Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Plan B

It has always been hard to say goodbye to the ones you truly love. Soon after Aunty M's funeral, we buried her body next to Uncle Mike Cotwellar in Phoenix, Arizona, in a family plot next to her mother and father. We spent several days at her son's home wishing Aunty M was still here to welcome us. Instead, Reggie fulfilled his mother's wishes about the cotton fields and small fabric mill she had given them. Ma tried to refuse it, saying she had already given us a debt that we could never repay.

But Reggie wouldn't hear of it. Saying the income generated from this property like the Lumber mill and Cattle ranch would help them and see them through, as they pick up the pieces and build new roots. Knowing how to hide their capital earned and transfers its earnings into Canada legally and where the United States Government couldn't touch them. If that is where we chose to live, but if we wished, we could pay it forward. Pa and Ma struggled with the idea, but their bank earnings wouldn't be enough, even if they sell the farm to a major developer.

Pa not having any contracts in Canada into regards of their homemade furniture, nor annual crops. It would be like starting over from scratch and it would take several years to gain back what they had lost. I hated the position my parents put me in, but I couldn't ask the Downings to suffer for it. I couldn't bear to see their new home and livelihood taken away all because of me trying to stay away from my parents and the regulations of the United States government. I did my best to persuade them, but Pa and Ma would not see reason. Nor could they live with themselves if I ended up dead from the abuse I am sure to receive.

I had promised I wouldn't run away nor could I as Jeff counseled me that staying the course was the best choice I could make, but either way, he would be with me no matter what. Pointing out that he would be very disappointed if I didn't give it a chance to work. Stating I have earned the right to some happiness and he would do his best regarding me seeing my brother Aaron again; either in this life or the next.

It was the first time Jeff had promised me something so vital about to a decision I would make, but still giving me my free agency to choose for myself the path I would take. It left me almost speechless as he brushed it off as if a higher power had decided. Even though I didn't like the idea of leaving Aaron behind or not even allowed to say goodbye to him, broke my heart into pieces. Jeff did his best as he held me in his arms as I felt his warm spirit trying to console my broken heart.

Summer had just begun missing the last two weeks of school so I could attend to Aunty M's funeral and escort her body back to Phoenix, Arizona. Pa and Ma allowed me to visit my grandmother before leaving as they explained what had happened. She would have been there in my cheering section but had slipped down the stairs on the front porch and breaking her hip a few weeks before the court date. Until she died, she feared any kind of step. Didn't matter if it was one or two. She became reluctant to even leave her house after that.

My father had yet to pay her any kind of visit. Yet had the nerve to call and tell her that her meddling days in his affairs were over; receiving a copy of the document, stating that she is no longer allowed in the home during home visits. Nor were the rest of her extended family. If she wants to visit her grandchildren; "arrangements" can be made, but otherwise it would be in her best interest to stop meddling when it comes to raising their children.

A telegram from Mr. Mr. Whitmore informed us that he would send the letter post haste overnight, stating that he had arranged a home visit for the following weekend. My parents would be the ones in charge of picking me up and returning me three days later. Grandma hissed angrily over the phone. Noting it was quick timing on their part to begin in earnest in gaining the upper hand quickly, so soon, after the funeral and the family court verdict. Not that it mattered; she couldn't stand Aunty M. In her eyes her being dead meant having the obstacle removed; a perfect time to take back control with nobody to stop her.

Grandma suggested it would be better to leave me behind with Aunty M's son than rather take the chance of me being alone in their care; regardless of if the verdict was out about recent evidence to be found that would support or misinterpret their findings. An ill wind seemed to blow as the decision was quickly made that Ma would remain behind with our sisters and the two younger boys Sam and Ted; while Pa and my brothers began preparations to move. Not the best decision I mind you when it came to going to war with my parents, but there were very few people left in my corner willing to fight.

I was homesick for my grandmother and worst of all for Aaron, I can't tell you in words how I worried I was for his safety When the wrath of my parents come to bear on his poor shoulders for being unable to collect their prize. As we have learned before that my parents are masters at lying and hiding things behind closed doors. I had very little doubt that they could keep hidden from the abuse, but after considerable thought, it wasn't worth the chance.

