Act 3
Even a Heroic Spirit in a girl's love story
A light――――
Despite the light having faded, occasionally, a dazzling light flares up. A concrete material floor
that was made to falsely look like bricks will shave by itself. A high pitched metallic clanking noise
echoes after a slight delay. At the same time, an exceedingly brutal impact shoots through the area,
breaking and scattering the thick trees as if to express the "Wind." in one word.
The green leaves soar. Pieces of bark go flying about. Street lights smash.
At the corner of the dark downtown high-rise area.
There's not a soul, to witness that scene.
Even if someone on the off chance suddenly happens to pass by, in the eyes of ordinary people, it'd
probably be difficult for them to guess what was is being carried out here.
At the base of a high-rise building very separated from the JR Ikebukuro station. In the darkness of
a city late at night, who would've thought, regardless of whether it is reflected in their eyes or
not――――that there would be two shadows who were knocking blades while colliding at such
super high speeds that their visual information couldn't be recognized by the minds of ordinary
As one witnessed this, who could believe it.
Could it be, that this.
Lancer: "Just as I'd expect from the first ranked Servant."
A voice, resounds. One of the figures, completely stopped in their tracks. Showing themselves.
They muttered. While lightly, taking a huge metal mass that was easily probably more than their
own body height in one hand――――
Lancer: "That's quite a sturdy blade you got there. And yet its quick, precise, with not so much as a
crack in it."
Lancer said.
Yes, a "lance."
One that's too long.
Too large.
The metal mass which has a spread shape like a blade with a wide tip, is an object that can only be
seen in this current 20th century in records such as in books and films, or in the inside of a museum.
Spanning a long time since before the Christian Era up to modern times, it was positioned as an
important weapon in the conflicts of mankind, and it is an item that many brave warriors entrust
their lives to, one that has continued to take lives.
A long-handled blade.
A flower of the battlefield.
In other words, "a lance."
Lancer: "Surely..."
It was a bizarre scene.
At the side of the Sunshine 60 which is the largest skyscraper building in Ikebukuro.
Under the overhead structure of the Shuto Expressway which even now has a few vehicles
occasionally running across it.
A woman wearing steel armour, holds her excessively long and very large "lance" as so.
Lancer: "Surely, you are a hero with some renown, yes?'
――――Yes, she was smiling as she was mumbling it.
'I see, so it's a lance huh?'
'Let's see how great this lance is.'
No matter what sort of event the Holy Grail War which is performed by using 7 Heroic Spirits was,
basic requisite knowledge has been automatically granted to me by the Holy Grail. A clash of
magic by mages, a clash of enormous powers between fellow Heroic Spirits', and the embodiment
of their special moves and miracles that's spoken of in heroic epics. Is it a wonder that twists even
the laws of physics, a reiteration of a myth or maybe even a type of violation towards the world?
The girl before my eyes, holds her huge lance in one hand, and makes it to spin lightly around and
around. Although its appearance could generate an illusion that would make one question whether
it is made of paper, I can already grasp, the weight of the lance and where the huge blade that can
be easily mistaken for a large shield make its tip with my body.
A heavy lance.
That surpasses human wisdom.
It probably, easily exceeds 100 kilograms.
Though that's unlikely even if a portion of the grip is made up of a large steel lance. If that's the
case, then a lance that huge and excessively heavy is likely an item that surpasses the natural laws.
Truly, it is the most fitting weapon to be held by the Heroic Spirit of the Lance.
???: "I see."
The admiration in his heart――――he'll let it ride on his voice. With a figure that's cladded in
armour shining in blue and silver colours. He――――Saber while drawing back his right foot, will
lower the tip of his "sword" to his back.
It's one of his specialty stances.
In modern times, the opportunity to even swing it on the battlefield has long since gone
already――――so yes, he'll show, that he can "adopt" his "sword" which should already be a
weapon of the past like her lance, with both hands like this.
In order to fight. To cross blades. To face-off against an opponent who carries a lance and
imminently stands in his way.
At the base of the high-rise building which boasts a surface height of roughly 240 metres. In the
middle of a plaza that was built with fake bricks and made to resemble a mid-size public park at
first glance, on truly bad scaffolding, where many loose steps overlapped. Standing on the stairs a
few steps ahead of him, and facing the enemy who is looking down at him...Was a woman who
suits the silence of the night.
Long hair won't necessarily become a shackle on the battlefield, so is it a display of her ability and
A woman of the lance.44
There was one female lance user amongst my comrades in my training days, but it's like her
fighting style differs from hers.
