Chapter 8-1


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Despite Jayden and others counseling them many times that there was nothing more that could be done, the Queen of the Pixies (Lorana) and the Kenee-a-bees (Kertwen) still believed that they shouldn't leave Springfield. The remaining few thinking they are still alive, which is unlikely because it has been nearly a month since the destruction of their town.

With a heavy heart, they plead for one last chance, their desperation palpable. They yearn for the Whitmore's' help, hoping against hope to heal their forest before bidding it farewell. The prospect of a new home, if they survive, is their only solace.

But Lorana's plea is not her only intention. In her heart, she knows it's time for a change, a new era for the fairies. She gazes at the remnants of her kin, aware that they must choose a new Queen. This decision, she has known for a long time, is not to be taken lightly. The darkness is merely an excuse to delay the inevitable; Derrick's absence is a stark reminder of this.

Reflecting on the night when she was touched; It had not healed, just another sign that it was time for her to select a new Queen. Aurania is the one she has chosen. A bright sprite full of life, she has "too much wit than I like, but you can't have everything you want. It's just not possible," she argues with herself.

Jayden stood in the tent before Kertwen, Lorana, and the Whitmores, his hands clasped behind his back. This worried him and the Whitmores, for it is true they must do this where and whenever they can help the most, but it tires them, especially the boys, yet they would not be leaving here for at least three more days.

As Jayden looks down at the maps and charts, he decides. He turns towards the Queen, his voice firm. "All right, on one condition, you and whoever we find still up there come with us regardless of how badly you want to stay after the Whitmore's restore what Morgan's done. And that goes for you, Kertwen, since we are also traveling through your lands. I want more than just a promise this time." Jayden's staff glows with a soft light. "You will, by placing your hand on this staff as you make this promise by the Light and Truth, help you keep it. For it comes from the heart, not of the mind."

Lorana and Kertwen agree and promise as they each place their hands on the staff, a sacred object that symbolizes their commitment and connection to their mission. A surge of light flows through their hands, and they feel at peace as if the master himself has touched them.

They all decided to return to the old city of Springfield, their former home and a place of great significance, to rest and gather strength before leaving on their journey to their new home, so they could all say goodbye again. They packed all the wagons and tents and set up the groups like the first group.

Jayden handed each Syneral, the leaders of the different groups, their staff as he bonded his flock together. Gartooth, a powerful warrior, had a very busy day as he added five more slaves to his charge. Jayden merely smiled back towards Morgan's Mountain, the source of their troubles, as he opened a gate to Springfield with a blinding flash of pure light seen for miles. It would be so bright if Gartooth had his eyes open or closed that he could not even guess where he had gone.

Jayden recognized that Gartooth was necessary for this journey because their paths were connected. The question was how? And why? Right now, he doesn't have the answer. He whispered back, "Just follow the breadcrumbs, little brother."

Kollie, taking his wife's hand, climbed down from the wagon with the three boys following them. Once more, he stood in the middle where the fountain was now smashed and the crumbling dry bed of hot, dry dirt. They each took each other's hands while everyone watched from afar.

At first, nothing was happening. Then, the wind grew crisp and fresh around them all. Things around them started to grow and turn green once more. The trees, the flowers, and the grass were alive and vibrant once more than they watched it continue up the mountain and over the hill; water was flowing down the creek once more. The people cheered, watching the town of Springfield, once a desolate ruin, come back alive again, forgetting all about everything and everyone as they ran everywhere, looking at things.

Jayden and the Tweeds, a group of loyal followers, ran over to the Whitmores, who were now all on the ground beyond exhaustion. Nobody except them even noticed them, except a few Kenee-a-bees who were close to them as friends. The Queen herself was too busy looking at her trees to notice. Jayden felt sadness as he saw his misguided people. They only cared about the miracle, not the people who performed it. Jayden and Arken, two of the Tweeds, helped set up camp around them, leaving them to rest. Lily, another member of the Tweeds, watched over the boys, and Captain Drealin attended to their needs while the Whitmores rested.

It was hard to watch and do as Arken walked among the people, even though he may not be from this realm. He had a kindred heart for them all the same. The role of the Syneral intertwined my own family with the needs of the people, making it a constant struggle to determine which came first.

While his family is set up for the night, Arken watches the movements in the camp, with people scurrying this way and unorganized, and tries to imagine himself as another man. Arken knew the answer as he watched Jayden attend to the Whitmores. Another had taken care of his family so he may lead. Arken calls Captain Drealin by his side. "Yes, sir."

"Captain, let's see if we can organize this mess, shall we?"

"Yes, sir," Drealin, the Lead Captain, calls forth all the captains in the group to line up. Arken walked down the line and then stood in front with his Lead Captain, the second-in-command, by his side. "Each day, you will report on the camp to your leader. In turn, we will assign and rotate duties so that each of you gets a chance to perform them well.

