
Zaroth, armed with a spear, had a clear advantage in reach over his opponent. Seeing an opportunity, Zaroth performed a feint thrust.

The man, not realizing it was a feint, moved to the side in an attempt to dodge.

Zaroth, taking full advantage of the opening, wasted no time. He thrust his spear for real this time, aiming at the man's rib cage. However, his opponent proved to be skilled with his swords. 

Using his left sword, the man parried the spear, while his right sword slashed at Zaroth's shoulder.

Feeling the pain of his shoulder being injured should force any man to let go of his weapon...

But Zaroth wasn't any man. He had spent long hours training in the Live Combat Practice room with his friends, and there he had learned something,

How to fight while throwing away the disregard for your life.

Taking a step forward, Zaroth commanded the spear to move, and his opponent, not expecting the sudden attack, was too slow to react.