Nothing also came to mind from his actual memories about her armoured attire either.
This means that she's a Heroic Spirit from a foreign country that's not Britain.
Saber: "Your sturdy lance is mighty indeed, 4th ranked Servant. Lancer."
Lancer: "Oh, so I've been discovered."
Saber: "Unlike mine, yours was easy to discern."
Lancer: "I guess so. Though it's quite lamentable that you won't do me the favour of showing me
The woman weakly smiles.
Yes, his sword certainly cannot be seen.
It's an invisible sword after all.
I'm concealing the sword's true form by manipulating refracting light, with a huge volume of air or
wind that can be gathered and trapped from its surroundings. Thus, if it's from Lancer――――the
lance-using Heroic Spirit, then it means, that she is marking the warrior who possesses a perfectly
transparent and unclear weapon as her enemy.
Lancer: "It's a difficult item you use. Your invisible weapon, I mean."
Saber: "I'll accept your surrender at any time. A knight by nature, is someone who doesn't swings
his sword at a lady.'
Lancer: "Oh, you're so kind."
The woman, doesn't relax her smile.
Lancer: "If you insist on being so kind to me, like this――――"
The woman moves.
No, the warrior moves.
How much significance does gender difference have in this place? None.
His opponent is a Heroic Spirit. For the manifestation of a legends itself who has carved their name
in the intervals of history and even throughout time, leaving themselves in the memories of people,
such a small thing has no significance at all. What's there, is just, a miraculous power that comes
from having manifested like this, a defiance to the laws of physics, and an overwhelming
Is that a figure of a huge lance, or a metal clump, in the gentle fingertips of Lancer who is
approaching him at ultra-high speeds?
The ultra-heavy lance which is being played with lightly in her hands just before, has now
disappeared. Was she using wind prana like Saber, some sort of magic, or something brought by
the effects of her supernatural legend?45
All of that is wrong.
She's simply, just fast.
It is certainly, quick, as it turns guided by Lancer's palm and fingertips, lightly being handled more
than a feather from a bird fluttering in the sky, and going no further than to raise its speed to an
invisible level.
Lancer: "How troubling."
She releases her voice at the same time as her voice. Perceiving it, she released 5 strikes roughly at
the same time. The huge lance which was turning at such a high speed that it had been further raised
beyond its limits, attacks him, 5 times.
Straight after that, came 5 metallic clanks.
Saber received Lancer's 5 consecutively released lance strikes, with his own sword, direct from the
front. His authentic invisible sword blade, deflects the 5 pseudo-invisible strikes with ultra-high
speed. An immediate response to its super-heaviness and ultra-high speed. A treason against the
natural laws of physics which is similar to taking a bullet that has been rapidly fired, but that is a
Heroic Spirit, that is a being called a Servant who fights seeking the Holy Grail.
Blade and a steel blade colliding at high speed. At roughly the same time, a shockwave erupts
through the pair's surroundings.
It smashes the imitation bricks.
And one by one, shatters the scarcely surviving streets lights.
Lancer: "Splendid."
Her voice, still has a tinge of a smile there. Without responding, Saber pulls back. Immediately
after, 5 consecutive strikes assailed the spot where he had been standing, leaving very deep claw
marks in the hard-concrete material floor.
A claw.
Yes, a claw.
Already, the lance that Lancer wields has transformed into a "hand." A huge invisible hand is there
at the back of her elegant body, along with sharp steel claws at each one of its fingertips, attacking
the sky silver knight―――― perhaps if there is someone to witness this scene, they'd probably
remember it as a delusion.
The "hand" is attacking repetitively.
A repetitive 5 strikes.
At times Saber evades it, sometimes receives it with his sword, falling back completely.46
Either is perfect.
There's no need to avoid, the usual after-effects of the shockwaves.
But, I must attack at some point.
The reach of the strikes caused by her long-shafted lance is long, nevertheless if she keeps coming
at me with these repeated ultra-high-speed attacks, then it'll be difficult for me to counter-attack
with my blade which has an inferior strike range.
He avoided the five consecutive strikes for a total of 7 times, but straight after that...….
Saber: "――――ngh!"
Saber alters his strike. Although the five consecutive strikes have a wondrous technique to it, it's
too monotonous. Too soft. First, I'll slip pass her invisible "hand" with a paper-thin difference, and
just like that, I'll flash my blade while rotating my body which is covered in silver armour
sideways. And mow her straight down at once.
