Chapter 19 Book 2

Chapter 19

Testing The Boundaries

Part 1

It was Aunt Lizzy that came to our rescue as I watched her pull up into the driveway. She gave me and Aaron a big hug and Don a hard stare asking us if we were ready to go. I had told grandma not to tell anyone about my special watch, that way it could never get back to my parents, even though neither of us liked the idea, of people knowing where I was every second of the day. It was there for my protection if my parents tried to kidnap me again.

She agreed under those circumstances, but she also noted that it would be nearly impossible for me to be smuggled out to find the Downing's if the opportunity arises. I nodded stating I had previously given my word to my foster parents that I wouldn't run away as long as they kept their bargain in keeping me safe from my parents one of the main reasons, I was allowed to come here in the first place. It was agreed upon if they harmed me in any way that the bargain was null and void. In some ways, I was glad that I was given a way out, but I hated to disappoint someone I had given my trust to.

As soon as I put on my sneakers and tied the laces, we were ready to go. Grandma had gone through Aaron's suitcase and thrown away most of his clothes. Including his shoes that had more holes in them than Swiss Cheese, not to mention they were too big for him that looked like clown feet when he walked in them, which gave me another reason to be angry with my parents. Knowing he had been underfed and treated like a common animal.

The only good thing was the laws were changing and it was time that my parents learned that they could no longer disregard Aaron's care and had been notified that it would no longer be tolerated, and could result in a huge 25,000 dollar fine and spending some time in jail if they find they disregard this law. Not to mention they would lose custody of all their children. The very thing my parents were afraid of was losing my sisters and the fact it allowed the Downings to not only adopt me but my brother as well. I had learned that my caseworker had visited the home that Friday within hours of being notified of what my parents had done the previous night. That he had delivered the document signed by a family court judge in person. Stated they would be visited weekly by the DDS and my caseworker to make sure that they were following the letter of the law.

Personally, I didn't have much faith that my parents would take it seriously or the fact my caseworker was a "Ding Bat" and mostly would be replaced within three to six months. But grandma made certain that somebody would be notified if they dropped the ball. There were two reasons I was granted an extra day instead of returning home Sunday afternoon. My caseworker only works Monday through Friday and the fact it was ok for me to miss a day of school when my grades were top-notch, not to mention I was being held back for no reason other than to satisfy my foster parents and their rules and guidelines regarding all foster kids sent to them.

Plus he knew my grandmother doesn't drive and the fact nobody was supposed to know where I lived or how to get there. Even though my parents had found me, The Rothwells made it clear in case someone like my friends or closest family members would try to kidnap me. Which was more likely to happen, which was the main reason why I was wearing my special watch, and my picture plastered at every bus station and airport to prevent me from leaving.

Yet what they don't realize that wouldn't stop me if I chose to do so. I could easily disappear in a matter of minutes before the police arrived if I had a strong enough reason to do so, and was able to leave my brother behind. In some ways, Aaron is my weakness and my strength.

I thought it wise to call Dad just in case the "Ding Bat" forgot to inform him that he had granted my grandmother an extra day, but grandma thought it was unnecessary to state that so far that so-called "Ding Bat" had gone out of his way to give us everything we could possibly want. Including a nice check of five hundred dollars to buy clothing and paint the town for both me and my brother, to make up for what my parents had done. Tucking away the copy of the document he had given the officers to hand deliver to her this morning when they were making sure I was in good health. Personally, I think grandma was scared to talk to my Dad knowing the monster inside him and how big he is, but this was grandma's show.

I always thought it was funny when you walked into a store like a clothing store where it is stated no shirt, no shoes, no service. When they have dressing rooms that allow you to try on clothes and if you're a young boy like me and my brother, parents simply have you remove your shirt and shoes right at the racks so they can see if they fit instead of you wasting time in a small, crowded dressing room. You know I am right we have all seen it and know it is quite impossible to fit two people in one stall without injuring oneself. Grandma was no different when it came to Aaron and me and nobody said a word about it, just went on with their business.

