Chapter 27(Bonus Chap)


Disclaimer : I Own Nothing

This is a bonus chapter since the power stones have reached 120/100!

Thank you for your support! I will post the next chapter after the ranking refresh tonight.

Schedule for the week:

Sunday: 1 chapter Monday: 1 chapter Wednesday: 1 chapter Friday: 1 chapter

For every 100 power stones, there will be a bonus chapter!


After roaming New Orleans, I started some experiments at a getaway I had set up in the 1800s. Using compulsion and money, I had it modernized to suit my needs. Everything was done just as I wanted.

For a month, I thought I would be teaching my new apprentice magic while also crafting the trinkets I had planned.

"A snarling wolf with a lapis lazuli in one eye and a moonstone in the other for Klaus," I muttered, sketching out the design. "A winged horse to replace Rebekah's daylight ring—she'll love that. The same for Elijah, except his will be Huginn and Muninn." I smirked at the added spell I was weaving into his. "He'll hear the falsities in the doppelgänger's words whenever she speaks to him."

For Finn, I designed a locket with a symbol of Hel, fitting for someone who clings to death so stubbornly. And for Caroline, as promised, a new daylight ring. "One that will let her feel the sun," I mused, spinning the ring between my fingers, "but not burn her." A bit of creative magic, a mix of sensation and protection—something beyond the usual daylight spell.

As time passed, I taught my apprentice many tricks of magic, focusing primarily on control and intent. "They are two of the three building blocks of magic," I explained one evening as she struggled with a spell. "Master them, and the third—willpower—will rise naturally."

She huffed in frustration. "So I just keep trying until it clicks?"

"Until you no longer need to try," I corrected. "The main spells I'm teaching you are simple but adaptable. And rituals—well, rituals are just bargaining with nature. The outcome depends entirely on how well you negotiate."

She frowned. "But my coven's magic is... sacrificial. Ritualistic."

"Exactly," I said, watching her closely. "Which is why they rely so heavily on blood magic. But that's not the only way to make magic work."

One evening, she finally asked me the question I had been expecting.

"How did you undo the ritual so easily?" she asked, her voice hushed, almost fearful.

I leaned back in my chair. "I know some of the witches on the Other Side," I admitted. "Now that I have magic, I'm sure word of it has spread there. Witches always hunger for more power, more favors. But the ritual they were performing—it was the Harvest Festival."

She stiffened. "You knew?"

"Of course," I said, amused at her surprise. "The four elements are used by the New Orleans witches now, but in the past, it would have been five. Five elements form the fundamental communion with nature. Normally, when they sacrifice blood and ingredients while chanting on an ancestral site, the ancestors help the young witches. They pour knowledge directly into their minds—everything they want them to learn."

Her hands clenched into fists. "But that's not what they were doing, was it?"

"No," I confirmed, my tone turning grim. "They weren't just sending you to commune with the ancestors. They were sending you to the ancestral plane itself—a massive risk. But as always, great risk equates to great reward. The ancestors could channel their magic into you, increasing your magical capacity and proficiency."

She paled. "But the ancestors can't come back from the Other Side… can they?"

I tilted my head. "Normally, no. But in this case? If they override the young witch, they can tag along. Or they could just do away with them entirely—steal their memories, their body. And once they're here… they can do whatever they want."

She swallowed hard, visibly shaken.

"The thing I did," I continued, "was add a protection to the sacrifice. Instead of sacrificing you, I sacrificed your willingly given blood. Because the ritual was interrupted and your magic was already bubbling to the surface, the sacrifice shifted. Instead of exchanging your life for knowledge, you gained an affinity for other elements and a slight increase in magical reserves."

She was silent for a long moment before finally whispering, "So I got lucky?"

I smirked. "Luck had nothing to do with it."

I stood and dusted off my coat. "Now, prepare yourself. We're going to Mystic Falls."


Kol MIkaelson Wild Original - 30 Chapters

HP - 4 Chapters

Daemon(SI) - 5 Chapters

Klaus (SI) - 1 Chap

P@treon/LUCIFER482(replace the @ with an "a").

Tier Benefits:

Free Members: Access to one chapter ahead of all other platforms.

Grunts: Access to two chapters ahead.

Barons and Originals: Access to all chapters as soon as they're ready.

Current chap on pat

free members - ch 27

grunts - till ch 28

barons and originals - till ch 30

after posting the sunday chapter I will post ch 28 for free members and 29 for grunts