Chapter 5 There and Back Again

Chapter 5 There and back again

The game was called Among Us. Amenadiel was trying to complete 'tasks' as a 'crewmate' with the kids and Aubrey, who was keeping his suspicions to himself. The angels were a bit taken aback when he brought the humans to a secure room in heaven. Aubrey was blindfolded but asked about the 'etherealness' of the place once they entered the room, they would be staying in. Amenadiel had asked the angels to make a furnished log cabin in a forest, and hoped they wouldn't walk far enough to meet heavens residents.


"Amenadiel you're looking pretty sus.", insinuated Trixie as their characters passed each other.


"Is sus a compliment or an insult?", he asked a little bewildered by the game .


"This whole things a little sus.", said Aubrey calmly, having noticed the subtle glow of the cabin he had spent an extended amount of time surveying the forest. Which had given the angels a few scares.


"Amenadiel! He's trying to eat the diaper cream again!", called Linda from another room.


"Heaven help us. One moment Trixie, I've got a sus this will be an ordeal.", said Amenadiel.


Trixie and Aubrey grimaced and made eye contact before laughing. "That's definitely not how to use it, Amenadiel.", said Aubrey as his character ate Amenadiel's afk player, winning the imposters the game.


Trixie groaned, "Of course!"



Dexter was on edge as many of the players were eating takeout after the hours of presentations. He tried doing some snooping on a computer, but he couldn't find much about his Angela. At least not without drawing suspicion from the tech team. He gave a fake smile as someone incidentally made eye contact with him, and took another bite of pizza.


The presentations were mixed and he had let Debra do most of the talking. The Fringe team certainly stole the show with their wild tales, but he was also suspicious about Lucifer. Chloe had said he had, 'abilities' and they were keeping the details under wraps to confuse the enemy. Surely this strange man wasn't the literal Devil? What kind of questions would he have for the devil?


Cam rushed into the dining hall with a random officer from the staff. "Broyles! Problem! Big problem", she referenced behind her as a middle-aged man and female officer entered the room.


"Batista?", asked Debra.


"Debra? But-", Batista began.


"Oh shit.", thought Dexter.


The officer took out her gun and aimed it to Dexter, "Dexter Morgan! You're under arrest for the murder of Sergeant Logan!"


"Alright everybody slow down!", shouted Broyles as several people stood and began to draw their own weapons at the sudden entrance. "Officer stand down right now that's an order."


"He cannot get away with this!", she hissed bitterly.


"Angela-", Dexter began.


"I suggest you use your right to remain silent Dexter! Now turn around!", she commanded.


"Angela", Batista put a hand in her shoulder and got her to read the room. She begrudgingly lowered her firearm, her face scrunched angrily.


"Dexter is this true?", asked Debra, who kept a distance between them.


"I, I had to protect Harrison. The Narrator, he can bring him back.", Dexter looked to Broyles desperately, but knew he was cooked.


"Perhaps its better this way, I deserve this.", He thought.


"Dexter Morgan you are under arrest for the killing of an officer. Chloe, take Dexter to one of the secure rooms and post an officer there. Angela, I will need Dexter for a series of, special investigations, but he will not be getting away with anything.", said Broyles. Chloe cuffed Dexter and walked him past Angela and Batista.


"Dex, how could you?", asked Batista. Dexter started to say something but ultimately remained silent, knowing nothing he could say would help his old friend and continued walking down the hall.


Angela shook her head and walked away, leaving Batista who said, "Debra I don't know how either of you survived but we're going to look for Harrison, you're more than welcome to join us."


Debra took a heavy sigh and ran up to hug her old friend heartily. "I've got to stay here, but I'm counting on you Batista." Batista looked around at the varied faces and nodded before giving her his phone number and leaving.


The room calmed down as everyone began to clean their plates and Sweets attempted to speak with Debra. Cam walked over to Broyles. "Don't tell me there more?", he asked.


"Afraid so. We've got our first hit, a body mauled in an unfamiliar fashion found decaying in an apartment and get this, large traces of blood and mercury on the scene.", Cam explained while showing Broyles some pictures of huge blood spatter on a wall.


Broyles let out some air and said, "And here I had hoped to never hear that again. Olivia, Booth, take Dr. Brennan and prep Dexter. I'll send Lucifer and Chloe with you and have the lab teams start to analyze what we have so far. Make sure to get a video feed to the lab teams when you arrive."


"I don't see how bringing a killer is necessary? My team can solve the case especially with the help of your Fringe team.", asked Bones with some discontent.


"Dr Brennan while I have read and respect your expertise, I believe an entire wall covered in blood might warrant our resident expert.", said Broyles. Bones looked to Booth, but he shook his head while still eating, and she reluctantly rescinded. "Agent Morgan, will you accompany them?", asked Broyles.


"Agent?", she asked, looking away from Sweets.


"That's what you'll be if you decide to stay here and work for me Ms. Morgan.", said Broyles.


"I'm not sure that's such a good-", Sweets began.


