Chapter 10

[Chapter 10]


L-Lord, w-what does this mean?

"Hey!" - He was already in front of me, and I snapped out of it.

"W-What was that?!" - I asked.

"Let's exchange reports."

"Huh? Why? No need."

"Have you finished yours?"

"Not yet."

"Oh, you haven't, then let's exchange."

I just clicked my tongue, seriously. Argh! I took the photocopy from my bag.

"What is this?" - I was surprised when he suddenly grabbed my necklace.

"Give it back!" - I stood up, but he was pulling it away.

"Wait, I’m still looking at it." - he said.


"Give it back, Raven!"

"Why? It's not that pretty! It's as ugly as the name of your section." - he said while looking at the necklace. Tsk, this guy’s attitude is really bad.

"It was just given to her by George, Raven." - Ami said.

Raven froze and quickly turned to the three of them. I had the chance to grab my necklace back, so I snatched it immediately.

"Yes, Raven, George gave it to her, he's her suitor."

I was shocked by what Hazel said.

"Hey, no!" - I said.

My eyes widened when he suddenly grabbed the letter from the box.

"Raven, what are you doing?!" - I tried to grab it, but he wouldn’t give it back.

I couldn’t do anything. He was reading the letter. Oh my God! Huhu! After reading it, he looked at me and smirked, and I was even more shocked by what he did. He crumpled the paper and tossed it into the box.


"W-Why did you do that?!" - I was getting annoyed.

"Pointless, a suitor?" - Raven was starting to laugh. Tsk, I knew it. Bully!

"Can you believe someone’s actually interested in you?" - he said, laughing even harder.

I furrowed my brows. He was going too far!

"Yes, there is! Unlike you, he’s not a pretender, has a good heart, and most of all, he’s not a liar!"

He immediately stopped laughing and became serious.

"W-Why should I care?! I’m way more handsome than him!" - he said.


"You’re handsome, but you’re not boyfriend material!"

It was obvious he was getting frustrated.

He came closer to me, and I swallowed hard. He had such a cold look in his eyes.

"If I see that necklace on your neck, you’re dead!" - he whispered.


R-Raven, why are you like this???

W-Why are you making me feel like you care about me???

"You know, that’s how my husband and I ended up together."

We were all surprised by Ma’am Ablola's sudden arrival, and Raven immediately backed away from me.

"Mr. Alvarez and Ms. Sardoncillo, is there something we don’t know?" - Ma’am Sardoncillo asked.

I scratched my head awkwardly. Tsk!

"AAAYYYYIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" - I was startled when everyone screamed, especially the three beside me.

"N-No, Ma’am, nothing's going on." - I said.

Ma’am smiled and nodded. When I looked at Raven, his face was serious, staring straight ahead.

Is this the sign? D-Does this mean I shouldn’t wear the necklace, because he said I’ll be dead if he sees it on my neck?

After break time, as we were about to go out, suddenly...

"Hi, Tropang freaks!"

It was Sarrah’s group.

They pushed us four aside to enter.


"Looks like you're really enjoying your new classroom, huh, the one you stole from us." - Dana said.

"Stole? Is this classroom yours?" - Ami asked Dana.

"Hays, just ignore them. They’re like mosquitoes, just buzzing around." - Elisha said.

"What did you say?" - Rhea approached Elisha.

"Not only are they mosquitoes, they’re also deaf." - Elisha laughed.


We were all shocked when Rhea suddenly slapped Elisha.

"How... dare... YOU?!" - Elisha immediately charged at Rhea and started swinging.

"Elish, stop!" - I tried to intervene.

"Stay out of it!" - Sarrah pushed me away.

"What’s your problem, huh?!" - I pushed her back in frustration.

"Aah, you want to fight too?" - she shoved me hard, almost making me fall.


We were all startled when Raven threw a chair.

I swallowed hard...

He was glaring at me.

W-Why me? Did I do something wrong???

