Part (1/3): The Melody of Hope
After drinking Uncle Pong's special beverage, we slept like the dead, not moving an inch for the entire night—more like we were unconscious rather than resting. We slept straight through the entire next day and finally woke up on the morning of the second day. Our bodies felt sore, like they might explode, and as soon as we opened our eyes, dizziness and hunger hit us like a freight train. But after taking a refreshing shower and having some breakfast, it was as if we had been reborn.
Draco laughed so hard he nearly choked on his food. "Uncle Pong's miracle drink! If we sold this back in Draken, we'd be swimming in gold!"
Mirelle teased him with a grin. "Don't forget the 'surprise cans.' If one of those explodes on a customer, you'll be picking fights instead of profits!"
Draco's face went pale, making Yue giggle. "Maybe you should practice dodging punches, big brother Draco," she said, her voice ringing like a bell. The mental image alone made everyone chuckle softly, easing the lingering tension in the air.
The lighthearted mood didn't last long, as Vice Commander Li arrived to deliver an update. "Today, we'll be visiting the wounded and helping with repairs. Many were injured during the recent battles. Are you all ready, or would you prefer to rest longer? I hear you've been out cold for an entire day."
We laughed awkwardly at his playful jab. Elina sprang to her feet immediately. "I'll go, sir—um, I mean, Vice Commander!" Her flustered tone earned a soft, amused smile from Li Changyuan.
"I want to help too! I can heal people!" Yue volunteered enthusiastically, raising her hand like a child in school. The rest of us, inspired by her energy, quickly agreed to assist as well.
Li drove us in an electric car to a medical facility, though it looked more like a mix between a scrapyard and a repair shop. Where there should have been patient beds, there were tables piled with tools, machine parts, and cybernetic limbs.
"Ah! It's the young miss!" a voice called out, drawing our attention. One by one, cybernetic figures emerged from the shadows, their glowing eyes fixed on Yue.
One of them knelt down on one knee before her. "Young Miss Yue, you grace us with your presence! Thank you for visiting us." His eyes shimmered with admiration and reverence. Yue waved her hands nervously, clearly embarrassed. "You don't have to do that! Where are you hurt? You look like you're missing quite a few parts…"
The cyborg chuckled lightly. "We're not dead yet, Young Miss. As long as the core—our brain, heart, and spinal cord—remains intact, we can be repaired. It'll take some time, but we'll be functional again. Don't worry about us."
Relief washed over Yue's face, and her gentle smile returned. The cyborg's eyes practically sparkled even brighter. "I've heard the Guardians are recruiting volunteers for the fight to decide Draft's future. Please, allow us to join the battle. It's the least we can do to repay the kindness we've been shown."
Yue looked conflicted and turned to Akira for guidance. "Big brother… I don't know what to say."
Akira stepped in to answer. "We currently have seven people on the team, leaving five spots open. Ultimately, it's up to Castro to make the final decision. You can reach out to him and ask."
The cyborg immediately saluted, his mechanical movements precise. "Understood, young master!"
Akira flinched. "Uh… please don't call me that. I'd rather not be put on a pedestal."
But the cyborgs all chimed in unison, "Yes, young master!" Akira buried his face in his hands while Draco smirked, leaning over to jab at him. "What's the matter, young master?" His sly grin made everyone burst into laughter, much to Akira's dismay.
To lighten the mood and comfort the injured, we decided to use the "power of music." Both the robots and cyborgs looked eagerly at us, their anticipation palpable. Yue, Akira, and Mirelle quickly set up an artificial harp and a drum set, just like they had in the past.
As the first notes rang out, Yue closed her eyes and began to sing. Her voice was pure and gentle, like a flowing stream, carrying a magical warmth that reached every corner of the workshop. Everyone stopped what they were doing, captivated by her melody.
When the chorus hit, Mirelle joined in, her rich, resonant voice adding depth to the performance. The music swelled, creating a wave of healing energy that seemed to soothe every soul present. Even the coldest, most battle-hardened cyborg warriors found their eyes glistening with unshed tears, as if the music melted away the frost in their hearts.
