Chapter 80: Uneasiness

Arthur Maldenbergs forces were severely depleted, most of them had been slaughtered in the battles of the three main roads. Whereas the Luxenberg army still had 60,000 infantrymen, 9,000 cavalrymen and 160 guns. 

Minutes of no communication came to the Maldenberg camp, the people who were sending updates on the battle were all killed. Grand Duke Maldenberg was aware of the likely reality of his army's failure yet was not sure of the damage dealt to Victor's army. Archenshien was eerily quiet, especially when, almost an hour ago, the horrific symphony of battle could be heard all the way from the Maldenberg camp.

'Should I attack? Should I withdraw? Maybe I should surrender and make a bargain to save myself and my family,' Arthur thought, not knowing the right answer. Hesitant in making a decision, Grand Duke Maldenberg ordered his forces to get ready, they were either going to fully commit to this assault or prepare to defend an enemy sally forth. His men began to reorganise themselves, tightening their ranks and having the artillerymen prepare their cannons to fire.

There was no movement sighted from the city, no soldiers or war horses could be seen in the distance. Arthur was struggling to predict how the battle had gone inside. He was tempted to march the rest of his soldiers in a check if both forces had killed each other, but the risk was not worth it. Time began to elapse, and a few minutes soon became 2 hours. It was strange that nothing had happened, Duke Vasselle was growing impatient at this fact.

"Grand Duke Maldenberg, let me lead half these men into the city to assess the situation, it is most likely they all died, including our men in the process. Instead of waiting here twiddling our thumbs let us actually check or at the least send a scouting unit," Duke Vasselle said in a confident tone.

Arthur was sceptical but agreed to send scouts. To be on the safer side, Arthur sent 1,000 cavalrymen to comb the entire city to make sense of what was happening inside. Nervously, the cavalry rode through the open gate and began to scour the city.

They were met with the gruesome sight of all the carnage that was left in the wake of the battle. Piles of bodies were erected, and the once grey cobblestone roads of the city were now a bloody red. Mutilated body parts and entrails were scattered endlessly. The number of familiar faces in the dead was soul-crushing for the scouting cavalrymen, their morale sinking the further they explored the city.

As they all converged on the city centre, the Luxenberg army was waiting for them, still in their defensive position. Alarmed by the presence of the defenders, the cavalry who were sent to scout tried to escape and avoid entering the firing range. Alas, they were already in range of the cannons and infantrymen. Brutally, the Luxenberg army devastated the scouts in a matter of seconds.

Many of them were wiped out in the initial volley; the rest scrambled to escape and report back their findings. While trying to flee, Luxenberg skirmishers were able to pick off a few of the retreating cavalrymen. Out of the original 1,000 cavalrymen sent into the city, only 350 were able to return.

Duke Vasselle, who originally volunteered to lead a force into the city was secretly relieved that he had not been ordered to follow up on his offer, if he did, there was a likely chance he would have died in Archenshien. 

When the cavalry reported to Arthur the captains all explained that the roads leading into the city centre had been fortified and were used as killing fields. They recounted the disturbing sights of their dead comrades and how gruesomely they were annihilated. One thing they could not accurately confirm was the amount of soldiers remaining on the Luxenberg side. There was not enough time to accurately assess the enemy.

Grand Duke Maldenberg was stuck at a crossroads, the next decision he would make could possibly seal the fate of his family and legacy. Debating about what to do, he remembered the battle report from his son's failure at Brathurst-Fulkliem. In the heat of battle, his son wanted to unleash cannon fire on the enemy even with his own soldiers in the firing line.

Brewing an idea in his head Grand Duke Maldenberg turned to his adjutant who was in command of the artillery. "Have all the cannons pushed forward and prepare to begin a bombardment," he said in a low and serious tone.

The adjutant who was slightly confused turned to Arthur and asked, "Why would we push our cannons further away from our defensive line? If the enemy sallys out we would be swamped sooner and have less time to properly prepare the cannons."

Arthur shot the man a frightening scowl and replied, "Do not worry about them sallying out. We will destroy the city with them trapped in it. All cannons are to use every available munition. We can rebuild the city after we pry it away from Victor Luxenberg's lifeless hands." 

Many of the advisors were mortified at their lord's intentions. Grand Duke Maldenberg's idea was met with heavy resistance. Many of the men in his army had family in the city and also were residents. They would be forced to destroy their homes and kill their loved ones.

For a Grand Duke who was despised by his citizens, this was a new level of tyranny. Duke Vasselle, who was not even from the Maldenberg realm protested against Arthur's intentions. He would find that his army would revolt at such an order, they might even hand him over to the Luxenberg army along with his family who were present in the camp.

"My lord, you will not find a single soldier in this army who would comply with such an order. They will turn on you instantly," stated one adjutant. 

"If you give the order, all our heads will be on spikes, mine, yours, your family's. I urge you to reconsider," chimed another adjutant.

"If you are serious in your intent to bombard your city, I will take what is left of my soldiers and return to hopefully defend my own territory that may or not be taken. My advice to you Grand Duke Maldenberg, return to Duke Braun's realm, he had no heir or family, so claim it as your domain," Duke Vasselle said in an icy tone.

No matter the pleas from his inner circle, Grand Duke Maldenberg was dead set on taking this city. His family had ruled this city for over a century, his family held the title of Grand Duke for over 70 years. He did not want to be the man in his bloodline who lost their home.

"The next person to defy my orders will be executed on the spot. Do I make myself clear? Push the cannons forward and prepare to bombard the city," Arthur said in a domineering and malicious tone. The adjutants tried to refuse the order but quickly fell into submission when they saw the Grand Duke unsheath his sabre from its scabbard. 

Relaying vague orders to the artillerymen, the cannons were pushed towards the city with no real idea as to why they were doing so. When all the cannons were lined up 300 meters away from the wall the Grand Duke gave a single order.

"Fire into the city!"