A Meeting of Monsters

David's steps created small echoes as he quickly walked forward.

"I hate this place so much!" he couldn't help but curse as he saw the dozens of homeless people on the ground. Some were begging for money, while others were ravaging trash cans for scraps.

"It would be so good if this trash disappeared off the face of the earth," David tried not to pay them much attention as he didn't want to get too angry.

He felt a cold hand tapping his back as he heard a cold voice.

"That is a harsh way to speak about the less fortunate, you know?" There was no need to turn around to see who was talking.

He scoffed at the words of the Spectral Warden.

"For a cursed being, you seem to be awfully focused on playing a nice guy."

The being behind him laughed out loud, its laugh echoing across the dirty streets, yet nobody except David was able to hear or see it.