A young human, who had the misfortune of reincarnated onto the Bleach universe as the infamous primordial hollow "Ikomikidomoe", with the cruel fate of being born cursed. Now, he will try to survive in this chaotic world while trying to change his fate of being sealed as just a blade with no free will, and trying to survive the various "mastminds" and "keikaku" of Bleach.
Okay long chapters, little to no errors in grammar and spelling. Really good posting speed. The book it’s self is very interesting, and well done
I'm sure it took a lot of effort to research this hollow, and you Author-san were able to make this story very interesting, I really admire how you made the interactions between the characters. I highly recommend this 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Pretty good. 👏👏👍👍