Midnight's heart stopped for a moment as she gazed at Zaroth. "Excuse me?" she managed to mutter.
He leaned back in his chair. "Nothing, I just pointed out that it's like we're on a date together."
Midnight's palms seemed to get a bit sweaty. "Well… it may appear like that from the side, but we are not."
Zaroth glanced at the ceiling. "That is true…" Then he abruptly shifted his gaze to hers. "But it can become one if you want."
'What is that fool talking about?!' she wondered as her mind went into overdrive.
'I mean, I am a vampire, and he knows it—how could he suggest such a thing? But when it comes to him, he is unpredictable. He slaughtered a dozen Purifiers without showing any kind of remorse.'
It was clear that Midnight was busy thinking, so Zaroth didn't interrupt her as he took a sip of his coffee.
'Ah, causing chaos can be so much fun!'