"I'm in! I'll go help Chloe.", Debra declared before leaving the room.


"I have to say, she should take some time to assess and evaluate her situation. We've got a lot of help here.", said Sweets.


"Agent Booth?", asked Broyles.


Booth finished a bite and asked Sweets. "Will she nab her brother if he runs?"


"On that I'm certain, it isn't her loyalty that I'm worried about-" began Sweets.


"Then she's coming along to watch that freak while he does his thing. Make sure he isn't getting off on it too.", said Booth.


"I'm not sure that's how Dexter works Booth, from what I've heard from Debra it seems like he only enjoys killing murders. It's actually really fascinating-", Sweets began to ramble.


"Yea, I'm sure it's real fascinating Sweets, but a bad guy is a bad guy. Period. Bones, are you ready? It's sci-fi time!", said Booth with a grin.



Dexter was annoyed. He understood the restraints, but was a mouthpiece really needed? He was being wheeled backwards by Sweets up a staircase on a dolly while wrapped like a mummy. It was a rundown apartment in a sketchy part of Boston. Debra had explained on the ride over that blood spatter analysis would be needed, and that they had gotten their first case. Broyles had even offered Debra a job.


"Debra will do great with these people, and if I get to help like this, then I should still get my wishes from the Narrator.", thought Dexter.


"Sweets what's the hold up?", asked Booth from atop the staircase.


"He's pretty heavy!", grunted Sweets as he pulled the dolly wheels up another stair.


"I'll help from this side.", said Debra, having come inside. "Chloe and Dexter are canvasing witnesses, and I've finished sending the reports from the police to the lab."


Booth nodded and stepped back into the apartment room in question. Blood and mercury were splattered like art deco, with one wall having unnaturally large streaks. Bones was feeling inside the victim's mouth. He had been a middle-aged man with a simple job driving loaded trucks in the region for a small-time company. He had no family, which explained why no one reported him as missing for so long. His apartment was empty and drab aside from a single chair, table, and tv and bed.


"Based on decomp alone I'd say its about a month old.", said Ella searching the corpse and using her phone to show the lab. Hodge had just iterated the same thought over the phone after being shown some of the bugs present on the body. It was partially skeleton at this point, with leathery skin and a large stain on the floor underneath, the mans hair had either fallen out or been lacking to begin with.


"Atleast he managed to put up a fight", said Booth, looking at the streaks of mercury stained on the floor.


"Booth, I have something here!", said Bones, "Come take a picture of this while I hold his mouth open."


Booth complied but looked away in disgust as Bones opened the man's mouth again, causing his lower jaw to fall off aside from some skin.


"My bad, here just turn the flash on and get the roof of his mouth.", she said while angling the man's decaying head.


"The roof of his mouth?", questioned Olivia.


"It's just like you said, three holes.", said Bones.


"So there really is another shapeshifter on the loose. We need to get files from and warn every company holding mercury in the state, maybe even further out.", explained Olivia.


"I'm on it!", said Peter over the pjone before leaving the lab.


Sweets sighed heavily as they rolled up the last step with dexter and wheeled him into the apartment. Booth closed the door behind them and guarded it. "Morgan, get him to… do his thing.", he said to Debra. 

Debra untied and unbound Dexter, almost forgetting his mouth piece. "Don't mess this up", she instructed. 


"Don't I know it, he thought, Lets see here, these streaks could be from a small scuffle, and them we have… an entire wall with several massive streaks of blood painting it. He looked over the man and the broken furniture. 

"I have it! Olivia!-", he began.

"Agent Dunham.", she stated clearly. 

"Uptight are we?", he thought. "Agent Dunham, one of your slides mentioned men turning into large beasts correct?", he asked. 

"You don't think…", she began before scanning the surroundings again, "Why would they fight each other?"

"Guys?", Ella held up a large black porcupine.

"Astrid let Broyles know the hybrids are out here as well.", Olivia sighed over the phone. 

"What have we here?", thought Dexter as he followed sparse droppings of blood not connected before to a spot on the wall in the kitchen. He knocked on the wall a few times and heard a distinct difference the last time. "I've got something!", he called out. 

Debra, Olivia, and Sweets prodded at the wall before removing a large panel of wall and revealing a narrow passage through the walls. Ella poked her head in and said, "whoah, this goes all the way to the ground floor, and I think I see a light. 

"Decker, this is Dunham, there's a passage in the walls leading to an exit on the east side. It may be one of the hybrids, I'm calling the local police for backup."Olivia spoke through her phone to Chloe. 

. . .

Outside Chloe and Lucifer were canvasing witnesses separately when she got the call from the west side. "Thanks so much you've been a great help.", she told the old woman who had been yaping at her while pointing to her phone. She began walking over to the west side where Lucifer was to let him know. 

Lucifer was speaking to a drunken middle aged man looking man who had been stung by porcupines while on pest control, supposedly. Lucy was dusting the man off as he heard the bizarre tale as Chloe rounded the corner and suddenly pulled her gun on them. "Detective?", he asked in dismay. 