This sword that's clad in wind, that blade edge, will be swung with one hand, and not with both as
it has been till now. As I let my body turn, it'll be a one-handed blow brought by my half-bodied
stance. This far longer reach than when I use both hands, will reach Lancer's slender body which
ought to be in the shape to protect herself with her huge lance's attack range!
He penetrates her chest armour which appears to be compiled of prana, and in that
instant....Flames danced.
The fire covers Saber's vision. Regardless, he, charges power into the hand that clasps the sword.
And pushes the blade in.
I must pierce the enemy's heart, and cram the tip of my blade into it. But. Her reaction is weak.
Taking a glance, Lancer's figure is largely separated from mine. It's not a range I can reach if I
swing my sword. Again, a distance where I need to shorten the gap.
Lancer: "…...You're rather formidable."
At last, the smile disappeared from Lancer's voice.
Saber: "Is that all you've got? You, the one who has persisted with these all too monotonous
Lancer: "Oh, so again, I've been discovered. O' kind one. Is this perhaps an expression of your
mercy to try and end it in one blow, by targeting my heart?"
Saber: "If it's mercy."
Again, he preps his invisible sword.
There are many ways to shorten the gap.
Still, Saber hasn't shown some of his cards yet.
But, it's, probably the same for she who holds the lance.47
There's no way she could've formed her being as a Heroic Spirit, simply by just manipulating an
ultra-heavy lance and making it larger.
The possibility of her concealing her trump card is also very high. For example――――
Lancer: "O' kind one. Kind Servant. If you insist on being so kind to me, then ...."
Like this. She had produced from somewhere, something like a small vial that indeed looks like a
magical item.
Lancer: "It will bother me."
Lancer immediately gulped down, the made red liquid which filled the small vial.
Quietly. Still with her gaze towards him.
One of the multi-residential apartment buildings that is lined up
roughly close to the Sunshine 60 building, Toshima prefecture, Ikebukuro.
A roof which shouldn't have anyone on it.
A time, that's already suitable enough to be called early dawn rather than express it as midnight.
The building which held various business services on each floor is uninhabited on all levels, and it
should have been the same with the roof as well.
However, there is one girl there.
One would probably call it, some kind of――――bizarre scene. The person who shouldn't be there
is there like it's natural for her to be there, and it's the same as the lance user from before in a sense,
however the presences that came with them are different. If the one from before was an aggressive
bizarreness which rips apart those who approach her, then what, is this? How should he express it?
At least for the Saber of this moment, he couldn't find the words to compare it to. Arriving "here"
at the agreed upon spot, he stares back, at the girl's whole smile.
Saber: "Manaka"
Briefly, he calls the girl's name.
Manaka Sajyou.
His master as a Servant.
A magus.
My sole Master, who challenges the Holy Grail War to obtain the Holy Grail with me.48
Manaka, sits quietly on top of a camp sheet that's spread out on one corner of the roof, she appears
to have been waiting for me to come here.
For the moment, she has a huge basket and a portable thermos with her.
Manaka: "You're here right on time. You're so amazing, Saber."
She says, as she pours black tea with rising steam from the thermos into a cup.
Manaka: "Right, I've just about finished making my preparations too. See, will you please be
Radiantly, she calls out to me with such a whole smile.
It's like, like she's a girl of marriageable age who came for a date to a huge park, and decides to
play enough for an entire day off.
It might be that I have these types of strong emotions for Manaka.
I spread out myself on the sheet. Like this, she hands over the warm drink to me.
Manaka: "I took you outside, I somehow exposed you to danger, and I was absolutely against it,
While tilting her head a bit, she smiles.
Manaka: "But. If I had known that waiting together like this would be something enjoyable, then
it's scary."
Saber: "Scary?"
Manaka: "After all, it makes it seem like I want to go out again and again, even though I...."
Saber: ".... That is troubling."50
I retort with my non-deceitful thoughts. It's not that my body is shivering to the coldness of the
night, although the hot tea is pleasant. As I moisten my throat with a gulp of it, I quietly consider,
whether I should somehow admonish my Master for her very ill-advised words. Though the words
didn't come out immediately. After all, I'd just discovered with my body, the other day, that it
wasn't necessarily limited to sending my words from over here to my lovely and even pretty
And then―――
Since it was still dinner, with that, Manaka opens the nearby basket, and starts spreading out the
food she prepared.
