
The clan leader kept looking at me, but I got up and left from there.

By the afternoon of that day the vice leader's life was out of danger and the clan Leader summoned me to a sacred place of his tribe, I knew very well why and for what reason he was calling me, so I reached there immediately.

As soon as he saw me there, the clan leader started narrating the importance of that place.

"Prince, this place is very special to us. We all consider it sacred When a disaster struck us some 100 years ago, It is believed that an angel helped our ancestors to get out of the disaster and gave us this stone, the stone of truth, as it's name suggests, it has the ability to differentiate truth from lies and whoever puts his hand on the stone and tells a lie will die at that moment. So think about it be..."

Braska said, trying to make me understand it's significance,

There was no mention of such a stone in Novel, maybe because the tribe never suspected our protagonist. But I have a special status, I guess. I thought this and without wasting much time, I placed my hand on the stone and said,

"whatever happened in your clan, I have no hand in it. I am not guilty of any crime.

I know the relationship between our two kingdoms is not good. But that doesn't mean I will try to wipe you out of existence. I have not done any such thing.

It is true that I know that person behind this and I can say this with certainty that we both are not together in this and whoever he is, he is my enemy.

And perhaps you too will know that whatever has happened cannot be the sole work of an outsider. Somebody from the inside is also involved in this and I can bring that insider in front of you.

I want you and all the people of your tribe to join me in this war and help me make the throne mine. If you guys help me, I promise that I will treat you and your people well and will never betray you.

I am ready to marry any girl in your clan but I can't promise her the position of a queen or empress. She will only be a concubine. But I can promise that I will always protect and respect her and I will never allow any of my people to disrespect her,

After this marriage, this tribe will also be my home and I will try my best to keep my house safe but if I come to know that the girl whom you have sent with me is secretly dealing with you about any information of my Empire or if you guys suddenly start helping someone else other than me, then I will assume that you guys betrayed me.

I promise you with this stone as a witness that I will kill your people selectively so that not even a single person will be able to escape from my hands and I will wipe out the entire existence of your clan. No matter how many limits I have to cross, even if it means my destruction.

This is my suggestion and my threat as well. You may consider it anything, but it doesn't matter to me."

The words that came out of my mouth were very heavy and even the clan leader was shocked to hear me. It would a big deal for him that someone is threatening to kill his entire clan members and that too standing in their clan. I could have said none of this if I wanted to. But I had to say all this in front of him so that he could never see me as a weak person. Whenever he looked at me, I wanted to see either respect or fear. I had to make him realize that we both weren't equal because I was the future Emperor of the empire and he was just the head of a small tribe. It is definitely true that I need them all. But that didn't mean our status could be equal.

I finished my point and left from there without giving him time to ask any further questions.

I reached my room, took a chair and sat in it. Prince asked me a question as soon as I sat down, " I am satisfied with this interaction from the beginning Braska was behaving as if he and We share the same status from talks to transactions he was trying to have an upper hand. With this , he must have realized where he stands. But there's still a problem , don't you think Maybe you should have waited for the leader's questions and then answered truthfully It's not like I want you to get interrogated. But I just think you revealed a bit too much information.

I comfortably placed my legs on the table in front and leaned back before saying, "No, Letting him question me might have been our mistake."