"Lucy move, it's a hybrid!", she yelled as she walked to them with her sidearm drawn on them. 

"A what now?", he asked as the drunken man sucker punched him. The man ran quickly, taking a shot from Chloe as he rounded the corner into an alleyway. Lucy had unexpectedly been struck hard and had fallen to a knee. "Oh no you don't!", he said, eyes flashing red as he ran after the man. 

"Lucifer wait!", Chloe called out futily. Lucy didn't stop as he sprinted after the man through the heavily shaded alleys of the apartments. 

Lucy was having to really exerted himself as he ran after the man, ending in small dead end. "Times up Porcupine boy!", Lucy said as he took a boxing stance. 

The man took a stance as well and the two circled before exchanging blows, Lucy taking several heavy blows, but dealing his own as well. Lucy landed several jabs to the man's stomach, but took another blow to his face in the same spot and had to stop to spit blood. "Stronger than a regular human i see, but not enough sadly for you.", he said before using his wings to blow the man into the wall and to the ground.


Chloe rounded the corner with her gun still raised and briefly locked eyes with Lucy who turned to face her before she shouted, "Lucy!", and began shooting again. Lucy turned back to see the man turning on a contraption on the ground, causing a tear to open up in the wall, revealing a bowling alley. A couple was playing in the distance. Chloe managed to shoot the man dead before he stepped through the tear. 

"Lucifer…", she said again, much closer, now putting her hand on his bleeding lip. 

"Just a flesh wound love.", he smiled. 

They locked eyes before Chloe noticed something. "Lucy, your wings!", she said. 

Lucy put his wings away just in time for Booth and Olivia to arrive after having ran to the sound of gunfire and took in the scene. "Is that what I think it is?", asked Olivia, staring into the tear in space. 

"What, the bowling alley?", asked Booth, incredulous. 

"Booth, there isn't a bowling alley in that building, we just passed it.", said Olivia. 

"Dad?!", shouted Lucifer as a question before he ran into the tear. 

 "Wait!", Chloe growled, "Again with this." She followed Lucifer into the bowling alley along with Olivia before Booth too crept inside. An older man in all white was bowling with a beautiful woman in an otherwise empty and sparsely lit alley. 

"I should have known, still testing me eh?", Lucy asked as he got uncomfortably close to his father. 

The older man just chuckled and went to bowl casually, "No Lucy but it's great to see you! I met your friend and we've been watching the show."

"You mean the narrator?", asked Chloe. 

Lucifer's mom came and hugged Chloe awkwardly, "Congrats on the baby darling!"

"This is the other side…", said Olivia. 

"You mean the mirror verse?", asked Booth with some excitement. 

"You're absolutely right! I wanted to catch my universe up to your time for your fathers arrival so I just sped things up on this side. Olivia dear, my kind husband here has been helping heal Walters' mess. Let him know will you?" explained Lucifer's mother. 

Sirens could be heard in the city getting closer. "Booth, my son. I wanted to thank you.", the man in all white said to Booth, getting close. 

"Thank me?", Booth questioned, a little enchanted by the man without knowing why. 

"You've done wonderful work my child. So of course I thank you.", God said, patting Booth on the shoulders. Booth was elated at this point, but cleared his throat and took a step back, regaining his senses.

"You'd better all get going. Wouldn't be good to be stuck here being questioned right?", the old man said as the sirens multiplied greatly.

"Not until you explain just what's going on here! Father!", shouted Lucy as the sirens reached the building. 

"Lucifer, we have to move! They might amber us in here!", Olivia said as she walked back through the portal, Booth shook his head and was just behind her. 

Chloe pulled and pushed Lucifer to the portal as he grumbled, "This isn't over dad!"

"I have the utmost faith in you son!", said God before his wife whispered to him, "Oh, and tell Ella I said 'great work'!"

Lucifer scowled as they made it back to their universe and Olivia pressed a few buttons on the device, closing the tear, the wall reappearing. 

"We're really not in Kansas anymore huh?", said Booth. 

"Deja voo…", said Olivia. 

. . .

In the heart of boston the B.A.U team was walking around a crime scene closed off with police tape in a park. Gideon was shaking his head next to Hotch as Reid reached into a naked body of a young woman that was flayed open and placed on a large set of deer antlers. Morgan was shooing away several birds with the police.

Prentiss took off a pair of gloves and spoke to them, "Wounds aren't good, Unsub kept the poor girl alive the whole time. 

"They took the lungs, while she was still using them." Reid said grimly. 

David Rossi returned from a phone call a ways away and spoke to them, "Head of Behavioral Science got word of this, Jack Crawford, said he's seen it before. He's sending a Doctor Alana Bloom down, says she knows this guy inside and out."

"This scene is a message, the question is, who's it for?", asked Gideon. 

"Hopefully we'll get a profile from the doctor soon.", says Prentiss hopefully. 

"Just how many more messages will we find till then?", asked Hotch.