We learned from being sold that my parents could quickly sell me to a stranger to keep me out of reach and prove a point that they are untouchable as far as the law is concerned, fooling government and family services for a long time. They told them a simple lie, stating that I had just run away and there was no telling when I would be caught. Blaming it do to the current state of my mind and the State verdict.

Pa didn't like the idea of leaving me in the care of my parents any more than I did, but eventually we were going to have to find a way around that problem, while they began the move in secret. Luckily Reggie was his own pilot and had flown enough times to Canada and back; which helped to know the palms to grease. First, passports had to be obtained and in order to go back and forth between the United States and Canada.

Time was not on our side, but it did help to have the State grant six months to a year to gain proof that either my parents were abusive parents or the Downings were incapable of continuing my care. Either way, it would take some time to move without alerting the authorities or my parents about what we intended to do. Lots of things had to be done and Reggie, like Aunty M was a chip off the old block. Meaning he was good at planning the things that needed to be done. If there was a way to get me away from my parents and the government entirely, I should trust them to find it.

Ideas began to form into a plan, starting off with a staging area. Canada was a very long way away. It was not like we could rent moving trucks and simply drive out of state, too. Who knows where? We decided Pa would purchase two large cattle trailers to move and move them on a piece of land five miles down the road from Reggie's place. Enlisting or hire men from the cotton fields to put up fencing for all the animals. They named it the Racing Star Ranch since it would be big enough to hold the main house, which would need to be built.

Pa and the Downings made an agreement that he would pay it forward to someone in need after it was no longer needed, while they moved back and forth from homestead to homestead. They would also place it under something called an underwriter. For our intent and purpose to create a company entity to move merchandise such as cattle, furniture and so on, using a different person's name as the entity, which could house and include and investors and other corporations under one flag. Basically, what the government would call a ghost corporation; yet legal and profitable if you show real money used for the purchase and sells. Otherwise, it was illegal. (It's amazing what you can learn from an investment banker and your own personal lawyer at your beck and call.


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Definition of underwriter: An investment bank that acts as an intermediary between the issuing company and the investors who purchase the company's debt 


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You have heard the saying, "in for a penny in for a pound." Well, we were in for the pound as I watched Pa scratch his head at this new confusing problem; trying to abstract how to run a "dummy corporation."


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A dummy corporation or dummy company is an incorporated firm created to serve as a front or cover for one or more companies. It helps to hide the identity of its principal(s) or to shield them with the limited liability protection provided by a corporation. Dummy companies may appear to be real, but it lacks the capacity to function independently. The primary intention of creating such companies is to conceal the true ownership.


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In which we are indeed trying to do as we hide behind it this so-called "Dummy Company" known as the Racing Star Ranch. Let's just say Aunty M had some knowledge about this and how to set it up, which brings matters like organizing a farmer's picnic worth further investigation and what really was her husband Mike really into for the good of the people they were serving.

It baffled pa until Reggie simply said in layman's terms. You are going to buy a piece of property and put a house on it. Transfer goods like cattle and furniture from one place to another. Using a corporate name instead of your own, stating you work for Racing Star Ranch as an employee, not its owner. Then disperse, or in your case liquefies its assets. While leaving the United States and leaving a working Ranch to whoever you want to pay it forward to. Firing yourself, sure, it's a little dishonest. Pa eyebrows raised at the word, "dishonest" yet who was he really being dishonest to, really? Himself? But in the end, he was providing a home and working farm and a ranch to someone in need. It seemed like a win, win situation and a lot of money trading hands.

Where the money was coming from bothered him the most. Feeling he had really never earned it, but he needed to keep his family safe, and that included me; with a roof over our heads and food on the table and clothes on our back. The money was staggering in terms of what he needed; in fact, it was more money I had ever seen in one lifetime. I asked if this was really what he wanted because it was not too late to change our minds. But when Pa and Ma make a decision, it is set in stone.

The following morning, Reggie took us to our new staging area and set the plans in motion. Which was nothing but feral grass and tumbleweeds as far as the eye could see? Yes, indeed, time wasn't on our side except the weather was good for planting. We drove around, gaining our bearings, and visited other small cattle ranches that Aunty M and Mike had started while Reggie shook hands with an occupant that we're delighted to show us around. Pa's mind was working on all four cylinders. Asking what kind of feed grass and hay would be best in this climate and the kind of equipment needed to run a farm out here; most of all, the best and reliable place to buy it from and the cost.

