Chapter 15 – Hogsmeade

As the sixth years entered the Defence Classroom on Thursday morning they became aware that something was wrong. Professor Pentagon was smiling as usual but she seemed on edge, as though Death Eaters were about to jump out at her any moment. As soon as they were all settled down Professor Pentagon waved her wand at the board and writing and a moving picture of a wand appear before turning to the class.

'Good Morning. Today we are going to concentrate on an important Hex that you will be expected to know for your N.E.W.T.S next year. It's called the Flareum Hex. As you can see I have put the incantation and wand movement on the board. Who can tell me what this Hex does? Ms Granger?'

'It makes the wand of the receiver of the Hex heat up very quickly causing burns on the wand hand.'

'Very good, 5 points to Gryffindor. This is a hex that is very useful in duels as it can make your opponent drop their wand. Does anybody know when you should use the counter for the curse? Mr Nott?'

'You use it as soon as you see the wand movement of your opponent and it cools your hand down so when the wand heats up it doesn't burn your hand.'

'Well done, 5 points to Slytherin. This is why it is only suitable to be learnt for N.E.W.T level as its not the complexity of the spell you will find difficult it will be knowing when to cast the counter curse. Does anybody know the counter curse and wand movement? Mr Potter?'

'You run the length of your wand along the open palm of your opposite hand whilst saying Tepesco.'

'Well done. Now all of you get into pairs and start practising.' The sudden movement stops Professor Pentagon hearing Ron whispering to Harry.

'She didn't give you any points. You were the only one who put you're hand up.'

'She only usually gives out points to each house once during the lesson, so as she'd already awarded me 5 points she wouldn't give them to Harry.' Hermione whispers back and Hermione pairs up with Ron and Harry pairs up with Neville.

'Fervens.' Ron starts as Hermione tries to draw her wand against her palm.

'Ouch.' Hermione yelps as she drops her wand to the floor watching it roll under a desk. 'I never thought it burnt that much.'

'It depends on the strength of the person casting the spell on how much it burns. The stronger the Witch or Wizard the hotter your wand burns.' Neville stutters looking over sat Harry fearfully.

'Thanks Mione are you calling me a weak Wizard!' Ron asks offended.

'Of course not Ron, I just never thought it would burn that much.' Hermione replies crawling around on the floor trying to retrive her wand. Harry rolls his eyes and turns to Neville who is looking pale.

'Do you want to Hex me first or the other way around?' Harry asks Neville who looks at Ron imploringly.

'Fancy swapping Ron.' Ron shrugs.

'Sure.' Neville quickly swaps places with Ron before he catches onto why he wants to swap. Ron gets ready.

'Go on then Harry cast the Hex then.'

'Fervens.' Harry shouts. Ron shrieks with pain and drops his wand grabbing at his hand and blowing on it. Hermione quickly takes Rons hand and casts a cooling charm on it. Ron sighs in relief.

'Thanks Hermione.' Ron looks over at Neville and narrows his eyes. 'I see why you wished to change partners.' Neville smiles and shrugs.

'Sorry Ron.'

'Ron swipes up his wand just as Professor Pentagon comes over.

'Is everybody okay over here? I thought I heard a shout of pain.'

'I'm fine now Professor, Harry just caught me a bit unawares.' Ron replies going as red as his hair as he notices the rest of the class watching.

'Why don't you have a go at casting the Hex now Mr Weasley.' Ron nods and then faces Harry.


Harry pulls his wand against his hand and shouts the counter curse but he is too slow and can't stop a grimance of pain as his wand burns his palm but he doesn't drop his wand.

'Are you okay Mr Potter?' Harry nods. 'I'm afraid you are going to need a lot more work on that counter curse better look next time.' Professor Pentagon says sadly before walking off. The four of them stand in silence for a few seconds before the bell goes which shakes them out of their daze. Harry is the first one to grab his bag, shove his things inside and storm out of the classroom missing the homework assignment.

A few corridors away the others catch up.

'Harry you missed the homework assignment.' Hermione scolds. Harry ignores her and grabes the robes of a passing Gryffindor pulling them up short. The passing tall seventh year turns and looks at Harry.

'Are you okay Harry?'

'Where's the Defence bet winnings, Gary?'

