatt said, eyeing Clown Mask. His gaze was momentarily drawn to her toned skin and ample curves, Shaking his head, he ordered, "Put on your clothes.

Clown Mask nodded and moved out of Wyatt's sight, gathering her clothes from the ground, giving him a peek at her forbidden garden. The sight was tempting, but Wyatt's mind remained focused on her words about killing to regain what was stolen. Her comment had opened him to reconsider a possibility he had already considered. However, he was intrigued by this for reasons different from hers.

Wyatt had considered about the Clown Mask reclaiming the ninety percent of the Tao Eye that the Supreme Leader had taken from her. He did not how that would be possible but he thought about this because he was curious if the combination of her enhanced ten percent which was no equal to ninety percent and Karl's ninety percent would birth a stronger Tao Eye or perhaps even evolve it. Or, would the extra energy simply dissipate, returning to the realm?

In theory, Wyatt's idea wasn't without merit. It seemed plausible that the Tao Eye physique might evolve or grow stronger if Karl's share and Clown Mask's enhanced share were combined. But after hearing Clown Mask say she'd need to kill Karl to regain her physique, he began to wonder if the Tao Eye was a self-aware or programmed energy, like the baptism energy, meaning it would not evolve or grow stronger unless previously designed to do so.

The current dilemma was similar to a popular debate on regeneration back on earth. If someone with super-regeneration abilities were beheaded, would their head regrow a new body, or would the body grow a new head? Some confidently asserted that, since the head housed the brain and memories, it would regrow a new body. Others disagreed asking where would the head get the energy required to regrow an entire body. They argued that the body, being home to the heart-the energyhouse-would regrow a new head.

However, in the Card World, there was no such debate; they already knew the answer because, in this world, super-regeneration wasn't just a fantasy-it was a reality. The answer was neither. Super-regeneration would regrow either a new body or a new head or both according to its predetermined specifications. Examples of this included the monsters Hydra, Stone Troll, and Earth Dragon.

When beheaded, Hydra's super-regeneration allows its body to regrow its heads, while the Stone Troll's super-regeneration allows its head to regrow a new body. However, Earth Dragon's super-regeneration allows both its head and body to regrow a new body and head, thus multiplying into two. This shows that the super-regeneration function of different creatures was predetermined and specified in their soul pathways, or, in Earth's terms, their DNA.

Wyatt believed that the Tao Eye, as a pre-programmed energy, would likely not evolve or grow stronger when Karl's degraded version of the Tao Eye combined with Clown Mask's degraded version of the Tao Eye. Instead, he thought it would result in the birth of the original Tao Eye, while any excess energy would return to the realm. He also couldn't help but wonder if primordial energy and pixie dust might be able to override this programming. However, seeing that Clown Mask hadn't regrown a complete Tao Eye even after receiving help from primordial energy and pixie dust, he dismissed the thought.

'I'm getting nowhere. Maybe I should just ask an expert!" Wyatt decided, choosing to stop speculating and instead ask the only expert he knew who might answer such questions: the Blood Rule Stream Spirit of the Card World.

If he approached the Blood Rule Stream Spirit, he was confident he could get the answers he sought because, with an appropriate offering, it would reveal any secret of the Card World within its knowledge to him. Not to mention, it had already confessed to being the secret hand behind the scene responsible for the birth of the Tao Eye and Tao Tongue physiques in this era within the mother and daughter pair, Clown Mask and Cortney.

He even doubted if the spirit itself was behind Clown Mask's premonition to kill Karl and reclaim what he had taken from her. Perhaps the spirit was sending her a message: that killing Karl would allow her to regain her Tao Eye physique. It was just a speculation.

However, the real question was why was Clown Mask having such thoughts now, of all times? Was it because Clown Mask's share of the Tao Eye had been enhanced? Wyatt had too many questions and knew where he could find the answers, but he did not want to reach out to the Blood Rule Stream Spirit over this issue.