After some long calculation that is far beyond me, Pa decided it was indeed doable for farming and raising livestock. For it is what he knew best, even discovered that some fruit trees that would flourish well in the area; and some he always wanted to try, like oranges and mangos, but the climate wasn't right in Utah. Here he could give it a go if he wanted to. Then changed his mind twice, saying he would never see the first crop. Then change it again saying, but it could benefit others in need.

That was Pa always thinking about someone in need more than himself. Jeff was grinning ear to ear as he walked beside Pa and me. Stating it always amazes him when he comes across a man such as Pa and my Ma, that the world always seems a brighter place. I knew exactly what he meant.

There was a lot to be done to put our Plan B into action. Pa and Reggie met with the bank and set up the company Racing Star Ranch and account. Also registering the name with the Arizona Business Association too obtains building permits to build on the recently purchased land; with the signed deed of Racing Star Ranch Corporation. For now, Reggie became the sole owner and Pa would be his partner; it would take at least a couple of weeks to make it legit.

The hard part would develop the land and building the main house. Pa didn't have a year or even six months, but Reggie assured him he only needs four months if they kept the plan simple. Nothing too fancy, just a house with the basic amenities, nothing more and nothing less, but it would still require money. Pa was lost when it came to dealing with large investments like this. So it was necessary to hire a business accountant and a business lawyer, one that won't cheat him out of house and home. Aunty M had a short list of people she would contact when came to trusting anyone. Yet it hurt to even think about how much everyone misses her, but life goes on.

Aunty M was fond of saying. "To learn anything, boy, you must swim with the sharks to find your lifeboat." Not sure what she meant by lifeboat, but we were in a matter of speaking swimming with the sharks, and praying we don't get eaten alive before finding her lifeboat. It took several tries until we found the people we needed; Reggie made the arrangements to fly them here the very next day, but thought better of it. Not having an office of sorts to put them in. Time again was ticking away. So, he flew Pa to them to meet them instead; having our friend the Mayor's Daughter faxed over contracts for our newest employees to sign.

The next thing on the agenda was to hire a contractor and a builder that would see to the daily operations of a building of said Racing Star Ranch. With permits in hand, Pa and he raced against the clock, but everything seemed to move at a snail's pace. It was four days until Pa and the boys needed to be back to start Plan B, which earned its name Night Flyer because everything was working under the cover of darkness.

Pa still wasn't willing to chance me going home without something in place to assure them that my parents wouldn't sell me or get me out of the way where nobody could find me except them. Yet it was kinda of humorous in weird kinda way, that Downing's were doing the exact same thing, but in the name of love. Somehow, I didn't think my parents would find it a bit funny. With the help of the Mayor, who issued orders to set up an outpost around my parent's house; placing a police car close by, and one outside the entrance of Mecums Trailer Park. To use to track my parent's whereabouts if they decided I needed to flee. Yet still, stay within the limits of the law about outside influences.

But what they didn't know was Mr. Stringham was renting a trailer across from them. The word on the street was a family in Santaquin won a trip around the world; and would be gone for the next six months. Yes, indeed, when it comes to putting a boy's safety first. The Downings and some very closes friends knew how to work the system. With that in place, Pa reconsidered our choices even though there was nothing he could do to ensure my safety inside the home. We all knew they were gambling with my life for badly needed "Time" Angering my parents would eat up the time to quickly.

Pretending to give them what they wanted would buy them the time. The State only permits home visits for three days a month, unless permission to extend the visit is granted. Either for a vacation or a family outing that would require the child to be unreachable for a limited time. In either case, both the foster parents and the child's parents must approve it.

Reggie flew Pa and Ma back, leaving our two older sisters and younger brothers with Reggie's wife; and would return back after my parents dropped me off. It also gave Reggie and my Pa the time to work on operation Night Flyer. To tell you the truth, going home and staying in that house for three days scared me to death. Well, part of a day and two nights and part of another. Pa and Ma stood by me the entire time as an undercover policeman disguised as a ranch hand monitored everything with a hidden camera between the weeds and the fence pointed in my parent's direction.

