
Adjusting the cufflinks on my suit, I walked out of the café..

I pressed the button on my key to locate my car and when the car beeped, my eyes automatically widened.

Who's that with my car and why the hell is it smoking?

"Excuse me, ma'am?"

"Wait a sec, I am trying to do something here. "

My eyes shifted to the scratches on the car and back to the lady infront of me.

I kissed my teeth and grabbed her by the hand.

"Hey, what are you.... "

"Who are you and what are you doing with my car? "

I watched as she gulped.

"As you can see, I'm trying to fix your car..."

"Fix my car? Why? "

Even though I knew exactly why, it doesn't hurt to be a little devilish.

"I umm mistakenly crashed my car into yours, so.... "

I noticed the fear in her eyes.



The one time, I decide to step out of my abode and this happens.

"YOU are trying to fix MY car, and how is that helping? "

I asked crossing my arms.

"It's..... "

"It's? "

"Not. "

I stared at her for a long while and then thought of this.

"Umm you know what, I can fix this. "


I watched as she reached into her purse, I don't know what the hell for.

Then she pulled out a couple of notes.

"Here. "

I guess she beat me to it.


10 euros?

To fix a Bugatti.

She must be living on the other side of the planet.

I laughed toyself.

"What's funny? "

"Ten euros, you do know that this is chicken change, don't you? "

"Yes.. I do, I'll be doing it bit by bit. "


"I don't do bit by bit. "

She glared at me.

"Well, you are going to have to Mr. bugatti. "

I knew she couldn't do it but it'd be nice to see her try.

"It'd be nice to see, cheapskate. "

"Excuse you, weren't you taught manners? "

"You drive an old Mustang, what else should I call you. "

She just turned towards her car and before driving off..

"At least this Mustang was able to crash your Bugatti. "


Good luck
