Chapter 3 Book 2

Chapter 3

Our Lips Are Sealed

Part 2

Shane arrived and Grandma introduced herself as the nurses took our trays out of the room, telling me if I needed anything just push the button. Whispering, let the games begin. Shane shook hands with Bishop Lanwall; Bishop Lanwall letting him set his things on the bed and some new books for me to read, most of all several pairs of new boxers for me. Shane sat down on the bed and kicked off his shoes and socks, placing them under the bed, sighing with relief; asking me if I would like help to put my boxers on.

I nodded, saying that would be great to at least have something other than a hospital gown to wear. We were guys. What could you expect? Shane quickly untied my gown and tossed it in the chair and helped me put them on. I breathed with a sigh of relief while our Bishop laughed; personally, I hated the hospital gown. It never feels manly wearing poke-a-dots or little, tiny flowers. Shane proceeded to get ready for bed stripping down to his and folding his clothes over the chair and jumped on the bed with his hands behind his head giving along with a throaty groan how good it felt to lie down, compared to the chair bed he had last time, crossing his legs and feet. Letting go a large fart and we laughed, including our Bishop as if he was one of the boys.

When the air cleared, Bishop Lanwall asked if it would be all right if he and Shane could talk before he went home for the night. Shane shrugged his bare shoulders like it was no big deal and followed him out of the room and closed the door behind them. I knew Shane didn't care about having a whole gaggle of nurses stare at him only in his boxers. Personally, I think he did it for the attention or to make me feel better that I wasn't alone. Either way, I thanked him for it. I knew if it made me feel better; he let them bathe him too. He reminded me so much of Robert and Will and the carefree way it made me miss them even more.

Bishop Lanwall soon came back in, passing the baton to Shane. Telling me he'd left word at the desk to call him if I needed him before Sunday. And said he'll plan for brother Niles to come with mine and Shane's Sunday school teacher to come and visit with me and give the sacrament. I told him that would be fine and let him close the door.

Earlier, we had agreed to include my Sunday school teacher, Brother Sakes, in our small group to keep us informed in case we couldn't reach Bishop Lanwall or Brother Niles. I took solace in that because there would always be a supportive presence nearby, ready to listen and provide the trust I needed. I understood that my Grandmother couldn't be with me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Eventually, she would have to go home. So, she could watch over my brother.

I had learned from her that Mr. Stringum and Doctor Whitmore had been keeping a close eye on him. Making sure my father or my mother never again laid a single finger on him and purchased a trailer nearby to do just that. Aaron had just turned ten and Mr. Stringum and Doctor Whitmore had been keeping a close eye on him, ensuring that his father or mother had never laid a single finger on him again. They even purchased a trailer nearby to accomplish this. Stringum and Dave are having him run small errands. To keep him fed and clothed and being a friend and father he never had.

My father, Jim, approved of the idea of having the "boy" (like me he doesn't use his given name.) Work for his daily bread being one less mouth to feed or clothe. The mere idea of Aaron taking my place cleaning the church house under his cruel thumb did nothing to make me happy. It only made me more determined to do what I was about to do to make sure that no kid would ever be placed under their care again. It gave me a purpose and a stronger goal.

What my parents didn't know was Aaron was a spy telling them everything that happened, including how my parents drugged us and kidnapped us. I had also learned that Mr. Stringum broke in and uncovered evidence in the basement boiler room, where my brother and I had been held. One of the main reasons Grandma believed me, was but it wasn't enough evidence to overturn the State Family Court's verdict. All it said was I was there nothing more. It could have been placed during any time I had run away from home. Sometimes I hated my past.

Shane clicked on the TV sprawled out on the other bed. Somehow, he wrangled my grandmother into bringing him another pillow and an extra warm blanket. Telling him he had a nice, cute butt just like his brother, meaning me; asking if he would like her to give him a bath when she was done with me.

Grandma, taking my temperature stated I was still running a little hot; writing it down telling me it was 101 and climbing. Shane declined said. "He'll pass for now, but she could give him a kiss on the cheek if she'd liked." Instead, she slapped him on gently on the butt with a smile and a wink at me while he lay on his stomach. Opened the bathroom door turned on the tub and gathered up my gown from the chair told me she'd be back with lots of clean towels.

I was happy to walk to the bathroom with my grandma right behind me, wearing clean boxers and shorts rather than a girlish hospital gown. Shane smiled and waved to me while he flipped the channels on the TV to watch some Basketball game, eating a large bag of potato chips and six cans of orange soda. Sitting on the dresser near him; it was like guys' night only. It was good to have Shane back.

Grandma bathed me and told me she'd be here until we fell asleep and then go back to the hotel having arranged with the nurses to pick her up around ten told me if I needed her to tell any of the nurses and she be right over. Well, as quickly as she could consider she doesn't drive. The bottom line is, Grandpa attempted to teach her, but Grandma felt fearful about driving, so she never made another attempt.

She said she liked Shane, and he was a good person to have in a tight spot. He'd given his word that nothing would happen to me without them knowing about it. He had told them it was not a "skateboard accident" when he asked him, but he would not put it on the record, fearing for me and his life if he did. Stating his Dad works for the State Prison and has powerful friends. He himself had been where I am now, but not as severe as the beating I got.

I knew right then that Shane was on my side. Yet I also knew he would never go toe to toe with his father or his mother when they decided what is right and what is wrong. I had a feeling that Jared, Jason, Shawn, and Jody are just as scared, and maybe Kerry.