Pa calmly stated to have me back by three pm on Sunday afternoon; in the same shape that I am in, prior to my visit. He paused for a moment then pulled out another contract which stated he had signed with the States signature and accordance with the law if the child's guardian sees fit article 1712. That a surprise visit by a Doctor would stop by to examine me during or after each visit. He, however, didn't say when and who the Doctor would be. Letting that settle in their minds as Ma gave me a great big hug and a kiss. Robert and Will waved as I left and while I prayed, hoping if God wouldn't help me than perhaps he would help my Pa.

Jeff, of course, rode beside me as if once more I was going to my death. Having a ghost as a bodyguard didn't make things any easier. Those gallows still waited for me to climb. My mother grumbled about to the surprises visit now thrust upon her. Stating clearly that Downing had some nerve imposing this, and she was damn and determined to give the State a piece of her mind.

My father growled and reached back to grab the front of my shirt. Spiting each syllable in my face; Stating he has had enough of rules and laws that tie his hands when raising a worthless. MURDERING BASTURD that sees fit to challenge him and his poor mother. Also stating I needed to be very careful where I step or come hell and the storm that comes with it. With his other hand, he notched a thumb and forefinger to show me he was inches of a way of killing me where I stand, releasing me with a hard shove back into my seat.

Jeff rested his hand on my knee. As usual, my mother never saw him and neither did my father. When we arrived, my father quickly picked up my backpack and threw it up the stairs and kicked it all the way down the hall to my prison cell where I would share with my brother Aaron's cell. I hoped that the cookies my Ma made me didn't completely turn to crumbs. Either way, the cookies my Ma made me would be a feast compared to my mother's cooking. Aaron clung to me the second after my father slammed the door shut. Aaron didn't budge until everything in the house settled.

Hearing my father turn on the TV, his voice gruff, but polite as he asked how my sisters were coming along planning her friend's birthday party? If they needed any more money for the present; reminding her they wanted to leave a good impression, not a bad one. I had no doubts that money came from Aaron's new store-bought clothes seeing him in summer rags and barefoot. Because of his secondhand sneakers were too small for him this time around. I noticed his clothes hung on him because they were so shabby compared to mine. I wanted to rip them off and give him mine if they would have fit; I would have.

I also knew grandma would not like to hear that my parents were back to their old habits. It was so bad when I tried to open the bedroom door. Aaron tried to prevent me from opening it. Saying, "don't! They don't allow us outside this room without permission. Not even to pee. Showing me a half-empty milk jug, grimacing as he sets it back into the closet next to a bucket with a plastic toilet lid tied with a rope around its hinges to keep it in place. The smell reeked as Aaron closed the closet and opened the window, which now had bars that covered the window from the inside, the plate glass made of hardening plastic to prevent it from shattering or from anyone seeing in. The window barely went up three inches, making it nearly impossible for anyone to scream out.

Jeff didn't like it one bit as he sat on the bed staring out into space. Pa had given me a small camera in case I saw something that might help prove that my parents are guilty of abuse. Even though there was not a mark on my brother that I could see. I wondered if being kept like a prisoner in a cage was the same as abusive behavior. They threw out so much evidence because it was unclear whether my parents were actually guilty of abusive behavior based on old facts. But this was new, so I gave a silent prayer that we had wrapped the camera to prevent it from being damaged. Back then, I really wished I had a cell phone, but unfortunately, no one had invented them yet, just like the internet.

I had taken several pictures of the room, which included the bars and the window. I took pictures of our bathroom facilities. I took pictures of Aaron and his clothing. It had been several hours before my mother opened the door. Stating it was time for me to earn my keep. Handing me a toothbrush and pail of soapy water, and led me down to the bathroom. The bathroom stunk of unwashed clothes piled high on top and around the washer. They then told me I had to clean it before I could eat. I must wash the clothes and scrub the bathroom with the toothbrush. They asked me if I remembered how to scrub floors and what they expected of me. They gave me three hours to complete the task or there would be no supper for me.

She also stated that they may not punish me as they like, but that doesn't mean there are other ways to take me to task for all my disobedience. I didn't dare say anything else that would cause harm to my brother while I was in the house, so I said. "Yes, ma'am I understand completely." Her knuckles tightened as she was about to strike me, then quickly changed her mind as I closed my eyes, waiting for her to strike me. In some ways, I was hoping she would, but I knew and she knew that if she or my father did they would lose everything, and be in jail before the night was over. Instead, she knocked the dirty clothes off the washer, watching me jump out of the way yelling three hours.