
The feeling of her lips was addicting. Before, Zaroth could only imagine it, but right now, he was experiencing the real deal.

The bodies of both him and Elysia were tightly pressed together. She had her hands behind his head, while he had his on her waist.

Each second that passed, it seemed as if both of them were pressing tighter against one another.

Zaroth's blood ran hot as his hands began to slowly go downward.

'Just a little piece of cloth is all that separates me from her,' he thought.

Or more accurately, 'thought' was a strong word, as he felt like he wasn't able to think straight anymore—he was just acting on instinct.

As his hands reached her bottom, he felt their softness as he slowly pushed her even tighter against his member.

This was it. Today was the day. Or so it seemed, but sadly the world didn't work that way.

After what felt like eternity… one very short one, Elysia pulled away.