
Despite his presumptions, the town was as equally human-like as its walls were.

Simple wooden houses as far as the eye could see with strips of stone masonry and yet no humans in sight.

'This was stolen from humanity...' Cedric thought as he observed the architecture.

It made sense why humans were waging war; demons stole what was theirs, and they had to get it back. Alas, they lacked the guidance of God, and so they failed. Until God in his infinite mercy sent Cedric himself to return what was taken.

Moving undetected through the town, even with his blinding silvery armor proved to be no issue.

Most of these demons were even weaker than human soldiers allowing him to dash through them undetected leaving only a slight wind.

'Almost everyone here is at maximum Level 10 with no Class assigned...' Cedric almost let out a laugh.

Even humans will be able to decimate this demonic population without issues.

'From demons to fallen angels and devils, so many creatures have infested this place.' Cedric scanned every building he passed, every demon he saw.

Despite his deepest wish to slaughter each one as he passed, he had one mission.

Kill Tormentor, a disgusting demon capable of mind control.

He did hope Aurelia would be successful, but he did not know if she could slaughter two champions without raising the alarm.

Tormentor was currently walking in the open, which would cause quite a ruckus.

He needed to stay his hand, for now, Humans needed to know how it felt to spill demonic blood.

They had to know how it felt to be cast back to hell where they belonged.

He saw demonic children running about, almost acting like human children. It disgusted him.

He saw Demonic females looking over these little deceivers with caring eyes. It disgusted him.

They mimicked human behavior too well, courtesy of demonic heritage to be sure. It was like these creatures evolved to mimic humanity to perfection.

'Fallen Angles and Demons... Living together in harmony. Donning skin of young children to trick humanity.' Cedric spat as he took a turn, disappearing into the dark alley.

He would need to trail Tormentor until the creature was isolated, and then the demon's existence would be extinguished.

The creature was 3 times the size of Cedric, easily towering over the hero. It was wearing leather armor, its head that of a bull, one horn was broken, and its brown hide was scarred by battles long past.

The creature surely slaughtered tens of thousands of humans, and it still drew breath.

'Despicable creature, your end is nigh.' Cedric's bloodlust leaked for a moment, almost alerting the champion.

He followed the creature inside what looked like a dining hall, massive tables took most of the space and dozens of demons ate food and spoke with each other.

Most demons here were pretty weak excluding the Lord of Blood.

He could not follow Tormentor without alerting the entire building, perhaps it was time to eradicate him and these demons.

'Taking away a group wouldn't have taken away too much glory from human troops, would it?' He dispersed those thoughts, God surely wouldn't want him to deny others a chance to prove themselves.

He had his own goal and that is what he would stick to.

With a swift jump, Cedric jumped onto supporting beams, his weight almost crushing structure-bearing wood pillars.

[God's eye], Cedric activated God's Eye again.

Tormentor would certainly be a dangerous opponent, perhaps in the past he could have crushed Cedric. But it was before he was blessed by the Lord.

Thinking about the blessing made him so thankful for being given this opportunity. Perhaps it was an excellent time for a prayer.

His hands clasped in prayer as the world around him went silent.

Prayer was a conversation with God, which made it sacred, and the world around it did not matter.

"O Lord, you are just and powerful, I beseech you to grant me and the whole of humanity strength to carry your mission to its completion, and defend humanity against forces of evil, lead mine and their blades so that we may strike at the very heart of your enemies. Amen."

As his prayer finished he felt relief, every time he spoke to God it was like a burden was lifted from him.

'Perhaps when this is all over this human legion I am assisting would embrace the lord and forsake pagan deceivers.'

It was a flicker of hope, he knew fully well how hard it was to convert an infidel to one true faith, Crusades were only a consequence of infidel stubbornness after all.

Thankfully, God had given him so many tools and so much power. Cedric would not fail a single trial God placed before him; he could swear his name on it.

Purging the demons from the world, converting humanity away from Paganism. Such herculean tasks were what was assigned to him and they were what he would do no matter what, even if his flesh was stripped from his bones in the process.

It was mere minutes before Tormentor made his way outside the dining hall, and with brisk steps that were unbecoming of someone of his size, he made his way toward Eastern Tower.

"So that is where I will catch you, huh." Cedric let out a menacing chuckle as he tailed the Minotaur.