Chapter 109- An Indistinct Figure

"That's… How do you have Jin's phone? You stole it didn't you?!"

Jeon-sook angrily yelled, and the other students who weren't sure if that phone was Jin-woo's, immediately wore shocked expressions.

"What, did Jin-woo really leave?"

Doubts began to rise in everyone's hearts, but Jeon-sok, Ah-yong, and Seo-joon weren't convinced.

Mr. Kim too suspected Ye-jun was lying and his expression turned dark as he asked.

"Ye-jun, did Jin-woo really gave you his phone and left?"

"He did."

"Did he say why he was leaving?"

Ye-jun paused, and his calm expression changed for the first time to one of doubt as he said.

"I'm not sure. He said something about not trusting the Marshal before he left."

Mr. Kim's pupils immediately constricted when he heard that, and an expression of shock appeared on his face. He subtly glanced at the other teachers, and they had similar expressions.