Chapter 106- A Thief

"Seems like I forgot I'm just a disembodied soul. Hey, Jin, can you create my bag with your ability? It feels weird that I don't have it."

Seong said as he looked at Jin-woo.

Jin-woo hesitated for a moment and then tried to conjure the bag. But he soon shook his head and said.

"I can't."

"Really? Is it a limitation of your abilities, or is it because you're tired?"

Seong rubbed his chin in confusion.

"Hm, it could be one of those."

Jin-woo said, then made a move to head for the showers.

However, what he said was a lie.

He was tired from using his abilities while playing games, but it wasn't to the point that he couldn't conjure a small bag. It was because he didn't want to.

That bag... It felt like it symbolized Seong being trapped in the role of his caretaker.

Seo-joon's words from before were all Jin-woo could now think about.