There's bread with lots of ingredients sandwiched in it, and something that was flavoured with salt
and rolled up into rice―――
Manaka: "Sandwiches or Rice balls, which do you prefer?"
Honestly speaking, I haven't tasted either of them before.
They're probably dishes from the modern era. I haven't heard of them nor seen them, in my
homeland before.
Manaka: "Have you heard of the Earl of Sandwich? He's Britain's, no your future...no, if you
look at it from now then it's the past, uhh, just forget it, however that noble was the one who
created this. The Earl came up with the idea of it because he wanted to enjoy his games without
taking time out for meal times, and he was kind of a, a strange person, I think."
As she smiles, Manaka gently takes out the bread.
Manaka: "So, this is well. A meal fit enough for a middle of a game."
Saber: "I see."
I bite into the item that had been handed to me.
It's good.
It was an item with toast which had been fried brown on its front and back sides with ingredients
sandwiched into it. The way it was made had fresh vegetables such as tomatoes and fresh lettuce
inserted on either side of the roast chicken and cheese, which was then further inserted into the
toast. The many juicy and fresh tomatoes, very much suits the meat and cheese.
Indeed, I can feel that it's a matching item.
In the era that he once lived in, fresh vegetables were extremely precious items.
However, in this city of 1991 CE, there's no one who'd speak that.
Manaka: ".... Good?"
Saber: "Yes."51
I nod, as I eat.
Although the Earl's name hadn't been attached to it, the custom of eating ingredients inserted into
bread itself was something that had been passed down in Britain, since the time of Ancient Rome.
Saber honestly nodded.
The bread which I eat like this, ever since before I―――
Saber: "I like it."
Since way before.
I've liked it.
Those words of his were not a lie.
Saber who didn't hesitate to mention that he was a king and a knight at the same time, didn't rarely
tell a lie.
So, for now, he'll simply state the facts.
Manaka: "Just...now...."
Manaka, is flustered?
Saber: "Hm?"
Chew chew.
As she stuffs the sandwich into her mouth, she looks at me.
Manaka: "Just, now, I guess…..."
Manaka's cheeks flare up.
Saber: "Hm?"
Chew chew.
Next, I think I'll try eating some of that rolled up rice thing.
Manaka: "I think, I'm just a bit overly self-conscious, I guess."
Like I thought, Manaka's cheeks are red.
This is better.
Yes, he thinks.
For example, this cruel behaviour of hers like when she told her father about tonight's "strategy,"
doesn't really suit a girl her age.
This is better.52
With the healthy red tinging her sweet cheeks. the radiance of a fairy and the brightness of a flower
suits her a lot better than this.
Manaka: "You're so mean. Saber."
Saying that, she puffs up her cheeks as if to sulk.
Manaka pouts her lips.
―――A lovely girl.
'Yes,' Saber thinks from the depths of his heart.
Thus, I am compelled to think of the dangers of her throwing herself into the cruelty of the Holy
Grail War. For example, it's true that even now, in this moment…...The Holy Grail War has
already started.
The first ever historical large-scaled magic war.
A mutual slaughter where magi who wield mysteries and Heroic Spirits who can force even the
most powerful of physical laws to be subordinate to them will kill each other, but…...Even though
it is, she had proved that she could safely go out like this, and so on. However, these actions are far
too dangerous.
More than anything, she's too overprotective of me ---- a Servant.
Until the very end, Manaka had opposed the idea of taking Saber outside. The other day, Manaka
who was unyielding even to her father who was preaching to her about the vitality of tactics and
strategy in the Holy Grail War, and how Servants were their fighting strength and the key to all
their movements, had refused to expose Saber to danger, and stubbornly said this...
Manaka: "I'll do something about it myself."
And thus, there shouldn't be any way for her to survive. If it was your regular magus, then they'd
probably wouldn't even survive for half a day.
She, was special.
Manaka: "That's it!"
Manaka: "I just came up with a great idea, Saber!"
Manaka who smiled as she said this, suddenly, spun around and proposed tonight's patrol. In other
words, it was an active patrol for the other Servants and Masters in this late at night city. Manaka
and Saber would act separately, carry out intelligence gathering, and meet up with each other at this
spot in early dawn. And then…... Of course, he had argued against it.
He had, but Manaka hadn't listened to him.53
Saber: "I confronted a Servant, just now. It's probably―――"
Swallowing the sandwich, I briefly tell her. About the start of the Holy Grail War, and the previous
battle just now. The encounter with Lancer, the fourth ranked Servant. And that after they had
fought for a number, she quickly retreated immediately after having taken something. Whether the
small vial that she produced is her "Noble Phantasm" is still unclear for now.
