Two days had passed since Emperor Drakiel's assassination, it was dark and rain fell off the sky, unusual for a day in August, especially in Solaris, the sun engraved in its flag wasn't for convenience or to look pretty after all.
Like the day of the empire's anniversary, people had their televisions on, news about the Empire were broadcasted by all channels, and banners and flags were on every corner while people waited for the emperor to arrive outside. However this time it was different, the sense of hopefulness, ambition and excitement was no longer the feeling in the atmosphere, and the emperor's arrival had a different tone. The atmosphere mirrored the weather, dark and tense. Aside from the melancholic music being played by musicians who wore fancy uniforms with Solaris' symbols engraved in them, the city was silent as the emperor's casket with Solaris' flag over it was carried by soldiers across Cinas, the capital of the country, while people looked out from their windows or stood on the sidewalks mourning the loss of the empire. Leorion was on a gilded palanquin that hovered slightly above the ground, he wore a blue and silver tunic while he sat, looking around at the population with the eyes slightly red.
Kenta was one of the soldiers carrying the casket, as well as Unni, Felix, Elias, and a few more, he had the same sense of sorrow as the rest. Everyone's heart was wounded, some used tears to cure the wounds and some used angry screams that shouted things like "Lytherian Demons", however, the insults just made the wounds bleed more. But Kenta wasn't either curing the wounds or making them worse, he was letting it bleed out until it killed him, and he wasn't even sure of why it was bleeding. His face showed no expression as he walked along with the other soldiers carrying the emperor's body. His grip on the casket got stronger as he avoided looking at the crowd, was it grief he felt, or something else entirely? The image going through his mind...wasn't the emperor's head getting decapitated, it was Leorion standing next to it, filled with anger, it was the mother and son he had to stop helping so he could fight, and it was the white-haired boy, especially his eyes, that had been haunting Kenta's thoughts for the past two days.
They finished the route and arrived near the enormous white and gold palace that mixed ancient grandeur with innovation. It had soft orange doors, windows, and details around the gigantic pillars that held the structure. The march stopped at the beginning of the stairs that led to the palace. The bold, black-haired and long-faced Kayne Brindan, the general of Solaris' army, the one who took care of conflicts in the present, in opposite to C.L.O.C.K., walked up to the prince's palanquin and reached his hand waiting for the prince to get out. Leorion walked out, refusing Kayne's help and breaking the tradition in which the general helped the successor to the throne walk up the stairs. Leorion started to climb the stairs up to the top, his expression hiding the anger inside his heart, which dared him to speak violently, however that's not the prince the population knew, and it couldn't be the emperor they were yet to know.
Leorion arrived at the top and turned to the front, above everyone : soldiers, members of the council, civilians, and the other people there who Leorion didn't seem to bother with and notice since his eyes just wandered around a single person...Kenta. They hadn't spoken since the events that took place after their speech, Leorion was uncertain if his best friend was really a trustable asset to the empire, he tried to look unaware of Kenta in these last two days since his mind was still trying to come up with a conclusion. Kenta looked back, he wasn't sure what to feel about Leorion. He felt sorrow and guilt, however, he was also afraid for Leorion's mental health which could affect not only the view that the population had of him but also his political decisions. And obviously, because Leorion was not only the successor to the throne, but also his best friend.
"Today, we lay to the man who led us into an era of prosperity."
Prince Leorion began, his voice echoing through the place.
"My father's journey ended sooner than expected...But our journey has just begun. Two days ago our enemies invaded our home and declared war upon us. But Solaris shall not vanish because of rabid dogs. No...Solaris burns bright because of all of you, because of its people, and my father's light shall guide us to victory as I take up the mantle to protect this empire we hold dear."
His voice slightly trembled, enough to make people know of his grief, but the strength of his words sparked hope within their hearts, resulting in murmurs of approval among the crowd. Kenta looked at the prince.
"Rabid dogs."
Kenta murmured to himself, he found himself sympathizing more and more with Lytheria's cause each day, however he couldn't deny that the carnage was a drastic decision of the rebellion as the image of the chaos two days ago appeared on his mind. The prince then continued.
"I now inherit a rich legacy that lasts for generations, I now have emperor Drakiel's strength, emperor Kohren's intelligence, and the one thing this empire is in most need of....emperor Maddax's hunger for conquer. When emperor Maddax conquered Lytheria two centuries ago, the world started to fear us and we started to climb up the ranks that measured political power and wealth. However, we have been starting to decline in those same ranks since those Lytherian demons started to challenge our rule. My grandfather emperor Eddard was murdered because of Lytheria's undisciplined rats, my...."
