Life Creation Technique - (i)

Another person who is close to us is Nekoli the headmaid of this mansion who joined us very early.

She aslo recently tried the life creation technique after Tracy and Triti. She had twins Neo and Neel. They are around your age and are slightly special like you.

So apart from us 11 members of the villa and headmaid and her twins never trust anyone ever. I am saying this from experience never ever trust even a single soul until you completely determine their character. I know you are very intelligent and have very good memory so never forget my these last words."

She took deep breaths after saying these and looked right into his eyes and said with seriousness," Also you can trust us, if there is anything you are hesitant about, some weight in your heart or worry in your mind you don't want to tell. If you release your worries, your deepest darkest thoughts, does not matter what it is, you will feel liberated, free-minded. As long as something that does not harm the people that i talked about i will always be there for you.

Twins also added together, "Yeah we will be there to hold your back."

After hearing their heartfelt words he slightly got emotional for a moment and debated within himself, "No.. no.. no can't spill the bins and what Lucy is indeed true, never trust anyone. I also have in life experience, need to investigate more on everyone only then can it be decided if they can be trusted or not.

Hoohh! i also want someone with whom i can talk about things that can't be talked. And i am damn sure they have some doubt about my birth now. According to those books reincarnation is pretty much more common here than a man and woman having normal relationship. Maybe they are trying to believe that i am someone who has reincarnated or someone who occupied this body. Well i myself am a terrible actor, what should they even do if not doubt me.

According to books body seizing is also common, not by much but still it is an option they can't deny. While he is thinking all this, not even 1 second passed outside.

He and Lucy are still in their staring contest and twins are on his both sides. While keeping eye contact with Lucy he replied with very firm and clean tone, " Understood i", he stopped for a second then continued, "will express it if i have any problem. So can i get my answers now?"

Lucy though disappointed said, " Yeah, ask what you want to know, i will answer them."

"So what is life creation technique? how am i related to headmaid's twins as you said they are special like me? what is my speciality and what is their's?

While asking he is thinking," Lucy is a sorrowful person, her pain is somehow similar to mine. Cripple body, uncertain future though have only seen her always smiling. Whatever is happening inside her i think i can feel. Her life has been full thorns.

In old dragon's inheritance there is a way to rebuild her foundation but process is equally painful and long, a little too long because of her race.

Sigh! have to search for another alternative then. Hmm.. maybe alchemy can help.

Mainly 2 parts are difficult removing every last trace of residential energy from her body completely and create her core in one go, can't pause or stop at new core forming phase.

I can't use any energy so, it is unknown if there is anything else to look out for.

Wait! I don't even know know if she is still cripple or not. Huh! why am i becoming so emotional without even knowing!

Only seconds passed outside, Lucy arranged her words and started answering,

"Life creation technique was acquired from spirit race of which all are female. They are born with this technique or could also say it be their inborn ability to maintain their population.

No one knows who and how but a technique similar with more functions was released and widespread. Some race's females were able to use this of which is our race Primal. Those whose body structures are similar to spirit race can perform this technique to create new life of any gender.

Spirit race can use this technique once every 5 years once their special energy restores.

But other races have side effect. Once they perform this technique they can not use it until super Tier nor can they be pregnent by male. They lose ability to create and also give birth. Beacuse this technique was meant for spirit race to create for of their kind, in hand of other races also mostly females are born. This is the main reason for our race's female population being over 98%.

There is another catch if it is used to create a specific gender then they will be restricted until supreme Tier.

Which happened to Tracy and Triti the twins.

Through the history of our race it has been proven that if. a baby between a primal and another race is born they will be perfect hybrid with both bloodlines. Which is one of primal bloodline's special characteristic.

In life creation technique if another body part and blood essence is added then the person will be born with that bloodline's full capabilites.

So the twins both used their blood with the full void demon corpse of supreme Tier to apply the technique together to create you.

Because they are twins they can perform it together so you will have both of their elemental affinities together. Which theory has already been proven right previously many times.

Twins got dead void demon and few other corpse beside it. "

Tracy said from the side," We don't know exact reason of their death. That day we were on our regular hunt routine from our base. we found those dead bodies and through many kilometers of land was flattened.


To Be Continued.