"Today is our first day, and I am not impressed by what I have seen so far since we have had a lot of time and practice down at the main camp. Yes, it is true as it may seem life has come back to this town again, but for how long is undetermined because the threat is very real, you know this. It is time, men, to set an example for your people that you will help them. They can trust you when their need is great like it is now!" Arken stands squarely facing them. "I want tents up and camp post up in one hour, then report back to me for a list of duties."

"Yes, sir," watching them run back to the wagons.

Arken did not smile as he turned to Drealin. If I was correct, that included you because you make that list and find me my barracks, Captain.

"Oh my, sorry, sir!" Drealin said, running.

Arken slowly walks up the hill, now green once more, and sits with Jayden while his camp is bustling about him. They watch the tents go up, and Jayden sighs, looking at his friend. "It's a long way from New Downing, Wayne." Not bothering to cast a ward of protection and eavesdropping around them.

Wayne grins. "And to think I was just a farmer back then worrying about crops and little things that didn't matter, now look at me."

"Do you miss it, my friend?" Jayden asked.

Wayne looked towards where his family was, and the Whitmores were. "Nope, not one bit. I have everything I need right here."

"Me too," Jayden watches Lizzy, helping some children or keeping them out of their mother's hair for a while. Jayden stands, then turns. "I'm leaving you tomorrow, Wayne. There are some things I need to attend to."

Wayne's face drops. "What? You can't!"

"Why not? I told you I cannot be in three places at once, right?"


"Well, you have everything you need; there is no reason I should be here then. You knew then that this journey was not just for me but for all of us. We each have our own part in some way. Yours is to lead this group and give them strength, for they are the weakest, and you can make them strong.

"Mine has begun like yours as I travel among all of you. Not just this group, but all of them, for the tree, have many branches, and I give each of you a branch of the same tree. Until once more united, we come together at the end of the journey. Now then, my friend, let's go down among our people together and fill our hearts with joy before I leave. Besides, you act like I am going away forever," Jayden laughed, slapping him on the back. "You're not dead yet; we have lots to do."

Arken watched Sylen riding on his brother Robert's back across the camp. Wayne laughed. "Yes, Jayden, we do at that," slapping him hard, knocking the wind right out of him.

Jayden and Arken walk back to his tent, where Lily and his two daughters are giggling over two boys in their group who have caught their eye. They were trying very hard not to look at them as they passed by them as they went to the wagon for something. Jayden watches and smiles, casts a ward around them, and then signals to their group, the Whitmores and Tweeds, telling them they can now speak freely. As he announced his departure tomorrow, sad as it may be, they understood.

He explains it in more detail now than on the hill. Watching their faces and expressions, especially Grandma and Martha's, he says that he has gotten word from Nathaniel that six of them have left on their own journey and could be in more danger. Now Gartooth is on everyone's trail or soon will be, considering he has latched on as a slave to all the rotten apples sent out before coming here.

His only good news for them was that the High Council had stripped away their magic. The High Council did it while they were sleeping at night, leaving small traces behind them so they could do nothing about it. It would take a hundred like them to make a simple spark. 

Grandma was the most worried, considering she knew where she hid the staff as she looked at the wagon nearby. She checked it often to ensure nobody had touched the hiding place inside the wheel, making it a part of the wagon so nobody would know except her.

Jayden slowly examines EJ and decides then shakes his head at Martha and his family. "No, it's still too soon."

With a sad heart, Martha understands and holds her son against her whispers. "Not to be in such a hurry."

"I know, Ma," EJ said, feeling sad. He couldn't show them what it was like at his farm, where he could run and feel free once more.

Jayden rubbed his head. "But I think we shall all go when I return in a few days, and the Whitmore's, too. We'll have a picnic. How does that sound?" he asked.

EJ looks up at Jayden. "You mean they can come too?"

"Of course, unless you don't want them to, that is?" laughed.

EJ smiles back with the biggest grin he can give. "Yes, I would like that, and Lizzy, Mary, and Aunty M, too?"

Jayden laughs. "And who would protect the camp if everyone's with you?"

Martha laughed with him and kissed his cheek. "Will work something out, won't we, Pa?" taking his hand.

Pa placed his arm around his son. "You bet."

Julie and Anna supported their brother as they kissed his cheek, "because nobody dares come near us when we put our minds together because our family sticks together, no matter what."

"And that goes for brothers," Robert said, trying to look serious. He puts his hands on his hip, and Will stands beside him. The three little boys copy him, and everyone laughs—so much that they wake the baby.

"I guess she wanted to get her two cents worth in," Anna said, holding her in her arms and smiling. "Is that right, Jess? Sisters, stick together because we must."

Soon, someone broke into the ward, but they didn't care this time because it was Drealin reporting in. He smiled at the families who were laughing amongst themselves. But the look on his face changed as he gave the news to Wayne and Jayden. Hearing fights are breaking out between the two groups. Wayne leaves, not pausing or looking at Jayden, for he knows it is his responsibility now and will be. Jayden replaced the surrounding ward, and the protection barrier continued without Wayne there, for things must be done and were imperative before he could leave.