(??? Pov)
"Where am I?" My thoughts were racing I felt confused. Last memories I had was the feeling of the biting cold of the giant glacier that I had been running across. I don't remember what it was but something or some one had been chasing me. And...I don't remember..."Were am I!?"
I wanted to scream but I couldn't get any words out. Infront of me was a beautiful woman with redskin and two horns growing from the side of her head. She looked at me with worry in her eyes, eyes I recognise. Someone else used to look at me like that.
"Who am I?" I thought to myself, but there was something else I felt. Someone else in my mind and this something seemed to be in control of this body.
"I thought it would end!? Why does it never end? This a new life how? Why? Why is the voices back?" A male voice echoed in my mind as I tried to remember how I used to be able to talk to people with my mind. And as I reached in deep with in my mindscape to reach out to this stranger that seemed to be in control of the body I felt a deep sense of fear coming from his mind. I sent out my thoughts to him in hope of communicating with him.
"Who are you?" I asked him but all he did was fall to the ground covering his ears and whisper to himself again and again. "You are not real, it's all in my head. You are not real, it's all in my head."
I decided to take a step back and observe who or what this body was while gathering my thoughts. It felt like I was missing a large part of my memory.
As I sat there is the mind of this boy I realized that I was not in a human body and that this body was the body of a boy. Maybe 4-5 years of age. But when I tried to search my memory I did get small glimpse of this boys too. Well his mind was not of a small boy and apparently this body was only three years of age.
"Interesting." As I kept trying to find out more information I felt my conscience starting to slip away. A deep slumber took me away and dreams of what used to be and things I don't know if they were only dreams or forgotten memories enveloped my mind.
But in these dreams I learned one thing that gave me back one thing I lost. My name.
(Bellz pov)
"It's not real, it's not real, it's not real." I repeated to myself again and again.
I had thought that dying and getting reincarnated would fix my brain. Fix everything that has plagued me these last couple years. But luck was never on my side...
"Bellz! Are you okay?" I could here my sister Lily's voice in the distance. It felt like I was sinking into the ground, like everything around me was slipping away. So afraid, I felt so afraid...
"BEllZ!" I heard my mother's voice calling out to me. But I ignored it, I just had to ignore everything. If I really still was having my delusions...maybe nothing of this was real...maybe I never left the hospital...maybe... *Slap* my mother gave me a slap across the face
"BELLZ!" I looked up and saw her eyes filled with tears and a look of worry. She hadn't hit me hard but it was enough to sting a little. Enough to give me some kind of confirmation that what I saw Infront of me was real.
"I'm sorry mother...I just...it..." She hunched down and wrapped her arms around me.
"No Bellz...I should be the one to apologise, a parent should never hit their child." Her warm embrace gave something I never felt in my life as Linus. I felt safe, I felt loved and I felt care a parent should show their child.
I felt some wet cover my cheeks. I lifted my hand and felt tears roll down from my eyes.
As a baby in this life it had seemed like I was just a passenger for the most part with some control. But as I grew I was more and more autonomous and I started to feel like myself. Since I became more of myself I never cried once.
The thing was that I rarely cried in my former life. I think I forgot how to. It was not that I was empty of emotions it was more that as I grew up my father would beat me anytime I cried. He used to say "Stop with that pathetic whining. You sound like a loser! Don't you think you would get bullied in school if you cry like a little girl!" And if I wouldn't stop even if he beat me he would sometimes throw an empty bottle of alcohol.
But now, the words of my mother and this safe warm embrace. The floodgates was open and I wept as if all the tears I had saved through the years got released.
My sister who had been standing to the side also joined the hug and I felt like I found my true family.
Not in my former life, not as a human, not in the military, no. Here in this second life, this fantasy world of magic m, with this family of demons. Or rather this family of dromos.
This my family.
After I had calmed down for a bit my mother asked me what happened. I lied and said that I had suddenly gotten a headache and looked down at my left hand, the snowflake pattern was still there.
She followed my gaze and saw I was looking at my hand. I held it up and showed my hand to mother and she looked at it with a curious look.
"Can you see this mother?" She nodded at my question.
"Yes, that is peculiar." She thought for a bit before giving a knowing nod. "We were going to the tempel either so while Lily gets her Magic disc we can get one of the priests or priestess take a look at that pattern. They might know something."
The tempel district was located at the top of the hill next to the oak tree. There were a different temple looking buildings place around a large courtyard. But the biggest one was the temple of twilight.
The building was the size of a large church and had five different toweres sticking placed at the top of the building. It looked like the twoers had windows on them and I would guess that there were stairs that led to the top.
"Magdala!" A darker skinned elfen woman with snow white hair, dressed in some kind of black and purple clerical robe, greeted us at the temple entrance. She seemed to know mother.
"Triss! It has been to long!" They hugged each other as a greeting and then mother gestured to Lily and I. "This is Lilly my oldest, and this is Bellz my youngest."
The dark elfen woman smiled at us and asked "So I am guessing you are here to get Lilly her first Magic disc?"
My mother gave a proud smile and said. "Of course, my adorable fantastical Lilly is growing so fast that it's already time to see what she is capable of."
Triss was about to say something when she suddenly shifted her eyes towards me. "Magdala?"
"I will go get one of the sisters of dawn to help you with the Magic disc. Your son though..."
"So you felt it too?"
Triss nodded. "I will take a look at him while you get her the disc."
"Thank you Triss. You have always been kind to us."
"Of course Magdala, you and Ton has helped out so much since you settled down here and because of your mothe..."
"Triss! No!" My mother interrupted her and then said with a lower voice. "Are you crazy? You know who has just been here. We never know who to trust right now."
Triss seemed to have realized what she had almost done and just gave a nod that she understood.
We then entered the temple and was greeted with a majestic sight.
The whole inside of the temple was just an open space except for the giant pillars that lined the side and formed a make shift corridor and split the open space in three sections. On both the left and right there was the the entrances to the different toweres, except for the fith tower that seemed to have its entrance at the end on both sides of the altar at the back of the temple.
There were no benches or anything of similar function such as pillows or carpet to sit on. And at the altar there was a giant statue that covered the entire back wall, depicting two humanoids.
One was a slender built man dressed in a black robe with a pale face and sunken eyes and the other a well endowed woman both in her breast and hips. She was dressed in a golden dress that didn't leave much to imagination.
"The woman is Vermina the godess of life and creation, and the man is Descra the god of death and destruction." My mother whisper to me as we walked towards the altar
"They pray to the god of death and destruction?"
Triss seemed to have seen my confused face. "The god of death is not a malicious being. Everything has a begining and an end, we at the temple of twilight believe that nothing lasts forever. Even us elfs and you dromos who can live for hundreds of years some even thousands must all someday face the end."
"Interesting" Was my only thought.
"Sister Nawim?" A women with black cat ears and a cat tail dressed in a simple black robe with orange colored sleeves looked up from a group of women who sat Infront of the altar in a meditating stance. "Could you help Magdala and her daughter get her first Magic disc?"
Nawim got up and walked over to my mother and sister and guided them away to another part of the temple while I was left alone with Triss.
"Well Bellz you will be coming with me then."
We walked to one of the side tower entrance and inside there was a hollow stairwell that seemed to reach to the top of the tower.
"You don't have to worry Bellz. I am the head priestess of this temple, I have access to things like this." She took out a blue crystal and placed it at a metal plate at the entrance of the tower. A nlue light enveloped us and suddenly the scenery changed around us.
We stod in the middle of what looked to be some kind of laboratory/library with strange devices.
"Welcome to the research tower."