"What is happening here?!" Kiara said to herself. There was no doubt in her mind that these leaves were the Biswanwood tea leaves. She looked at the red tea leaves momentarily and then started to chuckle. She shook her head as she knew that there was no making sense of any of this. She just had to get out of this strange place and find her way back to…
Kiara paused as she thought about returning to Willow Springs. Did she want to go back there? Back to her unhappy parents and her invisibility at home? Was that what she wanted? Immediately Kiara felt anxious and even dread inside of her. She didn't want to go back at all but she also couldn't stay here either. She did not know where "here" was!
She stood there for a moment thinking about where she could go but it was all so confusing. Also, her eyes kept moving to the Biswanwood tea leaves and a huge part of her was curious about making the tea for the dwarf. She also felt conflicted because Mythra had entrusted this task to her and she did not want to just run off. It was strange but disappointing Mythra was not what she wanted to do.
Kiara grabbed the vial of red tea leaves and headed back up the stairs to the main floor. She heard even more laughter and also the sound of someone strumming a guitar. The smell of delicious foods was in the air as well as a variety of tea flavors. Kiara got back onto the main floor and saw that the place had gotten even more crowded! There were so many people with animal ears who filled up the tables.
Zyli was talking to people and getting orders. She nodded with a big smile at each person. Kiara wondered if the horned girl was keeping her sad feelings in at her girlfriend leaving. That was her girlfriend right? Kiara thought. She shook herself awake as this was no time to wonder if Zyli had a girlfriend. She saw the dwarf who wanted the Biswanwood tea sitting at a table and talking to two elves. A lively conversation happened between the group, and Kiara did not see any impatience on Arewen's face.
Kiara looked all over for Mythra for instructions on what to do with the tea but did not see her. She figured that she would quickly ask Zyli who was quite busy with customers. She began to make her way to her as she maneuvered as best as she could around the crowded tables. Many people waved at her as she went by. She awkwardly waved back.
"Kiara!" A loud shout came from behind her.
Kiara froze and then slowly turned around. She saw a short girl with cat-like ears coming toward her with a big smile on her face. The girl was dark-skinned and had eyes that were pale sand. Her hair was short and curly and poking out through it were gray cat ears. She was dressed in a heavy coat that had snowflakes on it. She came up to Kiara and gave her a hug. Kiara stood there frozen in surprise. She saw several people looking at them with smiles.
The girl eventually broke the hug and looked at Kiara with such warmth that Kiara felt the ends of her lips curl with friendliness. "I am so glad that I ran into you! I have been looking for you since I came in! Zyli had no idea where you were and told me that you had been acting very strange this day."
"Oh…" Kiara did not know what to say to the girl.
"I wanted to say thank you so much for the box of treats for my mother," The girl said. "She loved them and it helped her feel better after Pove passed away. That sweet Wemfox had been her companion for so many years after father passed away from old age." A sad expression came over the girl's face and Kiara felt a pang of sympathy for her. She even reached out and touched her arm.
"I'm so sorry," Kiara whispered.
"Thank you. My father's death was so hard on her as you know but the Wemfox helped her through her grief," The girl said with her eyes welling up with tears. "Now, Pove has passed into the netherworlds. It was so very kind of you to pack a box of her favorite treats for her, especially the Yemtam cakes! She was so happy to see them and ate all of them in one sitting!" A smile returned to the girl's face again and she grabbed Kiara by the arms and gave them a gentle squeeze. "Thank you again, Kiara!"
"Um…you're welcome," Kiara said. She had never met this girl before in her life and yet alone given her any box of treats but she felt a strong sympathy for her and her mother and decided to just go along with it.
"Guess what?!" The girl excitedly said.
"I am going to get my mother another Wemfox! I am on my way to Ysilda's shop to buy one now. I am going to surprise my mom with one. I know that she is going to be so very happy."
"That is great!" Kiara really needed to know what these Wemfox's were. According to Zyli, Kiara had told her that she wanted to buy one too.
"Yes, it is but I wanted to say thank you first before heading there! I am glad I was able to see you!" The girl gave Kiara a big hug and Kiara hugged her back with a smile. "Thank you again, Kiara! You are so wonderful!"
The girl stopped hugging her and with a smile at Kiara, she then bounded away. Kiara watched her go without even knowing her name! She felt so warm inside and deeply affected by the girl's final words. Tears began to well up in Kiara's eyes.