
Chapter 2295 Who Is Tricking Whom?

Date: Unspecified

Time: Unspecified

Location: Lil Red Storm Realm, Realm's Womb, Seed World, Warehouse Section

Listening to Park's proposal to Wyatt-getting Susan to date him in exchange for his hourglass relic-Corey redirected her rage from Wyatt to Park. However, before she could lash out, Park's fiery body transformed into a fireball and entered Corey's body, taking possession of it and trapping Corey within her own title demon core.

Meanwhile, Wyatt used his primordial soul pupils to peek into their shared title demon core. They had repeatedly warned him to respect their privacy, but desperate times called for desperate measures. He needed to know if Park required his help in tricking Corey.

"Corey, calm down. Just listen to what I have to say first," Park tried to reason with Corey before the latter broke free of her constraints. When it was about Susan, Corey could become a saga or wrath in a instant. She would be very generous to whoever was parsing Susan and she could not tolerate someone disrespecting Susan.

"Park, you better have a damn good reason for this. Otherwise, I will imprison you in the darkest corner of my title demon core for eternity, where you'll be haunted by the agonizing screams of the sinners," Corey threatened, struggling with all her might to break free of Park's constraints and regain control of her body.

"Yes, I do. Calm down so I can explain. Just know this: it's all a ruse to trick Wyatt into giving the hourglass relic to big sis Susan," Park said, planning to do Wyatt's job for him.

"What do you mean, a ruse?" Corey asked, intrigued by the idea of tricking Wyatt. For some reason, just the thought of pulling one over on him was exciting. She decided to listen to Park and then decide whether to punish or praise her. The joy tricking the smartest person she knew should be adductive, she thought.

"I mean, Wyatt thinks we're promising him that Susan will date him in exchange for the hourglass relic. But we only need to get her to agree to a single date. Once that's done, we get him to fork over the relic," Park explained, though she knew Wyatt only needed that one date. Everyone but Corey understood why Susan had rejected Wyatt; it wasn't because she didn't like him but because she lacked the confidence to date someone deemed as the Southern Hope by the entire Card World.

"Then what?" Corey asked, intrigued by Park's plan.

"Then?" Park paused dramatically before confidently asking, "Who are you?"

"Who are you?" Corey repeated, clearly confused by Park's cryptic remark.

"Exactly," Park nodded, pretending to see no confusion on Corey's face. She praised her, "You catch on quick. You've got a bright future as a demon merchant."

'I don't get it,' Corey wanted to cry out but knew admitting that would mean acknowledging she wasn't cut out to be a demon merchant. So, she reluctantly agreed, "Fine, let's do that. But if something goes wrong, remember-"

"Yes, yes, you'll lock me away in the darkest corner of your title demon core, where I'll be tormented by the wailing of sinners crying in agony," Park finished Corey's sentence dismissively. Clearly, she didn't take Corey's threats seriously or Corey herself, for that matter. She cared for her, but sometimes even the most loving mother finds her child exasperating.

"So, how do we get big sis to go on a single date with him when she doesn't want to?" Corey asked, after all Park was both the brains and the brawn of their duo.

"We can't tell her we're tricking Wyatt. She's too ethical and takes her job seriously. Even if Wyatt is scum of a boss, she'd rat us out to him immediately. We need another way to convince her to date Wyatt," Park pointed out, knowing that if Susan learned Wyatt was using a relic to manipulate Corey into promoting the date between them, it could worsen their already fragile relationship. Therefore, Park made sure Corey wouldn't reveal their plan to Susan.

"Yes, you're correct. Big sis is indeed very professional. She'd never consider deceiving her employer, nor would she allow others to do so. Even if her employer was a slimy scum like Wyatt. How dare he try to force our mother into dating him? That bastar-" Corey's rage reignited, but Park quickly interrupted, "Corey, don't lose focus. Our priority is making big sis stronger, and the hourglass relic in Wyatt's hands is the best way to do that. Not to mention, we'll get even once we trick him."

"You're right, Park. However, I'm not comfortable lying to Susan," Corey admitted. She felt that if she lied to Susan, regardless of her intentions, she'd be no better than the vile Corey who pushed their mother to suicide in her pastlife. Therefore, she had resolved to herself never to lie to Susan.

"Who said anything about lying to big sis? We'll brainstorm later and come up with something. For now, let's go make a deal with Wyatt before he gets suspicious and backs out," Park reassured Corey, explaining that there was no need to deceive Susan to get her to go out on a single date with Wyatt. First, they needed to strike a deal with Wyatt before he changed his mind.

"Alright, let's go out there and teach that asshole a lesson he will never forget. That will show him how to behave from now on," Corey agreed, excited by the prospect Park's plan. How could she not be? She'd not only secure a powerful relic for her big sis but also get to trick her scummy boss in the process. Two birds with one stone- she felt like the smartest person in the room for the first time in her life.

"Now, that's the spirit," Park cheered Corey on, making sure she didn't lose sight of their goal in her rage. After all, Corey was known for her short memory and even shorter temper.