Aaron needed more clothes then I did considering I had a huge stash of clothes at Grandma's house and another stash of clothes at my foster home, but it didn't stop her from buying me a whole complete wardrobe an extra pair of sneakers, and dress shoes. After a fine dinner at a nice restaurant in Orem called the Golden Apple, which was quite popular back then, but sad to say they are no longer in business today and now it's a super saver store.

One step up from Desert Industries known to folks around here as "DI" which is considered a secondhand store where they take clothes that people no longer want for various reasons. Unlike a thrift store where they give out cash money for clothes that are in fairly good condition "DI" takes the ones that nobody wants off your hands for free regardless of how bad they are like the rags my brother normally wears thanks to my parents.

It was nearly eight thirty when we got back because the movie got out later than we had planned, even though Aunt Lizzy did her best and brake the speed limit we still were late thinking we were going to be in big trouble because of it, just to find out that officers weren't even there when we arrived. Grandma paced waiting for the phone to ring to tell her we were in deep trouble, but it never did ring, and it was way past our bedtime. Even the following morning there was still no sign of them. Grandma had me check in with the Rothwells just to be on the safe side.

Dad was cool about it and only asked if we had a good time. Said to make sure I take good notes in sacrament meeting and would see me Sunday afternoon. I knew right then the "Ding Bat" had forgotten to inform Dad. When I brought it up that "Ding Bat" said Dad growled the "Ding Bat's" name and then said he wanted to speak to my grandmother.

I handed her the phone as I watched grandma's hands shake saying. "Yes sir, I understand, and I will make sure that doesn't happen, you have my word on that," hung up the phone. She sat down on the bed to control her shaking. Stating she really hated that man. But said I had to be back at by no later than five o'clock Monday in pristine condition, if she had to delivery me herself, folding up the address and tacking it on the wall.

Aaron and I spent the entire weekend together which was the best Thanksgiving I had ever spent during those three years, but I also had a hard time saying goodbye even though we would see each other for Christmas. As usual "Ding Bat" called and said he was tied up. Saying he had a heavy caseload returning other kids back to their foster homes. Grandma kept her word having me home by five o'clock even though she had Aunt Lizzy drive us so grandma wouldn't be recognized. Grandma couldn't believe how isolated I was seeing the large field were one horse grazed in all that property. Yet nothing ever goes according to plan when concerns the Rothwells.

Dad and Mom wanted to meet this famous grandmother of mine that they have read and heard so much about. I could feel the words grounded the second they laid eyes on her. When Dad came out to greet us, there was nothing I could do but grin and bear it. Dad shook hands and paused trying to refresh his memory. When his eyes narrowed, I knew I was in trouble, I would be lucky if I lived the next few seconds.

Dad was surprisingly kind and invited us into the living room, Mom gasped seeing her, and Dad whispered in her ear. Mom simply said. "So you are not just a nurse, but his grandmother as well," Dad suggested we sit so grandma and I could explain ourselves. Can you say the word grounded for a lifetime? Dad waited for her to answer as the room became silent.

Almost fifteen minutes passed before grandma found her words. She explained that an old friend of Her's at the hospital notified her that her grandson had been severely injured by a "skateboard accident" and was quite ill. She then said she immediately dropped everything and came to the hospital and found that the Doctor and the nurses were understaffed considering I would need full-time care. Saying it was a win-win situation, she got to be with me when I needed her, and the doctor and the nurses were free to help other patients. Stating she served during the war as a nurse and worked for a doctor in Springville part-time until he retired, and she was too busy raising children to take on other work. Saying she had some pull with Doctor in charge with my care. 

Grandma was aces when it came to little white lies that sounded a lot like truth. Dad suggested she continue. She gave the best whopper of a fishtail with elements of truth. Dad and Mom bought it a hotline and sinker. Mom called everyone in so they could all meet her, Dad let them all draw their own conclusions when they all gasped seeing her face. Dad said he was going to have a nice long talk with a certain Doctor to verify the story and give him a piece of his mind.

