The pack didn't waste any time as they jumped onto the bear with no hesitation.
Zaroth couldn't be sure, but the bear looked like it was Rare tier, while the wolves were Lesser at most.
This fight was already decided. Why did the wolves charge at the bear without hesitation? he wondered.
Maybe the territory was just that important to them? But to Zaroth, it was something he didn't understand. To him, his life was the most important thing—everything else came second.
What maniac in their right mind would throw away their life like that?
Maybe this was why they were beasts, and he was human.
Nevertheless, the wolves all attacked in surprisingly good unison. Even the bear, being of a much higher power, was taken aback for a moment by their coordinated assault.
"It looks like hunting in a pack for so long hasn't been a waste after all," Zaroth had to admit as he watched their coordinated attack.