GOD'S PLAN( genesis 1)

Verse 1….

The first phrase of the Bible says…."In the beginning, God". This is where most people start but as we go through the Bible we get little glimpses of eternity past….things that happened before the world was even created. Verse one presupposes that God was there before He started creating.

One of the main attributes of God is that He is a God of Love. How could He possibly display this love to the beings that existed there in eternity with Him? They all obeyed Him implicitly, and there was no reason why they shouldn't. They had been created to be His ministering spirits to do His slightest command (Hebrews 1:7, 14)

God wanted to display His manifold (many faceted) wisdom to all the principalities and powers of the heavenly places (Ephesians 1:10). How could He do this unless there was a dark backdrop to show His marvelous light against? Unless there is disobedience, perfect obedience doesn't have any impact.

Therefore it is safe to assume that God had a plan BEFORE He ever began creation. Not only did He have this plan, but it was written down in detail ahead of time. Jesus Christ could say to His Father, "You have prepared Me a body, as it is written in the volume of the Book" (Hebrews 10:5-7)

God's plan was written in His Book, Of things the angels wanted to look;

He made the earth so He could show, His love and light for men to know.