[ Chapter II (2): "POMONA SPROUT" ]


[ Chapter II (2): "POMONA SPROUT" ]

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Felix could be seen waving his wand over the air, using his magical affinity to the limits. Rearranging, expanding, and giving the Hogwarts Castle a makeover. This being the 43th room — the Alchemy Class.

It being one of his subject rooms made him careful, and attentive on each and every single tiny detail about the future room of his students.

Alchemy products some he created, some he merely copied from his original world could be seen being floated and lined up carefully on the side.

Nitpicking details here that he didn't want, upgrading the room so that it's sizes increases even though it looks the same on the outside.

A daunting task, truly, but he slightly loves it. After all, it's for the students of his, and the joy in seeing them smile and actively learn made his heart happy. Made the pain worth it in the end.

But, nonetheless after a few finishing touches he was finally satisfied, finished with cleaning, improving, and adding new products inside the room.

Having finally completed all the tasks that his Deputy Headmistress had given him.

What do you mean the Headmaster position is higher than the Deputy Headmistress? In the case of Felix Harp, that sounded like bullocks.

Wanting to beat up the guy who said that, if he had known that this was the task of being a Headmaster then he wouldn't have taken this godforsaken position. Damn it!

Closing the door of his classroom with a wave of his hand, Felix made his way out. Into the corridors which are decorated with paintings, suits of metallic armor, and antiques all around. All being non-magical as of yet, but soon they'll be enchanted.

Felix muses to himself, thinking of what he'll eat in the Great Hall. Multiple options flashing inside his head as his mouth slightly salivates. The slave-like tasks given to him by McGonagall causing his body to be sore all-over; and not the good kind.

He looked in front of him and noticed a petite figure carrying a stack of heavy-looking books. Her curly brown hair being hidden by a tall witch hat, her figure moving side-to-side due to the heaviness. In an instant, Felix recognized who this was.

[ "Pomona, what are you doing here?" ]

Pomona Sprout. The Herbology, and Care of Magical Creatures Professor — while also being the first-ever House Head for Hufflepuff in this version of Hogwarts.

[ "Huh what-?" ]

In hearing a loud voice she abruptly turned to the noise, startled slightly, which caused the books that easily overshadowed her to topple-off to the side. But thankfully it was stopped by magic. By Felix who is pointing at the books.

[ "Hi Pomona." ] Smiling, he waved at her. Feeling the fatigue that have been spreading throughout his body to slightly disappear. [ "You should really be careful, clums." ]

With a motion of his fingertips the books stacked themselves by width, splitting into two as he walks near her. [ "F-felix!" ] Her eyes slightly shines bright in seeing her friend, one of her closest friends in her school days.

[ "Where to?" ] Felix asked, which was answered back by Pomona by her pointing at the stairs not-so-far away. [ "Gre-greenhouse one..." ] Greenhouse it is.

Felix continued walking closely behind the witch, behind him are the books of Sprout's. Glancing at it, he could notice that it all relates to Herbology, with only three being different which is about Magical Animals.

Huh, she really loves Herbology doesn't she?

Felix and Sprout didn't talk throughout the way, awkward silence palpable to the both of them as they are both not good in communication. To Felix it's fine, as he uses his magic to gloss over the books she's studying. For Sprout on the other hand...

W-what should I do?! Start a conversation damn it. He is reading about Flesh-Eating Trees of the World, your favorite Pomona, what are you doing?! No, wait, it'll sound weird, no, don't!

Turmoil, inside her thoughts of an angel and a demon version of her silently whispering to her ears. One wanting for her to make a move, strike a conversation — the angel. And the other telling her the plausible downsides, and repercussions, the devil.

Start a conversation with him!

You'll only embarrass yourself, don't!

Ughhh. Inside the young shy Pomona's head is full of contradictions, that is of course other than Herbology. Gathering her power, her strength, her will, she decided that she'll strike a conversation with her idol. Her Headmaster.

She looked up at him, briefly, with Felix very focused on reading a book while he uses her as a guide, not even caring if he trips or falls. Felix noticed her gaze and looked at her curious, with her turning away quickly, focusing her attention on the stairs below. Blush hidden on her face.

Pomona have never been so thankful of her hat before as she did now.

She kept looking down at her shoes, at the floor, at the stairs. Turning left, with Felix following suite. Inside her mind is multiple ways to start a conversation, until finally she gained enough confidence to start a conversation with him.

[ "Fe-felix wo-" ] But was abruptly stopped when she noticed her Headmaster's gaze focused on the door in front. Of the 26th room of the Hogwarts Castle — the greenhouse one room.

And before she could notice it, her books have already floated inside the classroom which was turned by her, and by her magic to be a greenhouse-like environment.

Her opportunity of striking a conversation with him slipping by the time. [ "Hmm?" ] Felix who was too engrossed by his reading didn't heard her talking to him in her barely audible voice, so, he looked at her, curious.

But Pomona who is too shy at this point pushed him out the room, [ "N-nothing." ] locking the doors in front of his face as she does so.

Leaving the said Headmaster to look at the wooden door of room 26 in confusion. Scratching his head all-while unbeknownst to him Pomona clutch her chest opposite to the door, her face fully read.

[ "T-that was close." ] Having finally sight in relief. Her opportunity to get close to him having gone by.

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[ WRITTEN: 01/05/2025 ]

[ POSTED: 01/05/2025 ]