The Deceiver's Path

After their dinner, they all went to sleep as Zaroth kept Silverfang summoned to alert them of any suspicious activity, such as ravens or similar appearances.

Thankfully, it seemed that whatever had followed them had given up for now, as they didn't see it again.

The next morning, they went back to the capital to attend their lectures.

Zaroth didn't have time to shower as he had just barely managed to arrive in time, and the same was true for his friends as well.

Thankfully, because Elysia was the one holding the lecture, most of the students were a few rows back, so nobody would be able to sense that Zaroth was smelling like fish .

"That is why once the blessing had be—"

He massaged his forehead despite Elysia teaching the first class. It was about history, so as such, he found himself bored and thinking about what he had to do.