Chapter 12

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.


Rebekah's POV

Lately, Kol has been acting strangely. There's an unusual glint and wonder in his eyes, and he's been receiving grimoires through Nik's connection. Even Nik seems a little less burdened, as though something has happened. No matter how much I pried, both of them kept their mouths shut. Kol, however, is my best friend aside from being my brother, so after much teasing and threats, he promised me he's preparing a gift. He said once he gives it to me, I will naturally understand what happened. Looking at his happy expression, I almost remembered his face while doing magic. Did that have something to do with it? I don't know what to think.

Mother called all of us to the lounge to discuss something, so I had to drag Kol along since he flat-out told me that our witchbitch of a mother can say whatever she wants to us he will hearing her when he considers it worth his time to listen to her voice.

I hugged him after that, and while he was still trying to figure out why I hugged him, I managed to get him to the lounge, handing him a rum bottle I'd spiked with blood. After taking a sip, he sighed at me, then drank half the bottle and muttered, "I'm not drunk enough to deal with this family."

Elijah's brows twitched.

I knew he wanted to reprimand Kol, but there didn't seem to be anyone else he was talking to except me and Nik. It's clear that it's hurting Elijah too, but when I asked Kol, he told me it was because he was done with the betrayals—how everyone acts like they care, then immediately turns on him.

Odin, give me strength. When did I become the peacemaker of this bloody family? I thought to myself as I complained.

Just then, our mother walked in with her usual haughty expression. Nik had a little bit of a pained look on his face, while Kol seemed to be wrestling with a mix of pain, anger, betrayal, and loathing. Despite the storm of emotions, he kept his calm. Something was going on, and I needed to keep an eye on it. Kol displays paranoia like all Mikaelsons should, but right now, he seemed to be at Nik's level while staring at Mother.

Then she started speaking.

"I'm told hosting balls is a tradition for families newly arrived in these parts, so we will be hosting a ball."

She looked at all of us, focusing as usual on Finn.

"Very well then, I'll start making the arrangements," said Nik, signaling Elijah.

Our mother signaled to Finn, and they both left the room.

"Kol, since you asked me to do your wardrobe shopping, we can also shop for the ball as well," I said.

Kol's face twisted with dread.

"Sweet Bekah, I trust your judgment when it comes to my clothes. I'm sure they'll be perfect."

"Won't you, my favorite brother, accompany me?" I teased.

He sighed dramatically. "Fine," he said, then shot smug looks toward Nik and Elijah.

We decided we'd go shopping in the afternoon in Richmond. I invited Caroline as well.

While we were shopping, we picked out various outfits for Kol for every day. Then, we selected a beautiful suit that only increased his handsomeness.

Later, Kol suggested Caroline shop for herself for everyday clothes as well, and he would pay for it.

When she tried to reject the offer, even I convinced her, telling her to pick out good ones since we weren't short of money.

We then selected dresses for the ball, but Kol had an amused look, as if he was holding back laughter. We returned to the house.

The next day, as I was having my morning coffee, I received a call from Caroline.

"Bex, can you come quickly?"

She sounded distressed, so I told her I'd be right there.

I flashed to her house, where the lovely sheriff was at the door. I told her about Caroline asking for help preparing for the ball. She seemed skeptical but believed me enough and invited me in, then left for her job.

Does this town really have such a crime rate? No wonder Damon got away with what he did to Caroline—she's even one of his close friends, according to the information we've gathered.

I called for Caroline, and she came down, pulling me into her room. As I was checking the room out, I noticed a beautiful diamond bracelet that I was sure I had seen before, somewhere in the 1700s, on the hands of a princess. She then directed me to a box, showing her nervous energy as she paced around the room.

Amused, I went to the box, reading the invitation on it:

"You are invited to the Mikaelson Ball. Please join us, cordially, the Mikaelsons."

On the back of the invitation was the real kicker: Save me a dance, Klaus.

It was written in Nik's handwriting. I opened the box and found a beautiful blue dress inside. I probably should've taken Nik shopping, but it's difficult—Nik shops after considering all the dresses that suit a person, then buys them immediately.

"So, what happened, Caroline?" I asked, keeping a straight face.

She narrowed her eyes, hands on her hips.

'Well, she does have fire.'

"Look, come to the ball. Have a dance with him. He's not that bad. If you looked at everything from his perspective, considering all that has happened in this town since his arrival, you wouldn't be so conflicted. But I won't force you to do anything, that's up to you, after setting aside all the hostility."

"Fine," she said, pouting.

"So, who have you invited?"

"Oh, I was thinking of Stefan, but then I found out about his recent escapades, how he helped the doppelgänger dagger me, and maybe he never really loved me in the 20s. He used our strength for his own protection while he was being a ripper. It's always been about Elena in Mystic Falls since i entered this town and it is exhausting. God, I don't know what drugs or charm doppelgangers have, it's like I'm back in my mortal days with Tatia all over again. Thank Loki for Kol."

She then got a call and answered it. It seemed the doppelgänger had awareness of her location, or maybe this was a coincidence.

She left for Elena, and I also left her house, thinking about who to invite as I roamed these forests—I hadn't been able to do so in a while.

I stop by the Mystic Grill for a distraction and overhear Caroline and Elena talking at a booth.

"Well, I think a Salvatore would look a lot better in a tux. And by that, I mean Stefan."

"Ugh, I can't deal with either of the Salvatores right now. Whatever Stefan is feeling, he's channeling it all against Klaus. And Damon... it's just not a good idea."

"Why? Because you two made out? Bonnie spilled the beans."

"I was going to tell you. Just, after everything happened with your dad..."

"Elena, when you and Matt kissed freshman year, you called me the second it happened. Now I hear about this from someone else? And Damon, of all people?"

Caroline's expression turns heartbreakingly vulnerable, but Elena seems oblivious.

"I'm sorry. I don't even know how I feel about it yet," Elena says.

I can't help myself. Smirking, I step forward.

"Careful, Caroline," I say. "It's all well and good until she stabs you in the back."

Elena glares at me. "What are you doing here? Your mom's rules—no hurting the locals."

I roll my eyes. "Get over yourself, Elena. It's not all about you."

Her jaw tightens, but I couldn't care less. She's furious about my presence, yet I'm supposed to forgive being daggered? How she's still alive after all her nonsense is beyond me.

I glance at Caroline, who gives me an understanding look. We've both been burned by trust. She'll see through Elena soon enough.

As I leave the Grill, I spot Matt working behind the bar. He's so adorably clueless. Smiling, I approach him.

"Would you like to come to the ball?" I ask sweetly.

Kol's POV

Watching Nik's ridiculous romantic antics is the highlight of my week. Sneaking into Caroline's house to deliver that dress and invitation was so dramatic it could've been staged as a play.

When Nik returned, I couldn't stop laughing.

"Who are you bringing to the ball, Kol?" he asked, raising a brow.

"Right, because I'm going to make a fool of myself like you?" I muttered.

Nik growled something about tearing out my liver. Typical.

Don't I already have enough to juggle without adding a relationship into the mix?

For now, I'm biding my time. There's still Mother to deal with, and later, I need to stop the resurrection of Silas. I don't know what this town's obsession is with apocalyptic events, but it's exhausting. While I still haven't faced a single threat.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hooh So tired

milestone can be reached today I think so if it does there will be a bonus

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Thank you all for your amazing support! ❤️ here is the chapter enjoy guys word count-1612