Verses 1-2….
Verse one goes on to say, "God created the heaven and the earth". Who actually did the creating? Many people think that it was God the Father that did the creating, but there are many verses that show the whole Trinity was involved in the creating business. Let's look at them….
Both the writer to the Hebrews and John say that the Son was involved in the creation and in fact, is still seeing to the upholding of the original creation….keeping it going if you like (John 1:3; Hebrews 1:2-3). We also see that the Father and the Son do nothing without including the Holy Spirit (1 John 5:6-8). It is the Holy Spirit who reveals the Son and God's thruths to mere mortal mankind. All this was ordained and put in order before the world began.
No wonder Paul goes on to write that man hasn't begun to see and hear the wonderful things that God has in store for His people… fact, it is beyond our comprehension while we are earth-bound. (1 Corinthians 2:7-11; Ephesians 3:9-11).
Just as a caterpillar has no comprehension of the freedom and beauty of the fluttering butterfly it will become, so man cannot take in or even imagine what lies ahead!! And this is all part of God's eternal plan….we don't know yet what we will become, but we DO know that when we see our Lord Jesus we will become like Him! (1 John 3:2)
God created man to be with Him, To live on earth with Him within;
To be with Him in heav'n above, to know his peace and light and love.
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