Leorion stopped for a moment, his words starting to weigh in his chest as he prepared himself to mention his brother.
"...I never got the chance to know my father's older brother father also lost his first wife Tiyana and then he lost his own life, and all of that because of the violence and bloodlust caused by Lytheria."
Kenta looked at Leorion with mixed feelings, he knew how hard it was for Leorion to mention Laeynard because he has always lived behind his shadow, however, he still felt like he was hiding the whole picture.
"You forgot to mention that your dad went mad and caused The Midnight Slaughter after those events."
Kenta thought to himself, but he knew that if there was a chance of such carnage being mentioned in the prince's speech, it would be justified as a "necessary evil". He continued to look at Leorion, his facial expression unchanged as he waited for him to continue.
"With my father's legacy as my beacon and your strength as my foundation, we shall rise, endure and triumph, together!"
The crowd who a few minutes ago grieved, now cheered and shouted Leorion's name. He looked at the crowd's approval and felt power, his words fueled the people's hatred for Lytheria. Kenta looked at the crowd that screamed insults at Lytheria and then at his comrades. As his eyes wandered around the soldiers, he felt a grip on his shoulder and looked to the side where General Kayne was standing, he started talking closer to his ear.
"Why don't you cheer up Bellmor? Is your heart softening or were you just a rat supporter who could hide it well?"
Said Kayne smiling to provoke Kenta. Kenta got mad but tried not to explode on such occasion.
"Be careful with what you say, general. I'm a big friend of the new emperor."
Kenta responded, trying to make Kayne step back, but the general wasn't that type of person.
"Are you still a big friend after what happened? I remember Leorion screaming at you in your last interaction with him."
He got even closer to Kenta's ear.
"Perhaps if you moved an inch and tried to do something, your big friend's father would still be alive."
Kayne laughed, he took his hand off Kenta's shoulder and left. Every word the man said was another log on the fire, but Kenta didn't let the blaze consume him. He clenched his teeth and his eyes didn't blink, holding a barely contained fury. Kayne had always been harsh with Kenta due to their different ways of fighting, he despised C.L.O.C.K. and the time travel invention since he believed it only brought more chaos and obstacles to the empire. Besides, Kayne's words only confirmed Kenta's thoughts and his guilt got bigger along with his anger.
The trumpets played and the emperor started walking towards the palace, soldiers opening the gate that led to the the main room. Everyone followed him and Kenta carried the emperor's casket again. They entered the palace, the room was incredibly wide, vast enough to hold an entire army in formation, it had a ceiling made of hard glass that allowed people to see the sunny days, however today it was closed. On the sides it had seven statues, one for each emperor, next to Drakiel's statue, there were already letters engraved on the floor in gold with the words "Leorion Jahanvard". Kenta and the others carrying the casket put it on the ground, finally resting their arms.
Leorion was in front of the throne, a big throne made of obsidian with Solaris' symbols in it, he turned back to everyone. Xavis, the previous hand of the emperor, an old man, older than the emperor, that had barely any hair on his head but had shiny but scary blue eyes and wrinkles on his face, climbed the stairs that led to the platform where the throne was with a long sword in hands with neon orange lights in it. He kneeled before the prince and offered the sword while he looked down. Leorion took the sword carefully and admired it as he touched its blade, thinking of all the emperors this weapon had gone through since Maddax.
"You're dismissed Sir Xavis, the empire is grateful for your services."
Leorion said in a calm voice while looking down at Xavis. The old man looked up, confused.
"Your majesty...why would you-"
"We need a new country, Sir Xavis. Your poor decision-making and stutters won't be of any help to rebuild Solaris."
Leorion said, in a calm voice again but this time, his tone was more striking, making Sir Xavis quiet down and obey.
"Yes, your majesty...I shall do as you command. I'm sure that...your...choice for the new hand will be as good as I was for your father..."
Xavis responded, his voice trembling. Leorion's face became more serious, and he approached the old man, looking him down.
"No, Sir Xavis, take a good look at the center of the room, see that? Perhaps if you had spent the past years helping my father's and the empire's needs instead of indulging in nightly feasts and drinking yourself to sleep with the other unworthy councilmen like Elber and Jaden, we wouldn't be in this situation. So, no, your kind of service is neither wanted nor needed here. Now please, kindly remove yourself out of my sight, Sir."
Leorion said fearless of Sir Xavis. The old man's mouth was wide open but he didn't speak back. For all the years that Drakiel led the Empire, Xavis Temrace, the Hand, Elber Baely, the Master of War, and Jaden Broggs, the Minister of Economy, were all known for being careless about the Emperor and eventually led to the current state of Solaris. Leorion planned to change things and he didn't care if it went against other people's wishes. Then, he spoke to everyone.
