Feeling the Sword of Futsunushi strapped to my side stirred things deep inside and made me reconsider many of my opinions.
It felt natural now to have two beautiful, loyal wives who were soon to bless me with children—no doubt beautiful, capable, and strong. It also felt obvious that I'd keep Keiko with me, who was not only attractive, but also displayed unwavering loyalty to this family: once to my father, and then - to me. If anything, I felt I had earned the right to add a couple of young concubines to my household.
My thoughts didn't stop there. I thought that perhaps the time had come to confront the Shiroyama family. I wanted to uncover the truth about my mother's dealings with Lord Katsuya. If her affair with him turned out to be true, I would make Lord Katsuya pay for it. A duel would be a proper venue to settle a matter of the dishonor brought upon my family. And then – after I will have killed Lord Katsuya, or whoever dares to confront me on his behalf – I would claim as much of their forests as I felt they deserved to lose.
I must admit, I surprised myself with my newfound courage.
Undoubtedly, it was the power of the sword that freed me from fear and meekness of the average, insignificant existence of one who second-guessed himself, who always contained his feelings and desires. Now I felt unwavering resolve, and that was exhilarating.
As I was preparing myself for Isamu's appearance, my thoughts turned to the daimyo himself, the lord of this domain, my master.
If the legends were true, the daimyo's family had ascended to power primarily due to the possession of the Sword of Futsunushi after the Battle of the Crimson Valley. So, logic dictated, if the daimyo didn't really possess the sword, and I did, then I had as much right to wield power over the Shinano province as he did…
I paused to cool my head. The thought rattled me a little. Was I really contemplating challenging my master for power over the province? Was I prepared to face all the clans that had finally settled down in a fragile peaceful coexistence after centuries of bitter conflict?
Aiko's words rang in my ears. "Promise me you won't act rashly, Taro-dono."
Yes, I had another unborn child to protect, the future mountain princess!
The doors to my chamber slid open, and Takumi ceremonially brought inside a grandly dressed couple. Only Isamu's long eyelashes and blushing cheeks reminded of the young man who willingly submitted to my cock in the daimyo's castle not long ago.
"Master, allow me to introduce the honorable Ishida couple," Takumi enunciated, bowing deeply.
As I looked at the visitors' richly embroidered clothes, the Sword of Futsunushi at my side seemed to hum faintly, reminding me of my new power.
They must have sensed it too, because Isamu's eyes filled with astonishment.
I inclined my head. "Good day, Ishida-sama, Ishida-sama."
Isamu offered a respectful bow. "Good day, Matsuda-sama. We are honored to be here." He gestured in the direction of his wife. "Allow me to introduce Lady Takara." The woman was about his height, with a graceful figure, and large dark eyes.
Takara followed with a delicate bow, her voice soft. "It is a privilege to stand before you, Lord Matsuda."
I motioned for them to approach. The first act of acceptance of my authority was for them to kneel before me. As they lowered themselves to the floor, the quiet rustle of their clothing was the only sound in the room.
I studied Takara carefully from above, and a hint of blush told me that she felt it, even though her eyes were lowered, just like her husband's. She looked like a cute minx.
"Rise," I said, satisfied with my observations.
They stood at my command, their eyes still lowered in a gesture of reverence.
"Master Matsuda-sama," Isamu began, bowing his head low, his hands clasped in front of him. "We come before you today to offer our loyalty, as is expected from all who recognize your authority."
I smiled to myself.
"Surely, you're not just anyone, Ishida-sama," I said lightheartedly. "You're my closest and dearest apprentice."
I'm not sure whether he was also thinking at that moment of him standing on all fours before the daimyo, my cock buried in his ass, but his cheeks tinged with a rose hue. "You are too kind, master," he muttered.
His wife, unaware of the history behind this exchange, then raised her gaze at me before bowing deeply, almost touching the floor. "Lord Matsuda," she said in a silky voice. "We offer ourselves to you, in service and loyalty. May our actions honor your will and the legacy of your ancestors."
I watched them with a quiet sense of superiority. I couldn't fathom why I was a little embarrassed last time when Isamu undressed me.
"Let's have a meal and a drink before we test and accept your loyalty," I said, leading them to the table set by Takumi.
We ate and passed the sake cup around, as they toasted my health and success. The sake was smooth, my sips calculated to appear larger than they were, my hand tilting the cup just enough to make it seem like I was drinking deeply.
I didn't need the effects of the sake—I felt the energy of the sword filling my veins. But I let the young couple drink plenty.
We were running out of sake by the time I sent Takumi away.
"I'm going to accept your pledge, Ishida-sama," I said, watching the tipsy couple, "but after the most sacred part of the ritual. Remember: loyalty is earned, not given. Your actions speak louder than words." I looked at his flushed cheeks. "Are you ready?"
"We are prepared, master," Isamu said, raising his eyes to meet mine. "Our service will be absolute."
"If you're certain," I said, shifting my gaze onto his wife, "then let's proceed to the bodily allegiance."
I stood up, carefully loosening my kimono while keeping the sword strapped to my side. "You start, Isamu-sama."