'Here. There's too much to leave in my dorm.' Harry takes the bag out of the Gary's hands and turns back the way he just came from. They all take off after him including Gary.

'Hey Potter, give that back here.'

Harry doesn't stop until he reaches the first floor corridor and catches a bunch of Slytherins walking towards them. He takes off after them his trail getting longer as more students follow him to see what is going on.

'Oi, Carter.' A Slytherin ahead stops and turns towards Harry's voice and pales.

'Yes?' He tries to say nonchalantly, but it comes out as more of a squeak. Harry reaches him and drops the money pouch into his hand.

'Congratulations. You won.' Harry says before stalking off down the corridor towards Gryffindor Tower. Ron stands and gapes at the Slytherin before shaking his head and taking off after Harry, Hermione close behind.

'I won.' The Slytherin looks up at Gary who was directly behind Harry.

'I guess so Carter. It looks like our Defence Professor finally decided they hated Harry Potter.'

The betting was over.

In the third week DA club ran, it had become so large Harry had to relocate everybody to the Great Hall. Every student from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff was now attending making it the most popular club in the school. It seemed the students had finally gotten over their awe and fear of Harry by being more afraid of Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Everyday there were mentions in the Daily Prophet of the destruction and mayhem outside of Hogwarts they were causing. The Ministry didn't seem to be doing anything apart from still labelling Harry as the Chosen One much to his disgust and to the amusement of Gryffindor Tower. Although most students wouldn't say it out loud, most of them hoped and prayed Harry was the Chosen One and that one day he would destroy Voldemort for them.

They were very careful not to voice this in front of Harry though, as after one brave young second year Hufflepuff approached Harry in the hall and thanked him for fighting Voldemort and saving the Wizarding World, Harry first off stared at the boy blankly for a moment before starting a tirade against the Ministry, fate and Voldemort that lasted for 15 minutes. No other student was going to risk it again and said Hufflepuff boy spent the night in the infirmary after having a nervous breaking down from upsetting his idol.

In order to be able to work with every year Harry had had to rope in some of the original members of DA to help him cover the topics. Harry had to double check each topic they thought up so it didn't cross over into Professor Pentagon Defence lessons and then check with Professor Dumbledore to actually make sure he was actually allowed to teach the students said topic before each club session. Dumbledore was finding immense enjoyment watching Harry educate most of the school and had, on Harry's behalf, applied to the Board of Governors for a small bursary to allow Harry to purchase anything he might need for the DA. All of the staff was very surprised; most of all Snape, at how quickly it had grown and in the third week actually went and watched what was happening.

Harry was working with the first years, simply sitting on conjured cushions on the floor thinking through the process of Curse Detection. This was the most important topic at the moment due to the attempted poisoning of all the students in the school by the cursing of their chocolate frogs. Each of the first years were actually taking notes and reading over some textbooks, more then most did in real lessons. Second and third years were with Hermione and Neville learning a simple block and hex. Fourth and Fifth years were looked after by Cho and her friend Marietta, (as nobody else would work with her after the incident from the previous year) they were now using the boxes Harry had used in the first session with the old DA members and using textbooks to try and open them. Sixth and Seventh years were covering some advanced blocks and learning how to work in pairs to fight as, from Harry's experience it was always easier if you did not have to protect your back too.

The Professors managed to come in quietly via a side door behind the Head Table, as everybody was too absorbed in what they were doing to notice. They silently sat down and continued drinking their tea and coffee they had brought with them. Professor Sprout brought out a tin of biscuits and passed them along the table each teacher taking their favourites as it went by. Not a word was exchanged as they marvelled at how interested their students were at learning. If only they could get the same results in their lessons. At the end of the allotted time, which had been extended for half an hour, the students turned to leave and only then noticed the teachers calmly sitting down and observing, causing all noise to stop. Harry went forward.

'Sorry Headmaster, we did not hear you come in.'

'No apologies necessary my boy. It is wonderful to see student so absorbed in learning.' Harry nods and turns back to the students.

'I guess I'll see you all next week then. Remember no practising what you have learnt here if it is going to cause harm to anyone.' After the usual closing speech the students resume leaving whispering and laughing as they went. Harry turns back to the teachers table.

'Did you need anything Headmaster?'

