A beautiful song made of strange words I did not understand was sung in the tiny room I found myself in after I had accepted Thors deal.
I looked around and found that I was laying in what looked like a childs crib. I tried to get up but struggleed to control my body. I held up my hands and studied them and noticed something weird. Not just that what I saw in front of me was a pair of baby hands no, that was not the thing that caught my eye. My hands and arms were red like the color of roses.
I started to panick and scream which just turned into a babies cry.
The women who had been singing walked over to the babies crib that I was laying in and started to speak to me in a foreign language.
She reached into the crib and that's when I got to take a look at her. She had dark red skin, yellow amber eyes, long black hair and a pair of curved horns. She seemed to be in her late twentieth maybe early thirties and had a muscular build with a curved hoursglass shaped figure.
The only thing I could think of when I saw her was a demon, but she didn't look or feel malicious, no she looked kind, and her calm gentle smile was something only a mother could give to her newborn child.
And now that I think about it, that was probably what I was. Her newborn child.
She held me close and swayed me in her arms. It was calming and after a few minutes I drifted into a deep sleep.
The next time I regained consciousness was a few days later.
It seemed like my mind couldn't really comprehend being an adult mind in a babies body. And to be honest I was kind of thankful for it.
I didn't want to know everything I was going through as a baby. Breastfeeding, pooping myself and vomiting all the time. Yeah no thanks. I was just happy to be alive at least.
"To be alive. Back home I am dead, and I don't know if anyone is really going to miss me." I thought to myself as I was studying my mother of this life. She had put my in a harness that she strapped over her shoulder to keep in a cradle of soft fabric in front of her.
"This is probably what a mother is supposed to be like. My mother back in Sweden was a drugged up heroin addict, that neglected me my whole life until the day she overdosed. And my father...well he was a drunk..." Just as I was thinking of my former father the man who I have assumed to be my father in this life stepped into the kitchen.
I didn't know his name neither did I know my mother or my older sisters name. Yes I apparently have a sister. I saw her for the first time this morning. I think she might be three years older then me.
My father though, he was a muscular built human man with a mighty mustache. He seemed to be a hunter as sometimes he would bring back different animals that he would butcher and skin. And yes he was a human, a tall human of maybe two meters in height. That meant that I might be a half demon maybe?
He stepped up to my mother and kissed her on the cheek saying something softly two her. Then he looked down at me and poked my nose and said something I didn't understand.
A loud noise came from the upstairs and a tiny green ball of fluff came running down the stairs and jumped into my fathers arm while yelling. "Kiki!" Which I figured meant dad or something like that.
My father held my sister in his arms and listen while she probably talked about her day. My sister had long dark green hair and light green skin with bright blue eyes. She also seemed to have two small bumps growing on the side of her forehead which I suspected will grow into horns when she is older.
"This family feels so warm and filled with love. The on family member from my past life that was gonna miss me was my uncle." A picture of Lisa and Max flashed before my eye. "Yeah Lisa and Max are going to miss me too. I wish I got to see her one last time to tell her the truth. That I had always loved her."
I felt tears forming in my eyes and a loud babies cry started to echo in the kitchen. My mother gave me attention to calm me down and when she was about to check my diaper my mind drifted away again.
Six months have now passed since I got reincarnated into this new life. And I have now started two understand more of what my family is saying around me.
My new name in this life is Bellz Mephisto and apparently I am something called a Dromos, that is what my mother is and so is my sister. And my mother and I are something called Inferma dromos and my sister is Saphere Dromos. I haven't figured out exactly what all that means but when I get older I will make sure to ask my mother or father about it.
But what I am the most excited to have discovered it is something probably everyone has at least dreamt of once in their life. It happened a few week ago and when I saw my mother do it I almost lost my mind. Magic, she used magic. Or rather she had been preparing a bonfire on the backyard and conjured up a large flame from nowhere.
At first I thought my mind played tricks on me so I thought of an idea. The next time she conjures up a flame I am gonna laugh. Why laugh? Well a babies laugh is something no one can resist.
And laugh I did. When she heard my baby laugh she showed noticed I laughed at the fire she had been making. So she showed me how she could control flames formed it two tiny balls of flames and juggle them between her fingers.
"Magic, magic is real!" I was so entranced by the beautiful flame my mother had conjured up that I was about to reach out towards it. But my mother stopped me.
"My tiny adorable little Bellz you are to young to handle magic. When you get older your dear mother will teach you everything I can about magic."
"I wish Max could see this, he would probably loose his mind over finding out he would be able to learn how to use magic." Had been my only thought after finding out that I was going to learn magic in the future.
But lets get back to the present were I was now studying a strange baby with fluffy fox ears and fluffy tail that this baby was hugging for dear life, as it was drooling on it's own tail. A neighbor a fox kin from the village Oakhill we were living in had come to visit. She was a dear friend of my mom and apparently a former adventure buddy of my parents by the name of Rachel.
Why was she visiting today? She wanted to show my mother her child that she had given birth two months ago from. And that child is the strange child I just couldn't take my eyes of. The child looked up from his tail and gave me a smile.
"This is my child Maxime he loves his tail and I hope that him and Bellz can become good friends in the future." Rachel said as her own big fluffy tail swayed slowly back and forth.
"Oh by Lilith crown! He is absolutely adorable!" My mother said as she held me in her arms.
I gave a small smile and tiny wave to Maxime who seemed to smile and waved back even though he was a new born baby.
That is how I met my first friend in this world and also the person that was gonna change this new life forever.