Have you ever wondered why the world is so evil? I wonder too. Everywhere I look, there's so much darkness—so much despair. But then I also wondered, where does this evil even come from? Obviously, it has to come from humans, right? Because in the beginning, God made everything good. The world was good. Then humans started doing evil things, and now it's like the whole planet is drowning in it. Evil cannot create— it can only corrupt. Evil has been here since the beginning of time, it has just been waiting to come out of the shadows of darkness to corrupt the light.
But what if humans could just… coexist? If people could just be kind to each other, there wouldn't be any need for murder, robbery, racism, hatred, or violence. One person does something horrible, and that act leaves a mark on someone else's life, like a scar they carry forever, and no amount of surgery will get rid of it. Soon, that scar is going to start affecting their life. They look at that scar, and wonder why they have to be the one to suffer with that scar. The pain is unbearable.
But notice how I said scar, right? It means the wound is already healed. Even if a person has "fully healed" from a traumatic event, it still lingers in their mind, becoming a parasite that takes over their brain and controls every aspect and action of their life. That parasite—It's evil. People take their pain and anger and take it out on others, and now the world is one big lake of fire. It's like no one has empathy anymore—like no one even cares about anyone but themselves.
Ever since the Dark Recession of '29, the world has become more violent. Ruthless killings, fighting, and inflation. These things all happened because of one event—no, one group—the Order of the Abyss. The world was already evil before this group came into existence, of course. Way before. But when this group emerged from the darkness and into the light, things just got much worse.
Don't get me wrong. It's not like I live in a totally dystopian world where everything's in ruins, there's no WiFi, and all the power's been cut out or something. You actually won't directly notice the evil unless you're actively involved in it, you watch the news daily and keep up with what's going on around you, or you're just naturally observant—like me. But after it's been happening for so long, the world has gotten used to the constant bad news, the rising prices, the continuous violence and killings.
With all this information I just gave you, you might think these people just go around killing random individuals and decimating countries, right? No. They can't immediately disrupt the peace of society, because their true goal isn't chaos for chaos's sake—it's about slowly unraveling the fabric of peace. True corruption, to them, is most effective when it's hidden beneath the surface, quietly tearing apart the systems that people take for granted.
If you ask me, the world hasn't changed that much compared to 10 years ago, the only difference is that now we have a global anarchist group to inflict and influence more evil. But what makes them even more dangerous, is that they don't target one specific group of people or country. They don't care about race, gender, or age. The Order of the Abyss has one goal. Their goal isn't to gain money, or respect. They have one goal:
to corrupt the world with evil.
But you know who I think is the most evil person in the world?
My father.
I'll never forgive him for leaving me when I was so young—for walking out and leaving my mom to raise me alone. Not even my mom knows why he left—or maybe she does and just won't tell me. Either way, it's probably some stupid, selfish reason, like all the excuses deadbeat dads come up with. Evil. Just pure evil. Even though my dad did this horrible, selfish thing 12 years ago, my mom doesn't seem like it affects her. She never lets the evil in the world get to her. We've been doing just fine without him. I mean, I can't see inside her thoughts, so I don't really know how she's holding up. But she always tells me that as long as she has me, that's all she needs.
She's so strong.
She tells me I shouldn't let the evil in the world distract me or push me down. She's right—but sometimes, it's just so hard to ignore when evil and violence is literally rooted into our world culture. There's always an answer to everything, right? War and violence can't be the only solutions everything. It doesn't make sense. Why do people kill? I guess if it's revenge for a loved one, or self-defense, that's… understandable. But what about the people who kill for no reason? The ones who kill for fun or for the thrill of it? Why? There's no reason to end someone's life just because you feel like it. Living in New York, I hear about murders all the time—gang fights, drug deals gone wrong—but why? Do we humans hate each other that much? If there's some true source of pure evil lurking out there in the world, I want to find it. I want to look it in the eyes and ask one simple question:
"Why is the world so evil?"