Painting a festive kimono

I woke up feeling better about the world and myself.

"Takumi," I said. "Starting from today, I'd like you to follow a clear and fair procedure for arranging my nights. Make sure every woman gets an equal chance, except Hana should get every second night – we're newlyweds, after all."

"Yes, master," he bowed.

"Oh yes, and the concubines should come together."

"Yes, master."

I smiled at the wonderful sunny morning and put on my outer kimono.

"Let's create order out of chaos," I told Takumi.

"Certainly, master. Do you have a preference regarding the first party in the sequence?"

I started thinking about it, but then decided that thinking too much was as bad as trying to please.

"Nah," I said. "Surprise me."

"Yes, master."

I took a happy meditative breath.

"Would your lordship grant an audience to Madam Yukiko?" Takumi asked. "I believe she wants to express her happiness about her pregnancy."

"Why not."

"Would you like to receive her in your rooms or visit hers?"

"I'll pop into hers," I gestured to him. "Tell her I'll stop by shortly."

Yukiko received me in a red kimono. The language of her dress was clear to me: red was the color of celebration as well as vitality, especially important for a future mother and her unborn child.

"I'm so happy that you paused my punishment, husband," she started, bowing deeply. "I cherish your concern for my health. I wanted to tell you myself how happy I am about carrying your child." She raised her gaze at me. "I pray every morning and every evening for an uneventful pregnancy and that I deliver you a son." She lowered herself onto her stomach and reached for my feet with her hands. "I pray for your powerful semen to blossom inside me and produce an heir you wanted. Please, forgive me for anything I did wrong in the past. From now on, I'm going to be a humble vessel for your future happiness."

She wrapped her arms around my feet and kissed the hem of my kimono. "Please, husband. Please, forgive me."

I knelt and took her hands in mine, lifting her off the floor.

"Yukiko-dono," I said. "I'm delighted to hear about your pregnancy. I wish you perfect health and patience while you're expecting. And I forgive you for what happened in the past. We will start anew as if nothing happened, as if you've always been the most obedient and dutiful wife."

A tear rolled down her cheek. "Thank you so much, dear husband," she murmured. "I'll never forget your kindness."

I smiled. "You are my first wife, and you deserve no less."

"I beg you then, husband," she exclaimed, "let me spend time with you, like before. My pregnancy doesn't mean you can't make love to me."

I patted her hair. "Our contract and the custom call for one night a week," I said calmly. "However, I'll make sure to see you twice a week once the first month of pregnancy is over. They say it's best for you to be careful for now."

She smiled and kissed my hands.

"Thank you," she said. "I love you, Taro-dono."

She reached for my kimono and touched my cock through the material.

"I can feel you're about to get excited, husband," she murmured. "Please, allow me to stain my red clothes with your essence for good fortune."

I didn't know of such a superstition.

"For good fortune?"

"Of course," she said, freeing up my cock and rubbing it gently. "If my festive kimono is covered with your powerful semen, it'll ensure successful delivery. I'll wear this kimono often to make sure of it."

She kneeled before me, licking my cock with care and desire.

"Do you like how it feels in my mouth?" she muttered.

"Yes, Yukiko-dono," I said. "Your mouth is very warm and slippery."

She smiled and started to suck intensely.

"You can be rough with me, if you prefer," she said, pausing.

"Not today," I replied. "Picturing my essence all over your face and kimono is exciting enough for me."

She locked her sensual gaze on me and kept on bobbing on my cock. I felt pleasure spreading over my body. Yukiko's other hand reached for my perineum, two fingers brushing against the inside of my ball sack and two massaging the ridge, leading to my anus.

"That feels good, Yukiko-dono," I said, taking a deep breath. "You will be rewarded soon."

"Thank you," she replied while gasping for some air. "Just tell me when."

She continued to suck, going deeper than usual and gagging a little. Soon, I was ready.

"Cumming," I uttered.

Yukiko took my cock out of her mouth but continued to jerk it and lick the bottom of the head. One of her fingers hovered around the opening of my anus, and in the next moment, the first spurt erupted from my cock onto her face.

I watched with deep satisfaction how the first two squirts covered her eyes and nose, after which she directed my cock toward her chin and neck. The cum on her chin dripped slowly down onto her kimono, white marks standing in sharp contrast with the material's rich color.

Yukiko managed to open one eye to look at me.

"Thank you, husband," she muttered with her sticky lips.

I reached with my hand and smothered the cum over her face, putting some on her forehead, all over her cheeks and neck. She smiled, blowing cum bubbles as she breathed.

"You have a great look for a future mother," I said.

"Do you prefer this kind of makeup?" she chuckled.

I nodded. "Definitely. It suits you."

She licked her lips. "Then I'll eagerly await more opportunities to apply it, Taro-dono."

"That's a good wife," I said, patting her hair. "You won't have to wait too long."

As I left Yukiko's rooms, I felt the same quiet confidence I had felt first thing in the morning. I finally had a good handle on how to run my household.

Now, I just had to choose who and how I wanted to enjoy next.