More Questions, No Answers

Jonathan's POV

Today is the first day of the weekend, and it's shaping up to be legendary. Mom and Dad are off on some Justice League business, which means I've got the house, the snacks, and the TV all to myself.

"Today's gonna be awesome," I declare, ripping open a bag of chips and flopping onto the couch like I own the place. My agenda is airtight: eat, watch movies, nap, repeat. A perfect day—until I hear voices outside.

"We weren't expecting visitors… were we?" I mutter, stuffing chips into my mouth as I shuffle toward the door.

Before I can even peek through the peephole, the door bursts open, and in strut Damian and Kara, looking like they're on some kind of mission.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask, my dream day already crumbling. Then I notice the girl standing behind them.

"And who's she?" I add, gesturing at her with a chip in my hand.

Kara's POV

"This is Zara," I say, as if that clears up everything.

"Okay… so what's she doing here?" Jonathan asks, squinting at Zara like she might be an alien (which she is).

"Jonathan," I begin, preparing for the inevitable fallout, "she's… your second aunt."

Jonathan freezes, mid-chip. His jaw drops, and he looks between me, Damian, and Zara like we've just told him the sky is green.

"WHAT?!" he finally yells, the chip falling to the floor.

"Jeez, take it down a notch," Damian says, rubbing his ears.

"You—" Jonathan points at Damian, exasperated. "You live for this, don't you? My misery is your hobby."

Damian smirks in that infuriating way only he can pull off. "Maybe."

I glance at Zara, who's been so quiet I half-wonder if she's plotting her escape. "Zara?" I say gently, trying to snap her out of it.

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my other one:

Reincarnated into My Favorite Videogame.