Under the Church's Shadow

"Thanks for leaving him for me," Zaroth said as he walked over and pierced the man's head with one of his daggers.

His eyes widened as he felt more power flowing into him.

A second later, Midnight bit down on the man's neck with her fangs as she began to drink.

Zaroth didn't bother her as she fed, he observed the church. Now that he wasn't in the middle of a fight, he was able to pay more attention to the surroundings.

The more he looked, the more his expression changed.

Everything was spotless, beautiful, pristine… expensive.

How could this small church afford so many expensive items? The only money they should have been receiving were supposed to be donations meant for the less fortunate.

He got closer to the body of the dead woman that Silverfang had killed.

The first thing he noticed was that she was beautiful… the next second, he realized that she was wearing a heavy amount of makeup.