Chapter 5

Kiara was looking to her right and saw nothing but rows of wooden houses that seemed to go on forever. There were many people about on the road as they trudged through the snow. Kiara saw a lot of animals moving about amongst the people. There were sheep, horses, cats, dogs, and some creatures that Kiara could not make out. The creatures looked like cats but had golden eyes and a gem in the middle of their heads! Some had two to four tails! These creatures moved fast as through the snow.

Kiara also saw people looking out of their windows or tossing things to people below. Everyone was smiling and there was a lot of laughter. Several small children with horns ran by and were grinning from ear to ear. Kiara turned and looked to her left and saw the same thing as there were rows upon rows of wooden houses that went on into the distance.

One of the cat-like creatures was bounding by her when it turned and looked at her. It gave her a smile to which Kiara looked at it in surprise. The cat creature kept on going forward until it disappeared from view.

"Kiara! What are you doing out here in the cold without a coat or cloak?!"

Kiara turned to her right and saw a tall and large woman walking toward her. The woman was round in shape and was wearing black trousers, a dark gray tunic, and a brown coat. On her head was the hood of the coat and her pointy ears were tucked in within it. The woman had a round chubby face and it was smiling at Kiara with such warmth and delight. Kiara had to look up at the woman as she was so tall! She had to be over 6 feet. The woman kept smiling at Kiara and seemed to be waiting for a response. As Kiara looked at her, there was another feeling that Kiara could see in the woman's brown eyes which she was surprised to conclude was love!

"Um…I…" Kiara did not know how to answer this woman who clearly knew her somehow. She stood there and fumbled with her words as the snow landed on her hair and clothes.

The woman gave a hearty laugh that was loud and filled with such mirth that it made Kiara crack a smile. It was the friendliest and kindest laugh she had ever heard in her entire life!

"Kiara, did you have a lot of that Whysklian tea last night?" The woman grinned. "I warned you that drinking too much of it would make you drowsy and incoherent. It is only to be drunk when you are having trouble sleeping."

"Eh?" Kiara sounded. She was now starting to feel the cold as her disbelief and shock at everything she had been seeing had made her body warm with adrenaline.

"Come on inside, before you catch a cold!" The woman gently put a large hand on Kiara's shoulder and led her back inside. The woman had to bend her head a little to get through the door.

"Greetings, Mythra!" A woman with a pointy hat and a cat on her shoulder shouted with happiness.

"Good morn to you, Gijeran!" The tall large woman said as she walked inside. She took off her coat and hung it on a hook near the door. She then closed the door behind her which made Kiara feel a little disappointed that she could not escape. But where could she escape to?! This was not Willow Springs or any place in her world!

"Mythra! It's been a long time!" A short man with a very long red beard said as he clamored up to her. His eyebrows were quite busy and his hair was curly and tucked under a green hat. He was dressed in dark brown trousers and a red cloak around his shoulders. He was so tiny that Kiara realized that he was a dwarf!

"Arewen! It has been a long time!" Mythra smiled. "What brings you back to Havendale?"

"I am on my way to the Fjeriopian Mountains to see my brother's new babes!" Arewen grinned with happiness. "His wife had four at once!"

"Oh, that is so lovely! Send my congratulations to Pyrewen for me! Have you tried the new Biswanwood tea?" Mythra said. Her hand had returned to Kiara's shoulder and its warmth was making Kiara feel at ease. She thought for a moment how her parents never showed her any kind of affection at all. She could not remember the last time that she had been touched with such affection before. Even with the girls that she had dated, it was never a warm touch like this!

"Yes! It is splendid, Mythra! One of the finest teas that I have ever had! Your inn is always a delight!"

"Thank you, Arewen. That is nice of you to say. Please have some more Biswanwood tea but this time on the house! I will have Kiara get it for you." Mythra patted Kiara on her shoulder.

The dwarf looked at Kiara with a smile. "I look forward to it, Kiara. Thank you."

Kiara awkwardly nodded and then looked at Mythra. The tall large woman beamed down at her. "Run along now, Kiara. As you know the Biswanwood tea is stored on the below floor in the back. It is on the shelf with the tea leaves in the vials." She winked at Kiara with a smile.

Kiara had a sudden thought that maybe this woman knew that she was not from here. Her direct instructions and wink seemed to imply that!