'No Mr Potter, I only came along to see what had interested all of the houses so much and to see how you were coping.'

'Not all the houses, sir. There is nobody from Slytherin in the DA.'

'That does not mean they are not talking about it.'

Harry smiled but didn't comment or look in Snapes direction. Harry had decided it wasn't fair to blame Snape every time Slytherin did something against the other houses. Dumbledore stood up and the other teachers followed his lead.

'I will see you in a minute Harry.' Dumbledore nodded before leaving.

Moments later Harry was sitting with Dumbledore in his office once again attempting to let his Patronus spell stay strong for long minutes. Harry was sure there were any noticeable improvement but Dumbledore said there had been a few minor improvements, which would lead Harry right in the end. Harry certainly didn't agree but couldn't find the heart to disagree with the Headmaster and his twinkling eyes.

On Saturday morning Advanced lessons seemed to stretch forever. This was because it was actually a Hogsmeade day and the Advanced students couldn't go until they had finished their lessons. Hermione couldn't sit still and didn't seem to be paying attention causing Harry to smile. Ron had asked Hermione to go to Hogsmeade as a date with just him. They would see Harry at dinner that evening. As soon as Defence finished they were all off.

Ron had been waiting for Hermione in the Great Hall so they could walk down together and as Harry was on his own he walked down slowly behind them trying to decide which shop to go to first. Deciding to get the worst of his purchases over with first Harry went into the book shop on the far end of the main street. Inside, the two floored shop was full of students who had forgotten their own books or like Neville had already destroyed them accidentally. Speaking of Neville Harry caught sight of him in the Herbology section and went over. Neville looked up from his book and upon seeing Harry smiled.

'Hi ya Harry. You on your own?'

'Yeah. Ron and Hermione have a date.' Neville nods. 'What book is that?' Neville shows him the title 'Water Fungi and their Medicinal Purposes'.

'I was thinking of becoming a Herbologist.' Neville says quietly blushing.

'Like Professor Sprout?'

'Yeah, sort of. I wanted to travel the world looking for endangered and rare species.' Harry smiles thinking of Neville's Mimbulus Mimbletonia, which sat on the window ledge next to his bed and had grown to 3 foot and no longer shot Stinking Sap as a defence mechanism but actually shot small spikes instead. In Harry's opinion it hadn't gotten any better, but Neville had become attached to it so none of the sixth year boys had had the heart to ask him to get rid of it.

'You'd be good at it Neville.' Neville turns pink. Ginny comes over dragging a vacant looking Luna.

'Hi Harry. I just saw Ron and Hermione going into Madam Pudifoots' Harry chuckles and Ginny joins him. Harry had been in Madam Pudifoots and never ever wanted to repeat the experience again.

'I would not like to go into Madam Pudifoots. I think a walk would be more romantic. We could find some Norckles that live in oak tress in Scotland.' Ginny and Harry catch each other's eye and stifle laughter at Luna's outrageous statement. Harry changes the subject.

'How about we do some shopping and then get some bottles of Butterbeer from the Three Broomsticks and go for that walk. I can't guarantee we'll see any Norckles but we can go to the Shrieking Shack.'

'Good idea Harry.' Neville agrees. 'I'm just gonna go buy this book.' Neville walks off through the crowd.

'I need to get some shopping before we go on that walk. I'll be quick though. Meet you outside in 10 minutes.' Harry pushes through the crowd and disappears from sight.

'Come on Luna. I need a new diary.' Ginny says dragging Luna away.

Harry bumps into Neville again in the queue and they are soon outside with their purchases. Once they reach Ginny and Luna who had stationed themselves a little further along the store front away from the door Harry nods towards the Apothecaries.

'I need to go to the Apothecaries yet. I need some ingredients for my Advanced lesson.'

'Sure.' They all walk over to the shop avoiding wandering students and go inside wrinkling their noses at the smell.

'I hate this shop.' Neville whispers.

'I can't wait to drop Potions.' Ginny says sighing. Harry walks over to a shelf and starts looking for what he needs.

'Can we help you Harry? Then we can get out of here.' Ginny indicates to the stringed dead animals attached to a beam on the ceiling. Harry shows her the list.

