
"It seems we've got a third member!" Zaroth said with a smile, then immediately collapsed onto his knees.

"What is this?" he grunted from his spot on the ground.

The wolf that had just been suddenly revived tilted its head, looking at its master and wondering what was wrong with him.

"Your mana core is overwhelmed," Luna responded. "It was barely able to support the two of us, and now that it sustains three organisms, it's being stretched too thin."

"So am I supposed to desummon one of you two?" Zaroth asked.

"I would recommend against it," she said, sitting down on the ground and gently placing Zaroth's head on her lap.

"What you are feeling right now is pain."

"Really? What gave you that idea?" Zaroth asked sarcastically, trying to suppress a scream. It felt like his very being was being torn apart.

"I'm not sure how you humans train your mana cores," Luna continued, "but what you're currently experiencing is your core growing stronger."

"Stronger?" he asked, eyes narrowing in confusion.

"Yes. A core has three main functions: how much mana it can contain, how quickly it regenerates said mana, and how much output it can provide at once." She paused briefly before continuing.

"Imagine a cup. At the bottom of that cup, there's a small hole. The water that flows out through that hole is like your mana output."

"So how is this training?" he grunted.

"You are outputting more mana than your core is designed for, so over time, that 'hole' will expand, allowing you to channel more mana at once."

Zaroth's forehead was drenched in sweat, but he managed to stay quiet as he listened to her explanation.

"Usually, a person is proficient in one of these three aspects. By observing you, I've concluded that your specialty is mana regeneration. So, the regeneration speed should roughly match the mana you're using, but…"

"But my output isn't strong enough, so I'm suffering?" he interrupted.

With a smile, she replied, "Precisely."

"So, basically, tough it out in the name of strength?"

"Yes, pretty much. But keep in mind, if you put too much stress on your mana core, it could lead to death. You have to find the right balance."

As Zaroth lay on Luna's thighs, he might have been embarrassed by the situation if he wasn't so focused on his new companion.

The wolf approached its master and licked his face.

"Ah, stop!" Zaroth cried out, causing the wolf to stop immediately.

"I suspected as much," he muttered. "Not every beast I tame can transform into a human form or communicate with me, right?"

Luna grinned proudly before explaining, "Of course not! Few creatures are as strong or as smart as me!"

As Zaroth began to adjust to the pain, he got up from Luna's lap with a grunt and approached the wolf.

"Hey, little buddy, what should I call you?"

Calling the wolf "little buddy" felt strange, considering it was massive—much larger than the other wolves Zaroth had encountered. There was a reason the system referred to it as a Great Wolf.

The creature's white fur was streaked with crimson blood, and its body bore numerous wounds. However, these injuries didn't seem to bother it, likely because it had already died once.

Despite its ferocious appearance, the wolf tilted its head, mimicking the behavior of a curious dog. That endearing action was why Zaroth decided to call it "little buddy."

"You can think of a name for your pet later," Luna interjected. "For now, you need to desummon someone. Your core is getting unstable."

"So soon?" he asked, frustrated.

"Getting stronger is a slow process, Zaroth. To desummon someone, just focus, and it should happen."

Feeling a little defeated by his weakness, he was about to desummon the wolf when Luna stopped him.

"Wait, desummon me instead," she said.


"Now that this guy is here, I want to see the inside of your soul," she interrupted.

"Okay, I guess," Zaroth said hesitantly.

"It's just a little regretful," she murmured, blushing slightly.

"What is it?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Approaching him quickly, she leaned close to his ear and whispered, "That I'm about to enter you. I'd prefer it the other way around."

"What?" Zaroth stammered, but before he could react, Luna smiled and disappeared, entering his soul.

"That woman!" he cried out loud.

Now alone with the wolf, he decided to play catch with his new pet. After some time, his core stabilized, and he summoned Luna again. A few sparks appeared before she materialized from thin air.

"It was surprisingly comfy in there," she said with a smile.

"Cool. Now let's go. We must be close to reaching the city."

They were, in fact, not close. It took two more nights of traveling to approach it. During that time, Zaroth trained his mana core by day and his body by night.

Seeing the city from afar, he remarked, "I guess the war hasn't reached this far into the Draconian Empire's territory. Alright, get ready, you two. I'm about to desummon you."

"Hm?" Luna responded. "Jealous someone might like me and try to fight you for me?" she teased with a flirtatious grin.

"Yeah, actually, so I'm not taking any unnecessary risks."

"Alright, but summon me the moment you're alone somewhere."

"Sure, sure." Zaroth patted the wolf on the head and desummoned both of his companions. His core felt at peace without the constant strain.

Approaching the massive city gates, he waited his turn in line before addressing the guards on duty.

"Entry costs a silver coin," one of the knights said.

'A silver coin to enter? What a rip-off!' he thought.

Without saying anything, Zaroth pulled a gold coin from his pocket and handed it to the knight.

The knight's eyes widened briefly before he pocketed the gold coin and handed Zaroth nine silver coins in return. Moving aside to let him pass, the knight nodded.

With a sigh, Zaroth stepped forward into the bustling city. Thousands of people filled the streets. While it might not be massive by the Empire's standards, for Zaroth, this place was incredible. And the capital was supposed to be a hundred times bigger!

With a smile, he walked through the streets, a thought echoing in his head:

"Ah… finally back to civilization."