Jacque and Veronica celebrated that they could be together, while Victor and his subordinates mulled over what should be done. "The blowback from both the commoners and nobles will be substantial when they find out about the couple and their baby conceived out of wedlock. Schwarzenberg, Bessières, do you have any ideas?" Victor asked in a serious tone.
The two commanders pondered on possible solutions that could lessen the political damage or justify their relationship. Marshal Bessières was the first to suggest a course of action. "Your sister has expressed that she would willing to be stripped of her title if it meant she could be with him. Why not falsify a report she was abducted and let her retire to the countryside in Haussen or Gamburg."
Victor nodded, it was a feasible solution, yet he was reluctant to go to such lengths. He loved his sister and did not want her to live in seclusion. Turning to Field Marshal Schwarzenberg, Victor awaited his idea.
"Could we perhaps elevate his status? If he is an orphan, then there is a chance we could claim that he is the heir to a fallen family's land. After learning about the lineage and history of each city in our domain, there are a total of 5 cities that have had their original rulers exterminated. Sardia, Leibenzig, Haussen, Gamburg and Bourbon," Schwarzenberg stated.
Victor stroked his chin, it was a viable option, especially if they claimed that Jacque was the bastard son of Harold Cruyff. Jacque definitely looked the part of someone from that family, his red hair and golden eyes were the signature physical features of the Cruyffs.
Turning to Jacque, Victor began to interrogate him about his origins. "From what Veronica explained about you, I hear that your mother was a singer and musician who performed all over the continent. Do you know anything about your father?"
Jacque shook his head, "No, my lord. My mother did not tell me much about him. All I know is that some fancy bastard forced himself upon her and I was the result of that. She did not say where I was conceived, but she fled to Hannover to reinvent her life after that incident. Sadly, she died when I was 13, never telling me about my father."
Veronica comforted him, while Victor contemplated if he was truly the bastard son of Harold Cruyff. 'It is not impossible, Harold was the type to be such a disgusting man. No one from that family can contest the authenticity of such a claim. Even if he is not a bastard son of Harold's, he definitely looks like a Cruyff,'
Being decisive, Victor gazed at the couple and asked, "Are you ready to risk both your reputations for your love?" Swiftly they nodded, their love for each other was clear as the water in the Hessen River, but Victor needed to be certain that they had the resolve to follow through with his plan.
"Jacque, do you know who the previous rulers of Sardia were? They were the Cruyffs, famed for their saint-like golden eyes and fiery red hair. They were the first family I wiped out, no living member survived after I took the city. At the moment one of my generals is governing the city, but there is no noble family to rule it."
"I would like to propose that I elevate you to a duke, you would be my vassal, and my sister would be your duchess. However, due to the hatred I bear for that family, I would ask that you adopt a new family name and coat of arms. Would you be willing to accept such a responsibility?"
Jacque knelt before Victor, "For your sister, I will take on this responsibility. You shall be my master and your enemies shall be mine. I swear my undying obedience to the Luxenberg family and will act according to their will."
Victor was satisfied with Jacque's enthusiasm and resolve in his response. Victor bore a faint smile and turned to Field Marshal Schwarzenberg. "We must prepare a ceremony where many people can see me legitimise and vassalize Jacque. It does not need to be extravagant or large, it just needs to have many people witnessing it. The city square will do nicely, we need the masses to see it."
Field Marshal Schwarzenberg nodded and exited the room to immediately prepare for such an event. Victor's attention turned back to the couple on the floor. "Once we have sorted Jacque out we will quickly marry you two, before your pregnancy shows, I am guessing you must be almost 2 months pregnant, maybe even less than that. Veronica I will leave you to tell our grandparents of your actions. Jacque quickly decide on a family name before your ceremony."
They both understood Victor's instructions and nodded before exiting the room. With only Marshal Bessières and a few French Imperial Guard soldiers remaining in the room, Victor let out a long sigh.
"Be honest with me, Jean. What do you make of the man?" Victor said while looking at Marshal Bessières. Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Bessières replied, "He seems brave, passionate and committed. At the same time though, he is unrefined and lacks intelligence. If he could become more well-rounded and show some class, he could prove to be useful."
"I agree, he does lack the qualities of a noble. During the time leading up to his ceremony, get Florence and Sebastian to teach him the ways of being noble. If they can at least get him to an adequate standard then he should be fine in the short term," Victor stated.Bessières agreed with Victor's idea of having Florence and Sebastian teach him the basics of being a noble.
With a rough plan, everyone began to work. Schwarzenberg decided on holding the ceremony in 2 weeks while anticipating holding a small wedding for the couple a month after the event. Victor dispatched messenger pigeons to General Bertrand, General Vandamme and Cedric Dupont, inviting them to swiftly visit Hannover. They would hopefully all arrive in time for a wedding in 6 weeks.
Veronica sent a letter inviting her grandparents, uncle and cousin to Hannover, for some urgent busines. She knew she had to tell them this news in person. Not only because she loved and respected them, but because dropping such a bombshell on them through a letter would be insensitive.
Just like that 2 weeks breezed by and now Jacque was about to become a duke.