"…Thank you, Young Miss… and you as well, my lady," one of the cyborgs stammered, his voice trembling with emotion. Mirelle's powerful harmony had enhanced Yue's angelic tones, creating a performance that would linger in their memories for years to come. The cyborgs erupted in cheers, chanting "Young Miss" and "My Lady" with fervent gratitude.
Akira, observing the scene, chuckled quietly to himself. This feels like something out of a mafia movie, he thought.
On the way back to the base, Li once again drove us in his electric car. Osiris remained silent, quietly observing the strange customs of humans, while Lunar struggled to suppress his laughter, having overheard the cyborgs referring to Mirelle as "My Lady."
"This is the first time I've seen people so moved by a song that they'd pledge their lives," Lunar remarked, his voice tinged with genuine amusement. "Yue and Mirelle, your power is truly remarkable."
Akira paused, then nodded. "Even though I'm still getting used to it, I'm proud that Yue and Mirelle's voices can bring hope to so many."
Yue's cheeks flushed, and her fox tail swayed excitedly. "I just wanted to make them feel better," she said shyly.
Mirelle chimed in with a playful smile. "Yue's light magic does most of the work—I'm just here to back her up." Her comment made Yue blush even harder, her tail flicking wildly in delight.
Akira's expression turned serious. "Everyone, rest up for the night. Tomorrow, we'll begin intense training. If anyone's planning to push themselves today, don't. I don't want anyone injured or worn out unnecessarily. We need to be at our best to face Zekhtau."
Everyone nodded in agreement. While the power of music had lifted their spirits, the battle ahead was still a daunting challenge they couldn't afford to underestimate.
Part (2/3): Dreams of a Sustainable Draft
After a casual lunch on what was supposed to be a "relaxing day," our team tried to unwind, but most of us failed miserably. Akira's strict orders not to hit the training grounds before schedule left us restless, unsure of what to do with our free time. Eventually, we ended up gathering near a small training field, hoping idle chatter would help pass the time. Yet, the air was heavy, punctuated by sighs from nearly everyone.
Elina, who had been gazing silently at the sky, broke the silence. "Osiris, if we manage to win over Zekhtau as an ally… what kind of future do you envision for Draft?"
Osiris's face lit up as if she'd been waiting for someone to ask her that question. She jumped to her feet. "I've been dying to share this with you all!" With newfound energy, she dragged us to a large holographic table and began projecting images with enthusiasm.
"I want to see Draft restored—forests thriving again, clean water everywhere, streets separated for pedestrians and vehicles. No one should have to breathe in dust like we do now. Transportation that runs on clean energy, waste and sewage systems that work flawlessly, and real public education to make it all sustainable!" Her eyes sparkled with passion, as if she'd been waiting her whole life for this moment.
"And we'll need laws—real laws," she continued, her excitement building. "Anyone who pollutes should have to pay, not just with fines, but by undoing the damage they caused!"
Mirelle chimed in, her tone curious. "What about water? If we want to restore it, could we use the aquatic plants from Undine? We could set up aquaponics systems—grow plants and raise aquatic life together."
Osiris clapped her hands eagerly. "That's a great idea! Imagine natural reservoirs that sustain themselves! And if we secure Zekhtau's support, his technology could accelerate this entire process."
From his corner, Lunar, arms crossed, added with a smirk, "If you need special tree species from Elfegreen, let me know. I can contact Leanne and arrange it—I'll be heading there for a mission anyway." He paused, his expression sly. "After all, isn't this what alliances are for?"
Yue's eyes lit up. "I can contact my mother! We have purification crystals from Mollarr. If we use them to treat wastewater, it'll speed things up!" Her cheerful tone made Osiris beam. "Thank you, Yue! And thank you, everyone!"
Draco scratched his cheek awkwardly. "If you need something fiery, let me know. Draken's got stuff like thermal coals or 'eternal flame leaves'—whatever those are."