Manaka: "Hmm..."
Manaka only nods uninterested.
As Saber gently tries to scold her with an "Master if you are separated from me, then you mustn't
take independent action, if our positions were reversed, you would've been exposed to danger," but
she just calmly―――
Manaka: "Fufu, were you worried about me?"
Saber: "Of course I was."
Manaka: "Don't be such a worrywart, Saber. Yep, I wonder if its cause you're kind. But don't
worry. I'd immediately know, if someone was approaching us."
I try to smile and slightly say, "it's not nothing."
Certainly, I know that a barrier has been attached to this building with magic. Although he who is
not sensitive to magic is there, it wouldn't be difficult for a Servant to sense the magic of this place,
after all they are beings who are standing here now because of prana.
There's a barrier here. Additionally, it's not a simple one like one that's been made in a day. It's a
powerful barrier, fitting for a first ranked magus who holds seven feathers. If it's a normal person or
an average magus, they'd wouldn't be able to come up to the second floor let alone the roof.
However, the Servants we confront are all powerful Heroic Spirits.
How far could they get through this modern magus' barrier?
More importantly, the existence of a barrier itself basically shouts that "there's a magus here."
Truthfully, I think that Lancer had probably shown herself, because the magus who is Lancer's
Master had probably sensed the existence of the barrier that Manaka has spread over this building.
Saber: "No, it's too dangerous. Let's say...yes, if it was Servant Assassin."
Manaka: "If it's about Assassin then it's fine. I've came to an arrangement with her, just now."
Saber: "Huh?"
Came to an arrangement?
Manaka: "It's not like I beat her up. But, she's, not our enemy anymore."
Saber : "By, not an enemy. What do you exactly mean by that?"
Manaka: "That I took care of her, silly."54
Without any hesitation―――She said it with an expression that still had the radiance of a
blooming flower on it. In that instant, Saber ponders on her words.
A single magus, against a Servant Heroic Spirit?
I, didn't feel the unique presence of a Servant tonight.
The prerequisite knowledge the Holy Grail brings, right, imprints even the general etiquette of
Servant battles into Saber's mind.
A strange pressure like that of the one that I felt when I faced Lancer, if that is the unique presence
of a Servant, then I can puff my chest out with pride and say that I didn't feel the existence of any
Heroic Spirits besides Lancer at this downtown area tonight.
Of course, considering if it is Assassin who has the "Presence Concealment" skill which allows
them to erase their presence with their own mind then it is possible.
He himself, was also worried about it.
'But, a magus confronting a Servant one on one, and coming out safe.'
It's not something that I can believe so offhandedly.
Even so―――
Manaka: "It's safe here. There are no Servants or Magi within 3 kilometres of the surrounding
I can't feel, the lies, in Manaka's words or eyes.
It was her clear eyes.
It was her serene voice.
And there's...such a loveliness, and, sweetness, in that smile.
Manaka: "Hey, Saber."
There is some sort of passion, there―――
Manaka: "Since I took care of a Servant by myself..."
It was the radiance of a fairy.
The brightness of a flower.
However, would a fairy, or a flower be approaching me like this?
Our distance….
Is close.
As he notices her, the girl's slightly florid cheeks were immediately right in front of Saber's face.55
Manaka: "May I have a reward―――?"
With a voice brimming with hope, Manaka said it thusly. Quietly.
Still with her gaze towards him.
Manaka: "Tha, tha, that's so mean. You're not playing fair. Doing such a...."
With a small voice, Manaka continues saying something while pouting. Whether she didn't have a
problem with that as her "reward" judging by her reaction, is somehow...
For Manaka who set her hands on his shoulders, the action that Saber chose was a kiss.
A kiss.
Gently, to the forehead.
Manaka: "That is, sure, I thought, I thought that, suddenly kissing, somehow, might've been too
fast, but, but, I'm happy, yeah about the forehead, I'm happy you touched it, but, that is, umm you
Embarrassed, and happy.
A girl who gets flustered and turns red.
It pleasantly no further reflects, the state of the small lady.
That is, it seems to be very suitable behaviour, for one her age.
――――This child, is probably pure.
――――That much is certain.
He thinks of a certain colour.
It is, white.
A white that is pure with nothing drawn on it yet.
An untainted white―――
Is it an absolute white, that could paint over all of creation?