In the year 2089, Earth was invaded by an alien species known as the Lunarians, who had been fleeing their arch-nemesis, the Solarians. As the war between humans and Lunarians raged on, humanity teetered on the brink of destruction.
In a desperate bid to save his species, scientist Kamar Singh launched the Human Genome Enhancement Project, a revolutionary experiment that created a new breed of superhumans with advanced technological implants and neuron links. These "made gods" possessed unparalleled strength, agility, and cognitive abilities, making them the key to humanity's survival. However, as they began to tap into the hidden dimensions of reality, they realized that their newfound powers came with a terrible cost.
With the original 668 made gods dwindling to 637, the survivors had to navigate the complexities of their new existence and confront the dark secrets of their creator, who harbored a hidden agenda that threatened to destroy humanity from within. As the war between humans and Lunarians reached a fragile stalemate, the made gods era dawned, ushering in a new era of evolution and discovery. But with the Lunarians waiting in the shadows, ready to strike back, humanity's fate hung in the balance. The made gods had to overcome their internal struggles and work together to save humanity, or risk being torn apart by the secrets of their creation.
honestly this is good, I hope the author keeps up the good work. the vivid descriptions in this novel are on another level. and if your just starting be sure to read the prologue first. it helps in understanding the world build
after reading the first 20 chapters all i can say is..... the writing quality of the story is overall good the 8/10 the world build is fascinating with complex elements 9/10 the vivid descriptions in this novel is great 10/10 overall if your into novels like dimensional descent or world apocalypse online, you will want to try this book
shamless five star review from author if you read my book be sure to comment and review character development 9/10 world building 10/10 syntax and grammer 9/10 yes that how good it is!