The torches of the soldiers performing their nightly patrol could be seen from my balcony, the sound of their boots under the mud a disgusting sound.
Acrisius and I went over the very brief and simple plan. He and I would ride a carriage outside the city under the guise of him going to Temeria to meet the leader of the farmers guild.
From the capital, Temeria would be less than two weeks on horseback. Amenadiel and Acrisius would stop at an inn close to Sundara while I ride ahead.
I wore a simple attire, my waist length hair tied in a braid. I had donned a black cloak to help me blend better in the night.
Regina had been hissing way too much, not as she does when she's hungry. I walked to the desk and tapped the glass box lightly "I'll be back soon girl, I promise" I said to her, in hopes that it would calm her down, it didn't.
I opened the box and placed my hand inside, I felt a welcome shiver as she wrapped herself around my wrist, then and only then did the hissing stop. "You want to come with me?" another hiss, "Fine, but you'll have to be silent" I told her, and I could swear she winked.
Amenadiel escorted me close to the northern gate where Acrisius waited inside a black carriage.
"Ready for this?" he asked, as he offered me his hand. I smiled and took it.
Amenadiel was the coachman, the horses that pulled the carriage were tyrant and another horse from the stables. We arrived at the northern gate, when two guards stopped the carriage.
"Let me do the talking" he whispered, and I let him. Because if I were to do it, what would leave my mouth would not be pleasant.
We opened the window of the carriage, the cold air creeping in "I have urgent business in Temeria" he said, but the guard remained unconvinced "I have a meeting with the head of the Farmers guild, and I must be there soon"
The guard spoke then "This late into the night baron?"
I had a feeling Acrisius was about to explain things we hadn't spoken about, so I decided to save him the trouble. I removed my hood and spoke "You do realize who you are talking to do you not? Let me refresh your memory, this is Acrisius Darrowmere, baron of Sundara and Temeria, unless you wish to inquire my wrath, you best let us through!"
The guard shivered at my words and dipped his head "Apologies your highness, baron" he nodded to the guard at the gate and the gate was swiftly opened.
The creaking of the wheels against the ground filled the space, we had put some distance between us and the capital "You really scared the shit out of that guard" I chuckled, remembering how the guard had shivered at my words.
"He was wasting precious time," I told him "and I need to be back to the capital by morning"
He nodded in understanding "I'll return later in the evening"
Half an hour had passed, and we arrived at the inn, it was a two-story building made of wood, light came from inside, meaning there were people inside. We stepped out from the carriage and wrapped my cloak around me "Are you sure you'll be okay on your own?" Acrisius asked, I nodded "I'll be fine"
I walked to the front of the carriage where Amenadiel was already removing the straps binding tyrant to the carriage "You should at least take me with you, your highness"
I stood beside tyrant and rubbed his mane "I'll be fine Amenadiel, I have chaos" I told him, revealing my sword hidden beneath my cloak.
I mounted tyrant and nudged him forward, he galloped at his usual speed, the wind kissing my skin as we made our way to Sundara.
Forty-five minutes of riding and we arrived the city gates, or whatever remained of them, the houses looked as worn as they did the last time I was here, except the air didn't smell like shit.
I took me a minute to realize it, but the streets were cleaner, and scaffolds were raised around few buildings. Acrisius had begun reconstruction.
I steered tyrant left, toward the large house where I had been anointed, where Eleanora Shadowbane died, after spending nigh a century waiting for me.
The doors of the large house had been fixed, it no longer hung from its hinges, I twisted the doorknob and pushed.
The interior had been cleaned and the dust had been cleared, though it was still not furnished apart from what was here the last time I visited, a large mirror and a cupboard. Regina hissed in my pocket, and I removed her, I guess she was tired of being cramped up.
I ascended the stairs and walked to the room where I met Eleanora, hopefully that's where Kaida was.
Kaida Blackwood stood in front of the window, her hair being blown by the breeze. She did not notice my presence until the door slammed shut behind me.
Her eyes grew wide with surprise, and she quickly sank to her knees "High priestess" she whispered.
I smiled at her "There's no need to do that whenever we meet you know"
She rose to her feet "It is very necessary my lady, I am sworn to you" she declared.
I sighed "Very well"
Kaida brought a wooden chair, and I sat, wiggling my toes inside my boots. Regina hissed, and I knew she was hungry. I stood up and set her on a table behind me, I pulled a black pouch from my pocket where a dead mouse lay and fed it to the snake. Kaida's eyes grew wide once she set her eyes upon Regina
"I am guessing you know what kind of snake she is? Because I don't"
She nodded "That, my lady is a Nathaire snake. One of the rarest snakes in existence, they are said to be intelligent, and their venom does not kill, but causes pain beyond comprehension"
I looked at Regina, who was halfway done swallowing the mouse I had given her, I hope she doesn't get hungry soon, because I only have one left.
"I assume you did not come here to learn about snakes" she asked.
I chuckled "No, I want you to teach me magic"
Her eyes gleamed in excitement, as if she had been waiting to do this for the longest time, she excused herself and went to the back room which I hadn't noticed.
She emerged with three large books and a smaller one on top of it, she set the books on the table. She looked at me and smiled.
"Shall we begin?"