The group burst out laughing. The conversation had taken on the feel of discussing a utopian dream rather than an actual project.
"And Zekhtau?" Elina asked with a faint smile. "If he helps design clean energy tech, we could gain some cutting-edge systems out of this too."
Draco slammed a fist into his palm. "Then all that's left is beating that guy! With him on our side, we'd have a partner who can overcome anything!"
Everyone nodded in agreement, but soon noticed someone was missing—Akira. He stood quietly by the hologram table, staring at the models. His gaze shifted from one part of the display to another, his expression unreadable.
"Big brother Akira?" Yue nudged him gently, but he didn't seem to hear her. After a moment, Mirelle cast a small mana-refresh spell on him, while Lunar moved closer, watching him curiously. Finally, Akira blinked, startled.
"Huh? Oh, what happened? Sorry, I was… thinking."
Seeing Akira unusually quiet—normally the one brimming with bold ideas—the team decided to take a break. By the time evening rolled around, we gathered again at the Guardian cafeteria, sitting together like it was an impromptu "coffee break before dinner."
Mirelle, ever perceptive, leaned forward and asked, "So, Akira, what were you thinking about earlier? You looked like you had a dozen ideas in your head this afternoon."
Akira chuckled lightly. "Not really. I was just… thinking about my grandpa. Back when I was a kid, he used to show me his mock-up models of what a sustainable town could look like. We lived in the countryside, so I'd run around in the wind while he talked about his ideas. I didn't pay much attention back then, but now… I realize how ahead of his time he was."
"Your grandpa sounds amazing!" Yue said, her eyes sparkling. "If we ever have the chance, please take me to meet him—and your parents too! I'd love to see your world!"
Draco grinned, jumping in. "Man, visiting the human world sounds awesome. I'd love to try their food!"
Mirelle laughed. "And I'd love to see your oceans! I've always wondered what Earth's seas are like."
Before the conversation could drift too far, Osiris clapped her hands softly, pulling everyone back to the present. "Everyone, I'd love to explore new places too, but for now… can you tell us more about your grandpa's ideas, Akira? About what he envisioned for Draft's future?"
The group leaned closer, their earlier restlessness replaced by a growing determination. Everyone wanted to hear what Akira's grandpa had imagined—and what could inspire them to shape the future of Draft together.
Part (3/3): Visions of Balance
Akira smiled faintly before beginning, his tone steady and thoughtful. "Alright, let me keep it simple. Grandpa always said that developing a city starts with the headwaters. You have to figure out how to store water without flooding the lower areas. For instance, planting trees with deep roots to stabilize the soil, creating forest barriers to slow water flow, and building small dams to balance the flow across the region…"
His voice trailed off slightly as he noticed everyone paying closer attention than he'd expected. He paused for a moment before Osiris jumped in, her curiosity piqued. "And what about excess water? Where does that go?"
"Well," Akira continued, "you'd need water storage ponds along the pathways. Lower areas could have canals surrounding the city, acting as emergency drainage. Those canals could double as activity spaces during the dry season or even serve as planting areas for short grasses. But the grass has to be really short—otherwise, it gets in the way." He ended with a soft chuckle.
"Why short grass, though?" Draco asked, his brow furrowed.
Akira laughed lightly. "Because it helps maintain the soil on the canal banks without slowing water flow too much. Drainage canals need fast-moving water. Back where I'm from, floods are a constant issue. When it rains, it's chaos. Systems like this really help minimize the damage."
"What about pollution?" Mirelle asked, her tone sharp.
"That's a tougher one," Akira admitted. "You'd need stricter regulations, consistent monitoring of wastewater, and an anonymous reporting system for violators. Punishments would have to be severe enough to deter them, and they'd have to repair the damage they caused. Oh, and we'd probably need Castro to keep an eye on enforcement, too." He nodded toward Elina, who replied confidently, "Leave that to me."
