who were these people

Genesis Six….(v.1-12) Who Were These People?

Verses 1-12….

These early verses give rise to all sorts of speculations….did angels REALLY come down to earth and live with humans? In conjunction with this thought, we must read Mark 12:25 where our Lord specifically says that angels do NOT marry…..

Who then were these "sons of God"? Back in chapter five we see the godly line of Seth and follow it down. In chapter four we read of the ungodly line of Cain who totally left God out of his life. It was Seth's descendants who began to call on the name of the Lord (chapter 4:25-26), and this reached a peak of communion with God that a human can reach when God took Enoch bodily, and not by death (Hebrews 11:5).

Now we see what happens when godly people marry ungodly spouses….they nearly always get dragged down by them. In this time we are reading about, this is what happened and the wickedness of man became very great, and all they could think about was wicked thoughts. Paul very definitely says that believers are NOT to marry unbelievers because it can't work….there is too much conflict in spiritual things (2 Corinthians 6:14-17).

Things on earth became so bad that God now cut back a person's life span to the average of 120 years, and people's lives got still shorter from Noah's time. Noah was God's man for a specific purpose, and he was the only one who looked to God and lived a good life….everyone else was corrupt and violent. It wasn't safe to walk out on the road! What a wonderful testimony Noah had…just and upright! (verse 9)

As time passed by this world so fair, Men left their God, in wickedness shared,

God's Spirit with them no more strived, God gave them up as judgment arrived.

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