"My father is now going to join all the leaders before him. He's going to look down on us and tell our hearts what path we shall take. May he rest in peace, and may we seek the same thing for the living!"
Leorion looked at the small gap on the floor, that had just about the size of the edge of his sword. He took a deep breath and looked at everyone. Then, he filled the gap with the sword, the lights of the blade got brighter, and shortly after, a huge pit started opening down on the shiny floor, showing the deep crypt where the emperors were at rest. As the crypt opened and the golden caskets started to shine their lights on the ceiling, Drakiel's casket, which was on the ground, started slowly going down, seeking to join the other six. Leorion looked at it a bit disturbed, but his composure embodied strength. Kenta looked at it unfazed and a bit numb, his mind raced through so many things that he wasn't even sure of what to feel anymore.
Everyone applauded, then, Robert Islio, the Worshipper of Maddax, an old but quick on his feet man, that had the role of leading the church, started walking slowly towards the throne. By his side walked young men dressed in golden tunics, and on Robert's hand, there was the crown. It was made of gold and it had jewels of different colors on the side. Then in the middle, a pillar raised and formed Solaris' sun and sword at the very top. Leorion waited, he was a bit nervous but he felt a euphoric feeling inside, he had always wanted this and the day had finally come, even though what led to it wasn't on Leorion's ideals of his coronation.
Robert walked up the stairs and arrived at Leorion who was now sitting on the throne. He held the crown up and started speaking loudly.
"Prince Leorion Jahanvard, son of Emperor Drakiel Jahanvard, are you ready to carry down the weight of this crown, and the price of this throne?"
"The crown is heavy, and the throne is cold still, yet I have no choice but to sit upon it."
Leorion responded with a steady voice. The old man continued.
"Do you swear by Maddax's sword that you will use it to protect the innocent and defeat the evil?"
"I swear it by all of Maddax's conquests."
The old man then started speaking in a more dramatic and theatrical tone.
"Do you accept to suffer your people's wounds, to celebrate the nation's achievements, and no matter what, to carry down this burden with you until death, and to pave the road for the next generations, or will you crumble upon such duty?"
"I shall lose as much blood as my people do, I shall cry of joy at the same time as the rest of the nation, and I shall obey this duty until death takes me. I accept this power and the ramifications that come with it, because my ancestors' blood runs through my veins, and I shall bleed until the last drop if it is what this responsibility requires me to do."
Robert got ready to finish the words and Leorion kept a cold look in his eyes, waiting to receive the power he so much wanted.
"Then, with the power I was given from Maddax's dignity, I shall pass it to you, as you will pass it to your people. I shall name you, Leorion Jahanvard, the protector of the realm, and the eighth emperor of Solaris' Empire!"
As he finished the words, the old man put the crown on Leorion's head, whose eyes were shut now. Everyone in the room and outside of it cheered and applauded for the new emperor. Kenta feared for the future, but his hands betrayed his sense of distrust, as they applauded for Leorion's coronation.
Leorion opened his eyes and looked at the cheers and the excitement of the crowd, he felt powerful, he felt as if he had everything he always wanted, however, he knew he didn't, not yet. He started speaking to everyone, making the cheers go away and the people's eyes locked on him as he stood up.
"Grief and celebration are both very important processes for our reconstruction of the Empire. However, we don't have much time. We must focus on what matters, we must fight against our enemies and defend the freedom and comfort my ancestors fought so hard to achieve."
The people's excitement disappeared, however most people approved the emperor's words.
"But well...there are many menaces in this world, many of which we must endure against, but not in this room. So enjoy the day, let's just celebrate this new step into the new rise of Solaris. Drink, eat, play, may we all take this opportunity to rest a little, so we can regain the strength to fight back!"
Leorion's words pleasantly surprised the folk. Everyone cheered and screamed Leorion's name. He smiled, not sure whether he meant it or not. However, he knew that he had to give his people a rest before the war. Kenta could look right through Leorion's show. He looked at the emperor, who waved to the public, thinking.
"How can he be so impudent to say that his people need rest? What about the opposite side, they don't know such thing as rest. How does he dare to think these are two sides of the same coin when his people can drink and have fun in times of war? Before the war he says? I'm sure the Lytherians have been at war for the past two hundred years, their efforts were just unnoticed, obfuscated by the so called freedom and comfort they...we have."
Kenta thought to himself as he continued to look at the emperor.
"I look at all these people cheering and all I see are pawns, my viewing doesn't change when I look at Leorion, neither does it change when I look in the mirror."