The group continued to throw questions his way—about urban forestry, transportation systems, and renewable energy. Akira answered systematically, his voice carrying a calm authority. "We should plant as many trees as possible, especially ones that absorb dust and purify the air. Buildings should adopt the 'vertical green' concept, turning walls into natural gardens. But we'd also need to manage humidity and pests—those are big concerns."
"Pests? Ew, no thanks!" Yue scrunched her nose in distaste. "Luckily, Celeste is so cold we don't have any bugs there."
The group erupted in laughter, the tension easing further. But Akira wasn't done yet. "For transportation, I'd recommend a two-tiered underground railway system—one layer for north-south lines, the other for east-west. Aboveground roads could follow the same concept, with multi-level cloverleaf intersections to eliminate stoplights. Pedestrian walkways would also be two-tiered, with separate directions for each level. It'd be like having six layers of organized movement."
Lunar, who had been silent for most of the discussion, finally spoke. "So, earlier when you were all quiet… you were thinking about all this?"
Akira shook his head, laughing dryly. "Not really. Most of this comes from my grandpa. He used to teach me that concepts like this could solve so many problems. He never got to see anyone fully implement his ideas, but he tested them out on his own small-scale models."
"Your grandpa was in the wrong place," Lunar remarked with a smirk. "He should've been here helping Castro govern. We'd have seen some amazing changes by now." The group nodded in agreement, laughing softly together.
Akira shifted the conversation to energy. "Electricity is crucial. I think we need a mix of solar, wind, water, and geothermal power. But personally, I think harnessing lightning energy is the coolest idea. If we could do that effectively, it could revolutionize the world."
Everyone turned toward him at once. "Gnome!" they shouted in unison before breaking into laughter, leaving Akira baffled.
"Gnome? What's that?"
Osiris, smiling, explained, "In Arcadia, there's a place called Gnome—the Land of Lightning. They've already developed tech to harness lightning with lightning reactors, but it's ridiculously expensive."
Akira's eyes widened in amazement but dimmed slightly at the mention of cost. "Well, maybe we could save it for emergencies. It's probably better to focus on sustainable energy sources first."
As the evening rolled in, the group gathered around the hologram table to model their ideas. Osiris projected a simulation of a reimagined Draft—clear skies, lush greenery, clean water, and efficient transportation networks. It was an idyllic vision, one that sparked hope in everyone's hearts. But they all knew it was still just a dream—a goal they had to work together to achieve.
Dinner that evening passed with a mix of excitement, worry, and determination. Everyone understood that the upcoming battle with Zekhtau would be their first step toward turning that vision into reality. They had to win—failure wasn't an option.
After dinner, the team gathered on the upper balcony of the Guardian compound. The building's architecture blended ancient Chinese design with futuristic technology, its red pillars glowing faintly in the neon lights of the distant city. Above, two silver moons shone brightly in Arcadia's sky. Akira gazed out at the surreal landscape, murmuring, "Man, this place is so… seamless. Ancient China meets cyberpunk. It's insane."
Elina pulled out her notebook, jotting down notes about the "City of Balance" they had dreamed of during the afternoon. "Imagine if the future of Draft really looked like this," she said softly.
Akira sighed, his gaze turning serious. "But we still have to get through Zekhtau first. He's smart, strong, and incredibly dangerous. If we lose, we lose everything."
"Then we don't lose," Lunar replied coolly from the shadows, sipping a chilled drink. "I've invested far too much in you all to accept failure now." His sly smile didn't quite hide the weight of his words as he turned to look out over the glowing city.
The team felt the pressure looming over them but also the flicker of hope. They agreed to start training in earnest the next day, preparing themselves as much as possible for the challenges ahead.
That night, the group lingered on the balcony, chatting softly about their vision of a balanced Draft. Some practiced spells and combat techniques, while others brainstormed further ideas for the city. Each person's eyes reflected a mix of excitement, fear, and determination. The future seemed both daunting and inspiring, but it was enough to push them forward toward the trial that awaited them—no matter how grueling the path might be.