Chapter 104- Reconciliation

"Huff… Huff… Huff…"

Jin-woo suddenly sat up from the ground, his face full of sweat.

"Jin, are you okay?"

Seong, who was sitting next to Jin-woo, asked. His worry was even more evident than yesterday when Jin-woo had also jumped out of his sleep.

Jin-woo sighed from exhaustion and wiped the sweat from his face with his jacket sleeves before responding.

"It's not a night terror, it's that weird dream again."

"What kind of dream?"

"It's… I don't even know how to describe it. It's like I'm in soul form floating through the universe towards something."

Seong thought for a moment before he asked.

"It's not a coincidence this dream started just as your abilities are beginning to manifest. It could be something like a vision, or it may even be real."

"Hm, I think it could be those too, but the experience was too unbelievable to be real. Can my soul honestly travel outside of my body when I'm sleeping?"