Grandma said not to be too hard on him considering she did twist his arm and called in a favor or two. I knew someone was going to die and I didn't want to be in that person's shoes. Mom told Kerry to set two extra plates for grandma and Aunt Lizzy after Dad insisted, they stay for dinner and family home evening. You don't say no to Dad unless you have a death wish.

Dad was back to business when he asked if she wouldn't mind filling in some details regarding what happened regarding what my parents did. Grandma laid it all out. Dad just sat there trying to determine if either of us was lying. But he had the reports that I hadn't been harmed, just terrorized, that they had no choice but to tranquilize both me and Aaron, "but the truth is in the pudding," another one of grandma sayings.

Even though he had proof, and he could see I hadn't been marked nor had a bruise on my arms or my face. He needed to know to set his mind at ease. Grandma shrugged it off when he said that he would like to see first-hand if I hadn't been harmed by her or anyone else. Grandma said a deal is a deal. Dad nodded and said that my brother Shane could give her a grand tour while he checked for himself. But grandma refused and declined the offer saying she was my grandmother, and she had as much right to make sure that everything was on the up and up. Nobody says no to grandma unless you want a tongue-lashing.

If you ever wanted to know what a side of beef feels like, I can tell you it's not very pleasant. Even though both parties have seen me in the raw enough times to memorize every mark and scratch down to the smallest detail, it still felt uncomfortable. I closed my eyes as Dad and Mom walked around me prodding me with their eyes and hands, while grandma sat there on my bed watching this so call side of beef being interrogated. I never felt so humiliated, well except the time Dad did it the first time and quite roughly as if I was a prison inmate smuggling drugs or weapons. When Mom and Dad were satisfied, I was allowed to dress and sent on my way to help in the kitchen why Dad and Mom had a more private conversation regarding most likely what I had told her in complete confidence.

Personally, I doubted my grandmother would ever divulge what I had told her regarding the "skateboard accident" or anything else for that matter. But the longer they were in there the more I sweated and thought for sure she was about to die, and I would be next. Yet when the door opened, they were all laughing stating that I had a cute butt and well-defined features, and began to wonder what it is that was so special about my butt, that made it so cute. I would be lying if I said I had never looked at it in the mirror when nobody was looking, I didn't see anything cute about it.

I had noticed that the new kid Kelly wasn't present even when dinner was served, and everyone had taken their seats. When grandma asked regarding the other boy considering she had been told they had three foster boys. The room became silent. Dad simply implied that Kelly wasn't feeling well and had a bad case of stomach flu. Grandma played it cool and didn't ask any more about it. Instead told stories about me and something I did that I wasn't even aware she even knew. She and Aunty M had a lot in common when you thought a secret was safe, instead, they knew all about it.

Aunt Lizzy added a few more things regarding how bored I get when it comes to school and tend to take the easy way out when came to homework. I could have liked to choke the life out of her. Stating that I love coasting through easy classes instead of saying I would like something more of a challenge. Mom smiled stating that she and Dad had noticed that too and asked what she suggested. Grandma said harder books to read and more of them, and I needed something to make her grandson a less of a target when it comes to facing my father.

Dad smiled which gave me the creeps. I knew sports were going to be involved and both grandma and he saw eye to on that subject. Dad said he was thinking about signing me up for wrestling and maybe boxing or karate, to make a man out of me and instead of spending all my time in the kitchen baking cookies. Grandma suggested horse riding and roping cattle like I had done with the Downing's. Considering I still lived in a farming community where there were plenty of places that are looking for boys to help out and earn a little income on the side.

Dad drummed his fingers on the table stating he could make a couple of calls and see what's available, but I could do a lot more here tending to the horse out back and had considered getting a second one to breed with the one he has. The matter was settled, and my chores just had been increased, Shane suggested that he would like the opportunity as well so he could save money for his own car and help pay for his mission. Dad agreed stating that it was an excellent idea, most likely because I needed a babysitter.

Grandma wasn't through when she asked about my scouting and how much she was hoping that I would earn my Eagle before that window closed. Dad said he and brother Niles were working on it, but they were still trying to determine what badges I had already earned. Grandma said that she had my sash that had all my badges sewn to it and would be happy to have it sent over by the end of the week. She would send my uniform, but I had already outgrown it. Mom said she had planned to get me a new one, but been so busy and I hadn't been able to wear a shirt since the middle of October that it fell through the cracks.

