The Sun Moon and Stars (genesis)

Verses 14-19….

 The next thing that God put into place was the order of the heavens….something that man has never plumbed the depth of. Outer space with its myriad of stars were all put in place by God and given names. Yet puny man dares to defy this One and downgrade His wonderful creation to evolution at the worst and Mother Nature at the best!

We can but say in wonder and awe with the Psalmist, "Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and His wonderful works! (Psalm 107:8) And again, "O Lord, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all!" (Psalm 104:24)

Man never has and never will, be able to find and count all the stars in the universe…space is impenetrable!

Light was already in existence, but God now made it more definite with the sun and moon giving time and seasons as we know them today. They have never varied since they began, except for the two times mentioned in the Old Testament (Joshua 10:13-14, and Isaiah 38:8) and will continue until the end of time. It is amazing to see the sun move along the edge of the horizon every morning, rising in a different place each day, and with the seasons varying in their set order.

Not only that, but we know that just the right amount of sun reaches the earth for man's existence…..any more and man would frizzle and any less they would freeze!

God has ordained the moon and sun, Given night when work is done;

The stars come out in scores galore, As man looks up, there still are more!

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