Sleep eluded me last night. I hated how this was slowly becoming a habit, I needed a way to stop it.

I stood in my balcony as I watched the sunrise over the horizon, I couldn't shake off that ice cold feeling when I shook lady Margaret, perhaps it was just my mind playing tricks on me.

Yeah, it was probably that.

I strode to my table where the glass box stood, Regina still slept, her breathing soft, at least she didn't have trouble sleeping.

Alice entered, she came early this time, perhaps security in the city had lessened, I'll probably ride to Sundara tomorrow, finally.

"It's a good day isn't it?" she beamed.

I rolled my eyes, but didn't let her see "Good morning to you too"

"Forgive me my lady, good morning," she said "We'll get to hear Lady Margaret sing"

I ignored her last statement, "A great accomplishment indeed"

After my warm bath, Alice served breakfast in the dining suite, warm bread, oats and bacon. I ate greedily, but strangely missed my usual breakfast companion.

I walked away from the suite, and to the little black box on the desk where I usually kept Regina's mouse and picked one by the tail.

White as snow this one was, and I suspected it might have red eyes too. It was long dead, curtesy of the castle's rat catcher. I felt nothing as I opened the glass box and dumped it inside, watching Regina swallow it whole.

Hours still remained until we would be cramped up in the hall to watch lady Margaret's performance, no matter how much I didn't want to. Amenadiel and I walked to the training yard, it seems we both needed to swing at something because Robert had pissed him off too.

"What did he say to you this time?" I asked unimpressed, Robert always had something pouring out of his gutter of a mouth, some side remark or some petty statement.

Amenadiel discarded his cape on the floor "I do not wish to say" and I pressed on no further.

He unsheathed his sword, blade glistening in the sunlight, and in turn I unsheathed chaos and readied myself for his attack.

He struck from above, and I parried his attack with chaos and moved to the side and used the pommel of the sword on his waist, causing him to stumble forward.

I stopped, and so did he "I know I want to beat you in a fight so bad, but this isn't you."

His breath was ragged, but he didn't say anything "What exactly did Robert say to you?

This was not a request, but an order.

Cold rage coursed through me as I rode tyrant through the city and to the southern gate where I knew Robert listened to reports from the men patrolling the border. The streets were filled with people walking around attending to their daily business, I rode past clothing stores and markets, past a wooden stand where a man was trying to sell half rotten oranges and apples to whom may be interested.

I tossed him a silver moon coin and rode by.

I dismounted tyrant few steps away from the large gate and there he was, talking to his men, exchanging information I did not care about as I stomped my way to him.

He smiled slyly "Your highness, what a pleasant surprise" I did not have time for pleasantries.

"Save it bane" I spat, voice low and even.

I gave the other soldiers a cold stare, anyone with a brain would know that it meant that you should fucking leave. They only did when Robert nodded to them.

I glared at Robert, my hand resting on the hilt of my sword. "So, what do I owe the pleasure of-"

I didn't let him finish. With a swift, precise motion, I struck the pommel of chaos against his ribcage, exactly where I had hit him the last time. The satisfying crunch of bone and muscle was music to my ears.

Robert's eyes widened, and he doubled over, gasping for breath. He stumbled backward, clutching his side, his face pale and sweaty. I smiled sweetly, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over me. "This should teach you to hold your tongue bane. Speak to Amenadiel the way you did today again, and you'll be having a black eye to match your broken rib."

Evening had come and so did Acrisius, when he walked into my chambers I held back the urge to wrap him in a tight hug. Luckily he didn't hold himself back.

"How was your ride? And the meeting?" he gave me that broad smile I knew him by, the same one he had growing up "I got the deal!" he declared, and my heart leaped for joy. I was proud of him.

"This deserves a celebratory drink don't you think?" I said as I walked to my cupboard and brought out a black glass bottle of wine.

He brought two goblets, and I poured into them, only stopping when he demanded.

We drank to our hearts content for his victory, while I updated him on everything that happened in the castle since he left.

"Tell me you'll escort me to the celebration" I asked, not wanting to stomach the idea of being there without him. "And miss the legendary Margaret of Trova sing? Never!"

It brought me some delight at least, and whatever made me wary about the singer disappeared, simply because Baron Acrisius Darrowmere was here.

My cousin left to change and promised to be back in time to escort me to the hall.

I wore a sleeveless velvet gown and tied a scarf of the same color around my shoulders, my silver pendant hung around my neck, completing my attire.

I tossed two mice into the glass box and watched as Regina swallowed one whole and saved the other one for later. Smart girl.

A knock came and Acrisius walked in wearing a black suit, his brown hair combed neatly.

"You look good" he said "Right back at you cousin" I responded.

Amenadiel stood at the ready as the door to my chambers opened, his expression was better than it was this afternoon, and I was glad of it. "I see you're in better spirits Amenadiel" I mused,

"It's all thanks to you, your highness" smiling, I took Acrisius' hand and walked to the hall to watch Margaret sing.

The hall was not as much of a grand affair as I had envisioned, perhaps they wanted to keep it small because it was a gift for the kings betrothed.

Lords and ladies of the kingdom filled the benches in the hall, so did the food that was served filled their plates. Everyone murmured in anticipation, waiting for the appearance of lady Margaret.

There were two empty seats towards the end of the high table which Acrisius and I decided to occupy. Servants walked around filing the cups of the other nobles, all except Alice, who works only for me.

Duke Herbert and Melissa sat side by side, with my mother at his left. When we took our seats, leaving the grand brown chair in the middle empty, waiting for the king.

The trumpets blew melodically, everyone stood, and Ramiel walked in, his cape flowing in the wind, and the moon crown placed neatly on his brow.

He stood in front of the table and faced the crowd "This is the beginning of a new dawn for our kingdom, one which will grant us many pleasures. It has surely granted me the pleasure of being betrothed to the most beautiful lady in the kingdom," Melissa smiled at the compliment. "But few can compare with the honor of introducing the lady Margaret of Trova"

The room was filled with applause, as lady Margaret emerged and stood in the center of the room. She wore a beautiful golden dress which reflected the lights that surrounded the room.

The guitarists at the side of the room began playing, followed by the pianist, and the famous lady Margaret of Trova began to sing.