When dinner was done Mom had me and Shane take care of the dishes while Dad gave her the grand tour of the house including the basement. To satisfy her that everything was on the up and up. Stating he is hoping to get me over the fear of basements sometime in the near future. Grandma told him not to push it stating my father really did a number on both me and my brother in the church basement. Dad agreed to say at first, he didn't believe parents are capable of such cruelty. But after watching several episodes and meeting my parent's firsthand. He is now a firm believer.

I had noted that grandma has a fear of stairs since she hurt her hip falling down the front porch, and the fear became worse over the years to the point she would never leave the house. I watched grandma look down and say a quick prayer and gripped the rail tightly. I think she did it for me and for herself. To make sure that I was telling the truth, about what the dark secrets were lurking down there.

But I also knew if Dad was willing to show her the basement, that once more the evidence was well hidden from the naked eye. Shane and I watched, and I noticed he held his breath until they both came back up, commenting on the workmanship of Arthur's and Shawn's room. In some ways, I was relieved and at the same time, I was disappointed.

I heard Dad tell her that new boy Kelly is more of a challenge than he had expected me to be, but found the complete opposite, telling her that I am well-mannered and seldom get into trouble and I do everything I am told to do and seldom need to be disciplined. Grandma stated it was mostly due to good foster parents like the Fry's, Steeds, and the Downing's. Dad didn't correct her just said that he hoped he would be on that list.

Grandma said. "The proof is all ways in the pudding." Lying stated she had heard nothing but good things so far, suggesting that she hoped it remained that way. Dad didn't say yes or no, nor did he promise that things would, I knew enough about the Rothwells that Dad wasn't about to give his word on something he didn't plan on keeping. Grandma just looked at me long enough if to say be very careful which stated I had every right to be afraid.

Kerry was in the living room showing off her skills playing the piano. When everyone came into the living room for family home evening except for Kelly I knew he wasn't in his room because grandma had been in there and the door was wide open. I wouldn't think that he would be outside considering it was too cold to be out there at night. Dad sent Shane to get him not even having the flu would exempt you from missing family home evening. The first thing I noticed was the rings around his ankles and wrist they had been rubbed raw, and like me, he was wearing an ankle monitor. Grandma quickly darted her eyes when he looked up at her, again warning me to be very careful.

Instead, she commented that it had been some time since heard such beautiful music and remarked that was when I had my first piano recital so I could earn my music merit badge and was hoping that I would pursue it. Mom and Dad nearly gasped and said that neither I nor my file said anything about me learning to play any instrument. Grandma sat next to me and hugged my shoulders stating that I had a gift in music and great voice having competed in singing competitions at Payson Junior High. Mom stated that once again I surprised them and suggested that I give an example, I tried to decline and said it had been some time since I had even played.

Dad wasn't to be denied. Told me he didn't care how rough it was or how long ago it had been. So I picked out an easy hymn and did my best even though I was a little slow and stumbled my way through it. Dad and Mom clapped and told me to do another. Grandma and Aunt Lizzy were quite proud of stating with some practice I could be quite good. I could feel my face redden with embarrassment and the goosebumps that shivered through my body. Quickly taking my seat noticing everyone was proud of me except Shawn, Kelly, and Arthur who showed nothing but hate. That said I was going to pay for trying to be goodie two shoes.

I was surprised they didn't make me sing, but Mom stated she thought she could tell, but me being so shy she didn't push it, but that was going to change first thing Sunday morning. Dad agreed to suggest that Kerry could tutor me. I could just see my days and wonder where in the world I was going to find the time to do all these things. I was busy as it was with chores, scouts, basketball, and the swim team. Let's not forget school and all that homework. There are only twenty-four hours in a day and eight of those hours you spend sleeping, well trying to sleep. Now Mom and Dad want to add more. All thanks to grandma and Aunt Lizzy for revealing my secrets.