'Luna we need 2 Bicorn Horns. Not powdered. Neville 2 Dragons teeth. I'll find your bats livers Harry.' Ginny orders. Harry turns back to the herbs in front of him. A skinny, pale skinned witch dressed in drab grey dress and robe comes from out the back and comes to the counter.

'Can I help you dear?' Her high-pitched voice rings out in the stillness of the shop.

'Yeah. I need 2ounces each of Lady's Mantle, Betony and Bistort. 10 Dittany leaves, 2 freshly pulled adult Pelargonium plants and a large scoop of Dill Seeds please.' The lady who had been writing this down in shorthand on a greasy notebook nods then pulls over a ladder and puts it against a large supply of bottles and jars behind her before slowly climbing up her joints creaking. Ginny comes over with a bag of bats liver and places it on the counter in front of Harry. The witch comes down the ladder carrying a few jars and sets up some scales and carefully weighs out the ingredients. Neville comes over with 2 dragons teeth and watches the witch setting the scales up. Harry looks around the shop to see where Luna has gotten to. She has gravitated to a display of rotten looking animals in a glass cabinet. Harry's attention is pulled back as bags of Lady's mantle, Betony and Bistort are placed in front of him. The lady behind the counter then bends down and scoops some Dill seeds from a barrel into a bag fastening it and putting it with the other purchases. Luna finally comes back with 2 large Bicorn Horns dropping them onto the counter

'Is that everything?'

'Yes. For now.' Harry says picking up a few of the Dittany leaves and inspecting them. Nodding satisfied he puts them back down and watches as the witch places all of his ingredients into a grey box before ringing up the prices on a very old till.

'11 galleons, 12 sickles and 3 knuts.' Harry hands over the money and picks up the box putting it into a bag he takes out of a robe pocket. The witch disappears back behind a grubby curtain.

'Can we leave now?' Neville shudders.

'Yes. I'm done.' They all leave and breathe in deeply when they get outside. They see Ron and Hermione across the street in Madam Pudifoots through the glass window holding hands over the table whilst eating with one hand. Harry looks at the others puzzled.

'Do girls really enjoy going into revolting cafes and having to eat with one hand?' Ginny smiles.

'Some do. Cho for instance?' Ginny watches Harry wince. 'Bad memories Harry?' Ginny laughs. Harry glares at her before smiling.

'Ginny do you want to run into the Three Broomsticks for us and get us our Butterbeers. If we all go in we won't leave again.' Harry hands over some money after she sighs and nods. After Ginny has left Neville places his book bag on the floor and rubs his hand.

'I should have brought these after our walk.' He moans 'My grandmother always said I never think before I act.'

'Neither do most people, Neville' Harry says remembering that it was because he didn't think before he acted that Sirius is now dead. Funny how he hadn't thought about it for a while and how he had stopped having nightmares of watching Sirius fall through the veil since he came to school. Looking at Neville he thinks that all Neville will get is aching arms Harry had killed somebody. He shudders at the thought.

'Give me your bag Neville.' Harry says pushing his thoughts aside. Neville hands it over. Harry touches the bag and says something quietly. The bag shrinks till it is sitting in the palm of his hand. 'Here. I'll enlarge it when we get back to the dorm.' Handing it back he shirnks his book backs and puts them in a robe pocket before tucking the potions box securely under his arm.

'Why don't you shrink that box Harry?' Neville asks.

'The Dittany leaves don't like having magic used on them. If I tried to shrink them they would cause a small explosion.' Harry explains.


A few minutes later Ginny appears carrying a box of Butterbeers the bottles clinking inside.

'Got them. We gonna walk to the top of the hill by the shrieking shack then?' Harry and Neville nod. Luna who had been looking at the sky humming to herself looks at Ginny.

'We cannot go there. The ghosts from the Shack have picnics there every lunch time.'

'I think we will risk it.' Harry says taking Luna's arm and leading her away.

'Where did your purchases go Neville?'

'Harry shrunk them. They're in my pocket.'

'Cool.' Ginny says louder. 'You'll have to show me that charm too Harry. Maybe then I can fit all my clothes into my trunk.'

'According to Hermione you already have enough clothes.' Harry turns around to smile at Ginny and she sticks her tongue out at him.

'Do you want me to carry that box for you Ginny?'