Grandma agreed that there is more going on in that home. She dried me off and helped me put on my boxers and patted my so cute butt. Walked me back with my I.V. friend and rolled me onto my stomach, placing a nice warm blanket over me; kissing my cheek saying, "goodnight boys well see you in the morning," and even kissed Shane on the cheek. Telling him to keep a good eye on me and he said: "yes ma'am." It was the same routine: bath, new bandages, and pain medicine.

Even though I hated sports, not for the lack of not understanding them; far from it; I just couldn't follow the logic of chasing a ball of any kind. Up and down the court, field or diamond. To me it was boring with a capital B. Football was the worst. I couldn't get my head around it why players liked to get tackled and injured over a stupid ball. To me, it wasn't worth the pain. But I watched and rooted for the other team to beat Shane's with my own bag of chips and a second six-pack of orange soda.

We watched TV until there was nothing but dead air. Now that dates me, doesn't it? Dead air back then was when nothing but colored bars on the screen. Sometimes they would play the national anthem before going off the air. That was way before cable came into the picture. Having to use an antenna that looks like clothes hangers on top of houses also used to be known as free TV. In some places, it still is.

The nurse gave me something to help me sleep around two in the morning with another dose of pain medicine. Shane was snoring away like a Clydesdale horse snorting every few minutes, but I didn't mind. It was nice to have the company. He only woke when I had called the nurses to use the bathroom or having to cool me during the night. They would comment me on my choice of boxers and saying they looked good on me. Shane saying. "Bro, just wake me when you have to go." Yawning scratching his bare chest.

I said. "I did," pointing to the pillow I had thrown.

By the time breakfast came around eight am. It was drill for oil time and they wanted to change my I.V. needle, moving it to the other arm before I ate. I could never figure out why they wanted it done before I ate, as if it was a treat for being such a pain in the royal butt. Having to strap me down with large male nurses; if I didn't know better, they had them on standby just for me. Knowing how I hate needles and would until I turned seventeen. When I had given blood all on my own. Just so I could meet a very cute nurse and get her phone number. My mother was surprised to discover that all it took was a pretty girl, after she had completed the permission slip.

Of course, there was one other time, and the nurse was a bomb shell knock out, plus the fact she was at the time completely naked. So, let's just say I had other things to distract me that neither my grandmother nor my mother knew about. (We will go more into that much later, I promise.)

Shane counted two of the six male nurses on the floor, laughing at how hard it was to strap a little guy like me down. Just for a couple of pokes while I screamed like a banshee being killed. When it was done and over, they smiled and gave me my well-earned breakfast. Collecting bets on how many the next time would hit the ground before they drilled me again. My arm bore bruises and an infection from the I.V. needle. But I gave two thumbs up and arm pump with my free arm, which said I was ready for round two.

Kerry came in with Jody with some more of my double chocolate chip cookies, telling me she would be Shane's replacement during the day. Because Mom needed Kerry's help and she wasn't quite old enough to drive but would take Driver's Ed when school started. Asking me how I was doing wanting to see my back, going yew gross and feeling for a temperature. Shane said I had been running hot most of the night since he'd been here. With a toothbrush in his mouth and towel over a bare shoulder; telling me he would save some hot water for me.

Kerry said we were living in a pigsty, finding empty soda pop cans and half-eaten potato chip bags and candy wrappers on the floor; shaking her head, finding crumbs in both our beds and on the floor around them saying "boys."

Shane took his time dressing as if he had all day. Being thrown his pants and shirt; telling him it was their turn to watch me. Grandma came into the room just as Shane was dressing said. "Hi ladies," introducing herself with her fake name tag. Telling them she will be my one of my nurses for the day. I had never pictured my grandma as an actor, but she pulled it off. Grabbing the bedding from Shane's bed tsking at the mess said, "It seems you boys had a busy night,"

And we both said, "yes ma'am."

She looked at my chart, shaking her head. "Still running hot I see, well. While housekeeping is taking care of this, we will go straight to the tub. Then we will change those bandages." Kerry said she'd be back at four. Giving me a quick kiss on the cheek and prodded Shane out the door. Grandma didn't waste time pulling the blankets aside and pulled out another pair of clean boxers and walked me to the bathroom. Turned on the tub, giving me the time I needed to do my business while housekeeping and a regular nurse was fixing my room.

Jody would knock asking through the door if I was alive. I groaned yes hearing the vacuum and my grandmother telling her. "Give the boy his privacy young lady." Hearing her say "yes ma'am" asking if she needed any help to bathe me; grandma turned her down said she has bathed me many times and never once needed anyone's help. That I was too old for her to see me naked; but she could help me walk me back to my bed when she was done; ending the discussion by knocking and letting me open the door.

Grandma knew she had, but knew better than to let it go beyond more than it already had. Kerry was one thing, and Mrs. Rothwell was another. Considering both have had a heck of a lot more experience than a sixteen-year-old girl; seeing someone almost two years younger than herself just wasn't right. Grandma closed the door, locking it in good measure, and helped me into the tub, letting me bathe myself as far as I could, then do the rest.

I had learned a long time ago when living with the Downings that I had nothing to be embarrassed about. Especially in front of Ma or my Grandmother. In fact, being a nurse or doctor was just a part of life. It was also our best time to talk without having to be disturbed. I was glad she was here to help me through it; even though she couldn't prevent it from happening or take me with her when they released me.

I had this one moment that I could reflect on that she was there when I needed her the most. Little did I know those two weeks would be the last time I would see her in the months to come unlike before; and because of that, I would be lonely without her not being able to see her as often as I would have liked. Even less now that I was with the Rothwells, but if I had gone with the Downing's I would have been lucky to see her or my brother again.