He approached me, and I backed away, closing my eyes.

"Are you okay?"

I slowly opened my eyes.


Raven’s face showed concern.


I looked around. It was George. He quickly came over to me.

I looked at Raven; he was staring at me seriously, then stood up.

"Garnett, what happened? Are you okay?" - George asked.

"O-Okay, I’m fine."

"You’re hurt." - He touched my arm, and when I looked, I noticed a cut on my elbow.

"Let’s go, I’ll take you to the clinic." - George helped me stand.



While we were eating at the canteen, I couldn’t sit still. Tsk! What’s happening to you, Raven?! Why are you so confused like this?!

I slammed the spoon I was holding down and leaned back in my chair.

"Hey, are you okay?" Dexter asked.

"You've been restless for a while now." Calvin said.

I looked at them.

"I don’t know." I said.

"You don’t know? Do you want me to answer for you?" I looked at Arvin.

My brows furrowed.

"What?" I asked.

"This is just based on what I've observed and seen." Arvin said, making a circuitous explanation.


"I think you are jealous!" he said, surprising me.

"What?! Jealous?! NO!!! I’m not!" I said.

"You said it." he laughed.

"I think Arvin’s right, man. You’ve fallen for Garnett!" Jerome said, laughing as well.

"No! Never!" I said, then stood up and left the canteen. But I suddenly stopped when I saw Garnett and George heading towards us.

I clenched my hands and shook my head, then went back into the canteen.

"Oh? Why did you come back?" Calvin asked.

I didn’t answer them, just sat down and started eating again.

"Ah, now it makes sense." Arvin said, seeing Garnett and George pass by. Tsk!

I glared at the four of them.

"Try making noise," I warned.

I looked back, seeing them ordering food. Tsk! I’ll knock their heads if they annoy me.

My brow furrowed when I saw George’s hand on Garnett’s waist. I felt an impulse of irritation.

I slammed the spoon down again and stood up quickly.



"Order anything, I’ll treat you all." George said.

I laughed.

"Anything?" I asked.

"Yup, anything."

I smiled and nodded, then looked at the menu.

"Excuse me?!" I was surprised when Raven suddenly appeared between George and me.

He grabbed a spoon and fork, then stared at George with a fierce look. Then he did the same to me, before walking away.

George and I exchanged glances and chuckled a little.

After we ordered, George and I sat down. I kept glancing at where Raven was sitting. He was still glaring at us. I sighed and decided to ignore him.

"Ahm, Garnett?" George asked.

"Did you read it?" he asked.

I sighed deeply.

"Ah, Y-Yes, I’ve read it."

He smiled widely, then looked at my neck. I clearly saw his eyes go straight to my neck. I looked down.


My eyes widened suddenly...

The necklace??

Where did the necklace go??

I swallowed and looked at George.

Wait, where did I put the necklace??

Tsk! Why did I forget??

"G-George, I-I'm sorry..."

He gave a slight smile.

"Don’t worry, but I’ll still wait."

I couldn’t speak. He thought I had just forgotten to wear the necklace. He doesn’t know it’s missing? Oh no!

I looked down and started eating.

Sigh, what do I do now???

After we ate, George and I were walking together. I noticed he was quiet again. Tsk, where did I put it??? I can’t remember. Sigh!

When we got in front of our classroom...

"S-Sure, George, thank you for the treat." I said.

"You're welcome." He smiled.

I just smiled and nodded.

As I entered the classroom, I quickly sat at my desk and searched for the necklace. My God, where did it go? Tsk!

I opened the box again, and the letter was there, but the necklace was gone. I sighed deeply and sat down.

Think, Garnett!

After I got the necklace from Raven earlier, I can't remember where I put it. Tsk!

W-What do I do now?

I looked at the door.

It was Raven...

He looked at me but glared.

Tsk, if he weren’t acting like this, I’d think he’s flirting with me! Just kidding! I ignored him, and at the right moment, the three of them arrived.