'Thanks Neville. At least one of you is a gentleman.' Ginny says pointedly looking at Harry's back. Harry calls over his shoulder.

'You are always saying you can take care of yourself.'

'I like a man who doesn't assumes I can't do things for myself.' Luna says dreamily.

'Not me. I like a man who does everything for me and treats me like fine bone china.' Ginny retorts.

'Good luck searching Ginny.' Neville laughs and Harry joins in.

'Be careful, my Bat-Bogey Hex is renowned.'

'I know. But you wouldn't attack poor defenceless me would you.' Harry turns around and walks backwards pouting at Ginny.

What had got into him? Harry thought. First he isn't thinking about Sirius, he hadn't been having nightmares, in fact he hadn't been having dreams lately and now he was joking as though he doesn't have a care in the world!

After a relatively short walk they come to the top of the hill over looking the Shrieking Shack.

'Harry conjure us up a couple of blankets.' Ginny says watching Neville places the box of Butterbeers on the grass. Harry takes out his wand and taps it against his teeth thinking. 'It's Vestis Conjurus and you swirl your wand.'

'Oh yes, I remember. Hermione taught us it last year.' Harry says before swirling his wand towards the grass conjuring two red blankets. After sitting down Neville passes out the bottles of Butterbeer.

Taking a sip Harry looks across the fields to look at Hogwarts sitting perched on the top of it's hill in the distance. The lake is glistening in the sun and the Giant Squids tentacles resting on the far bank taking in the sunlight. A few owls can be seen flying in and out of the building and the odd Thestral breaking the cover of trees in the Forbidden Forest before disappearing back beneath the canopy.

'I love sitting here.' Ginny sighs.

'So Ginny. You'll know. Have any of the guys started asking girls to the Yule Ball yet?'

'No. Not yet. Why? Interested in anybody?'

'No. Not yet. I just don't want to be left on the sidelines. If I'm learning to dance I would like to put it to some use.' Harry shrugs.

'Yeah. It's horrible. Snape is always breathing down my neck in practise. I have two left feet.' Neville says miserably taking a sip from his bottle.

'I suppose you are going with Dean, Ginny.' Harry says.

'No. They broke up.' Luna says.

'Ron never told me that.'

'Ron isn't the most observant person in the world. We had an argument.'


'Don't tell Ron though. He'll flip if he finds out. He'll want to beat Dean into a pulp.' Harry smiles.

'I won't.' Talk slowly turns to lessons and reports in the Daily Prophet as the afternoon drifts by. Just as they are discussing going back to the castle to pinch a late lunch from the kitchens Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Nott appear on top of the hill.

'Oh look if it isn't Scarhead, Weaselette, Loopy Luna and the Squib.' The other Slytherin males snigger. 'I never thought you two would ever get a date.' Malfoy looks at Neville and Harry.

'We're watching the Spore Lights.' Luna says looking towards the castle. Harry edges closer to Ginny and puts his arm around her waist. Ginny leans onto him.

'Luna's right. They only can be seen by those in love.' Malfoy looks at Harry's eyes containing laughter and merriment, which are waiting for Malfoy to say something.

'What do they look like?' Nott asks intrigued.

'Do not be an idiot Nott.' Malfoy drawls. 'There is no such thing. It's just loopy making it up.'

'Are you sure Malfoy?' Harry asks 'How would you know for certain if you are not in love?'

'Slytherins do not love.' Crabbe recites. Like a lesson repeated over and over again.

'Then you'll never see them. Goodbye. You are scaring all the Spore Lights away.' Malfoy sneers at Harry and turns and walks away the others following. As soon as they are out of hearing range Ginny and Harry start laughing. Neville smiles whilst Luna is apparently still watching the Spore Lights. Harry suddenly stands up.

'Come on my darling witch. I need to stock up on my Zonko's products before we go back to Hogwarts.' Harry says mischievously pulling Ginny to her feet.

'Don't you have enough products from the Twins ships yet?'

'You can't have enough products that cause mayhem and confusion.' Harry jokes lightly.

'No, I guess not.' Ginny laughs. Neville stands up and helps Luna to her feet.

'Come on, the quicker we get to Zonko's the quicker we can get back for lunch. I'm hungry.' Neville says picking up the emoty bottles of Butterbeer and putting them back in the box. Luna takes her wand from behind her ear and banishes the box away before leading the way back down the hill.

