The true monster

"Sir we have received information about the SEKIZA", said the officer to the Squadron Leader. 

"What is the report?", asked Squadron leader. 

"We have spotted Alexander Roswell. The foreign ambassador of the SEKIZA", said the officer. 

"Very well"

"Hideyoshi Reiji, this will be your very first mission after your arrival, get to your suit. We are going to hunt", ordered the leader. 

"As your wish leader", said Reiji and moved to the changing room. 

After a few minutes, he arrived in the hall, with a black overcoat and white shirt. The official uniform of SIG. 

"Therefore, let's head out!!!", ordered the leader. 

Squadron 5 consisting of 5 people headed out for their first catch, got into their cars and departed. 

"Officer Kae, where is he?", asked the leader. 

"In the Paradise Casino sir", replied Kae. 

"Hm, a casino"

The cars reached the place and all of them got out and entered the place. 

"Alexander the SIG has arrived!!", shouted a man. 

"Damn!! How did they find out I was here!!"

"My men go and kill them!!", he shouted. 

The majority of the men in the casino went to the entrance to kill them. 

"Reiji it's time to showcase your talent!!", said the leader. 

That moment Reiji lifted his hands, and something started to materialise out of the air. It took the form of a rifle, AK 47. 

"An Ak 47? What is he going to do with it?", thought the leader. 


He fired the gun.


The bullet hit a person, and he fell. 

"Connect!", ordered Reiji. 

That moment blue nerves arose from that man headed towards all of the others, it penetrated each of them. 

"Now kill", ordered Reiji. 


Their bodies blasted, giving a rain of blood. 

"Reiji mind telling what is it?", asked the leader. 

"2 years back I confronted a Shade in Akihabara, it had a unique ability to fire bullets from its Virexis and then hit other people. After the commander, the bullets will become the Virexis and kill the people by blasting off their bodies. I killed it and made my weapon BLOOD 47. my rifle", said Reiji. 

"What is this guy?", thought Jin. 

In a moment Rieji disappeared as he headed towards the back exit. 

He spotted Alexander. He was running to escape. 

That moment Alexander disappeared. 

Reiji felt a presence beside him, and the transformed Alexander stood behind him.

"So he was a shade after all", thought Reiji. 

He summoned the rifle and started to fire the bullets. 


"His virexis is manifesting?", thought Reiji. 

The Virexis formed a shield in front of Alexander deflecting all the bullets. 

"Hm, a unique Virexis after all", thought Reiji. 

"I want you", declared Reiji. 

He summoned another rifle! And then another, and another. He summoned 20 rifles all levitating behind him.


He deflected all of them. He made his escape.

"Summoning: Hollow M82"

Reji summoned a Barret M82 rifle, not only one but 100 of them. 

All of them along with the sniper appeared all around them, all the way. 


He still managed to deflect all of them. 

"Thousand Golden Leaves"

Thousands of swords appeared from the places where the bullets had penetrated. 



All of them made the body of Alexander into three pieces. 

"Reiji are you okay!!", appeared the Squadron leader and asked. 


He couldn't think of anything after seeing that place, and his body being decapitated into 3 individual pieces. 

"Sir, the mission is completed", said Reiji. 

"Wait this guy wasn't even serious, as I have heard this isn't his true potential", thought the leader.