"You three, did you see my necklace?" I asked.

"Necklace? The one George gave you?" Elisha asked.

I nodded.

"Yes. I don’t know where it went." I whispered.

"Maybe you dropped it outside?" Ami suggested.

"Didn’t you get it back from Raven earlier?" Hazel asked.

"Yes, but I don’t know where it went after that."

"Have you looked around here?" Elisha asked.

I nodded. Sigh! I sighed deeply.

"How am I supposed to tell George that his necklace is missing?"

"Okay, Garnett, don’t tell him yet. After all, he said in the letter he’ll wait no matter how long." Ami looked at me.

The three of us exchanged glances, and Ami covered her mouth.

"You read the letter, right?" I asked them.

"Ah, hehehe, sorry, Garnett." Ami said, scratching her head.


"So, what are you going to do, Garnett?" Hazel asked.

I just shrugged.



Before I left the classroom, I suddenly remembered something.

I turned to look at Raven.

My report! I walked up to him.

"Hey, Raven!" I called.

He looked at me while adjusting the collar of his shirt.

"Why, baby?" he smirked.


"My report? You didn’t give it to me earlier." I said.

"Oh? Wait." He checked his bag.

"Here, it's done." he said, surprising me. I looked at the photocopy. There were already explanations on it.

I looked at him.

"You finished it already? Why did you still switch with me?" I asked.

"So you wouldn’t have to do it." he answered directly.

I froze for a moment.

"P-So I wouldn’t have a hard time." he added.

I swallowed and placed the report on his desk.

"Give me mine." I said.

"Why?" he asked irritably.

"I can do my own report." I said.

His brows furrowed.

"No." he said.




He grabbed his bag and walked away from me quickly. I grabbed the report and followed him.

"I’m not accepting this." I said, but he wasn’t listening.

"Raven!" I said, but still no response.

"Raven, what’s your deal? I said I don’t need your help!"

He stopped walking and turned to face me.

"You know, you’re being so dramatic."

I sighed.

"I’m not being dramatic. Why are you doing this?" I asked seriously.

He didn’t answer.

I grabbed one of his hands and placed my report in it.

"Where’s mine? Give it to me." I said.

He just stared at me seriously. Slowly, he leaned his face close to mine.

"No way." he whispered, then returned my report to my hand and quickly walked away.

I couldn’t react. I swallowed hard. Why is he like this? Is he leading me on again?!

No, Garnett! You can’t fall for this again!



It’s taking Garnett so long.

"Where is that girl?" Elisha asked.

"Didn’t you see? She and Raven were talking earlier." Ami said.

"Oh? What about?" I asked.

"I don’t know." Ami said.

A while later, we saw a woman entering the lobby entrance. And omg, she looked like a goddess. But she wasn’t from here, she obviously had something she was looking for.

"She’s so beautiful, like a celebrity." Ami said.

"Yeah, I wish we were as pretty as her." Elisha said.

She looked at us, then walked over. The three of us exchanged glances.

"Hi." she smiled.

"A-Ah, hello." Elisha said.

"I’m Cristina, I just want to ask something." she said.

"What is it?" I smiled.

"I’m looking for my fiancé, but I don’t know his name." she said.

We all stared at each other. What did she say?

"Your fiancé? But you don’t know his name?" Ami asked.

"Yeah, but I know his face." she smiled. Hays.

"How are you going to find him if you don’t know his name?" I asked.

"Actually, I don’t know------ wait, he’s here!" she shouted excitedly.

We looked where she was pointing.

She pointed to the Star Prince group.

I suddenly got nervous...


I-Is one of the Star Princes her fiancé?!

"Hubbyyyyy!" Cristina ran to the group of Star Princes.

We all stared at each other again...

I looked at Jerome, his eyes widened when he saw Cristina... wait? Does this mean she’s the one? She’s the fiancé Cristina was talking about?!






To be continued...