Entering Zonko's they see a large display at the back of the shop with the 3W logo and Fred and George standing in front of it. George stands up onto a box in front a crowd of Hogwarts Students.

'Gather round students we have a surprise for you today. The ultimate skiving item.' George stands back to show a book behind him. The title says 'Guide to Curses and Their Counters'

'Do not be fooled by the cover…' Fred announces joining George.

'Inside is not a school allocated textbook…'

'But a reading book of your choice…'

'For as little as 1 galleon…'

'You can own this marvellous product. But the fun doesn't end there. If a teacher or friend were to pick this up they would actually see your textbook inside.'

'Perfect for that boring class you wish that you could be elsewhere.'

'Get these today at their introductory price of 1 galleon and while away History of Magic lessons reading Max the Mad Muggle.' Fred finishes. The students rush forward. George leaves Fred to deal with them and goes over to Harry and Ginny who have moved to one side.

'That's a good invention George.'

'Thanks Harry.'

'I bet Snape won't be happy when he figures out that the majority of his students sudden interest in their textbooks isn't due to their new found love of his subject.' Ginny says laughing. Harry and George join her.

'Here.' George says pulling out 2 covers. 'Present for you two. Don't forget to tell everybody where you got them from.' George winks as he goes back to helping his brother. Harry shrinks his and puts it in his pocket then shrinking Ginny's as they go back outside to a waiting Luna and Neville.

'Kitchens.' Harry says receiving nods in reply. On their way back up to the castle they catch up with Ron and Hermione who are holding hands and decide to join them.

'You guys are coming back early. What's up?' Harry asks.

'We still have homework to complete. I really am behind.' Hermione says. Harry glances at Ron who shrugs in reply.

'We saw you two holding hands in Madam Pudifoots.' Ginny smiles causing Ron and Hermione to blush.

'Ron brought me lunch.' Ron coughs uncomfortably before changing the subject.

'Did you see those new book covers Fred and George were selling today in Zonko's?' Ron asks.

'Yeah. We got some. I can see it coming in handy.' Hermione frowns.

'I hope you two are not going to be lying to me about studying in the future?' Harry and Ron pat her on the shoulder.

'No Mione. We wont.' Ron says hugging her closer winking at Harry over her head. Once they reach the Entrance Hall Harry waves goodbye to Hermione and Ron as they head up to the Tower and leads the way down to the kitchens.

Seconds after Harry steps inside he falls onto the floor as a small body hits his legs.

'The great Harry Potter has come to visit Dobby.' The house elf squeaks. Harry smiles and disentangles himself from Dobby.

'Cause I have Dobby. How are you?' Dobby sniffs.

'Harry Potter is a wonderful wizard to be asking about a house elf.' Dobby wails. Harry pats him on the shoulder and shrugs at the others who are smiling. Even Luna has come out of her usual trance to be interested in Dobby.

'Could we have some food Dobby. None of us have eaten lunch yet.'

'Of course Harry Potter sir.' Dobby disappears and returns with several more house elves carrying trays piled with food. Harry and the others sit down and wait to be served. Neville leans closer to Harry.

'I didn't know you were friends with the house elves.'

'I freed Dobby from Lucius Malfoy in second year. He sort of sticks close by now.' Harry shrugs tucking into his lunch. Harry looks up at the surrounding house elves. 'This is wonderful. Thank you.' After several wails and hugs they are left alone to finish their lunch.

'So that's Dobby. Rons told me all about him but I've never actually met him before.' Ginny says.


'He's a bit weird.' Harry laughs.

'Why is he wearing a tea cosy and lots of socks?' Neville asks.

'He's free. Dumbledore plays him 1 gallean a week and he gets a day off a month too.' Neville chokes on a piece of pie. Harry hits him hard on his back.

'Thanks Harry. Wages!' Neville asks.

'Yeah. I told you he was weird.' Harry replies. 'He's saved my life though. He gave me the Gillyweed I needed for the second task in the Triwizard Tournament. Stole it from Snapes personal stores too.'

'A good friend to have then.' Harry smiles back at Ginny.

'House elves ruled the Wizarding World before Fudge came into power and killed them.'

Three stares are her reply.